Holidays Have Come

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Chapter 37: Holidays Have Come

Winter had finally arrived in the Wizarding World; it began to snow on the Hogwarts grounds and Hagrid brought a big tree in for Christmas. Professor Flitwick used his wand to place the tree in its position and then straighten it. Barely any students were staying at Hogwarts so they didn't get to enjoy these amazing decorations around the Great Hall.

Most students got on the Hogwarts Express to go home for the holidays. Tobias decided to stay because he needed to study for his classes.

"Make sure you study for Potions class. It's important. I gave you all the notes for the lessons we covered so far. If you can keep up, you may have a chance at getting a good score on the end of the year exam." Maddie gave Caleb instructions for the holidays.

He wanted to impress her so he was determined to study over the holidays.

In London, later that day....

Soon, snow covered the streets of London which meant that schools would have to let out for winter and close early.

Once Maddie, Blake, and Kaitlyn arrived home, their mother Courtney offered to take them shopping for Christmas. They would meet their brother, Justin and their father, Alden once they were released from school.

The shopping centres were filled with bustling tourists and families buying gifts for each other. The family split up, considering they couldn't know what the other was giving them. Courtney gave each of them cash to spend on presents which she withdrawn from the bank. She didn't want to use her credit card, knowing that she'd be tempted to look at what they got. She gave them 50$ to spend on gifts for the family. Maddie and Kaitlyn decided to share the money and pitch in on buying the same gift for their siblings and parents. Kaitlyn and Maddie would use enough money but still have enough to buy separate presents for each other.

Soon, London schools had let out for the winter, so children were found everywhere playing in the streets. Justin and their father, Alden came to join them. Snow softly fell as they hugged each other tight in a group hug. A Christmas song was sung by nearby christmas Carolers. The family joined in.

Christmas Canon by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

At the St. Clair Home:
The St. Clair family could be seen sitting around a fire, talking and laughing. Ebony was sitting near her mother, while her brother Benjamin was sitting near their father.

"I've heard you gotten a tutor," Augustus stated blankly after finishing his hot chocolate.

"Yes. I've had some difficulty with Defense Against the Dark Arts," Ebony answered quietly.

"That's quite fine, honey," Amelie replied gently. "I had troubles with it, too. I was more into Herbology."

"It's a fading trade," Augustus dismissed. "Our children need to know how to fend for themselves, not wondering about plants."

"Come off it," Amelie scoffed, now facing Ebony. "What are your strengths?"

"Charms, mostly, but also History of Magic, Herbology, Potions, and a bit of Transfiguration," Ebony answered.

"That's cool, sissy," Benjamin complimented. "I can't wait to be part of it."

"I can't wait too, Ben," Ebony said happily. "I think you're more of a Defense Against the Dark Arts type than I am."

"You need to practice," Augustus announced, standing up. "Come with me to the backyard."

"It's twenty degrees outside, Augustus," Amelie countered. "She'll catch her death, and it's Christmas. She deserves to relax and have fun."

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