Meet the real Authors

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(AN: For this book, Autumn is the author because she's writing about the story 19 years later however she's a fictional character. The real authors are listed below. )

Alyx E

This is the first book that I've ever posted online. I've written multiple scripts in theatre for scenes or one act plays and short stories for school.
I've always loved the Harry Potter movies. I haven't read every book, only up to Order of the Phoenix.

Maddie character (12)

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Maddie character (12)

Maddie Carlyle is basically me. I love to smile, my friends say it brightens their day. I'm kind to those around me. I do get angry at people but it's not common. I have dedication and perseverance which Maddie will display during this book.

Miranda G

Lucy character(16), but pretending to be 13

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Lucy character(16), but pretending to be 13. Later will be known for another name.

Lucy is the character I created due to my love of the British television series Doctor Who. Due to her true identity, I cannot really reveal much, but I can say that Lucy perfectly mirrors me in some ways. I am very optimistic and outgoing. Like Lucy, I love making new friends.

Rest of the Beauvant siblings: Front left to right

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Rest of the Beauvant siblings: Front left to right......First row: Gabe (14) and Aliya (13). Second row: Tristen (16), Samuel (15), and Mary (12). Third Row: Keira (16), Jennifer (17), and Jade (11)

Yes, I know many of you are surprised that my character has EIGHT siblings. But there is a reason for that. Aliya, Mary, and Jade are first years. They are considered to be 11 but their real age is in the caption. Gabe, Sam, Tristen, Lucy, and Keira are second years. Their real ages are in the caption when they are suppose to pretend to be 13. Lucy, Keira, and Tristen are the triplets of the family. Jennifer is a third year. Her real age is in the caption but she is suppose to pretend to be 14. The reason they are hiding their true age will be explained later. I thought that my character would have a twin or something and that was it. But then I realized that due to her biology (which I cannot reveal, sadly), she can have more than one sibling. There is a ninth sibling, not related by blood, who is really a foster child adopted from her homeland who will be included in Year 2. Can't introduce parents yet.

Idalis N

Ebony character (12)

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Ebony character (12)

Ebony St. Clair or EB for short, is a person I feel someone can relate to. She is me; shy, quiet, and someone who believes she may or may not matter. She does grow, as did I. I created her because if I were to go to Hogwarts, I'd be Ebony.  She has a big appetite. I've written stories before, but this is my first fan fiction.

I've never watched the Harry Potter movies until recently when my friends showed me a Potter marathon. I've read EVERY book though!

Joanna B

Autumn character (12)

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Autumn character (12)

The character I created is Autumn Grindelwald, and she's basically just like me. Yes, I'm the narrator in this book. There's a reason which will be explained later. What? Someone has to tell the story.

I wear a scarf around my neck, almost every day. I have brown curly hair, different from Autumn who has auburn hair.

Hope you enjoy this book!

Miranda, Alyx, and Joanna got the idea of making this story when they showed Idalis the Harry Potter movies for the first time. Alyx and Miranda have been planning on doing a co-write but never thought about doing it on Harry Potter and having this many co-writers work on the book with them.

The Untold Story of Hogwarts: Year 1 [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt