Early Sunday Morning

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Chapter 24: Early Sunday morning

Ebony shot up from her bed, disoriented and confused. She examined her surroundings; she was in her room. Lucy was sleeping, peaceful and calm.

How did I get here? Ebony asked herself, as her hands grabbed her school robe. Suddenly, Ebony's face tensed as she began to worry. Where is my schoolwork?

She got out of bed, nearly stepping on Pig's tail. She was relieved to find her homework on her desk in the same order she previously had it in.

On her nightstand, she found a package. She assumed Shadow dropped it off. She looked at the box. It was sent by her mother. Upon finding a spare box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Ebony poured the entire box into her mouth, unfazed by any odd flavors; she was ravenous. She then read her mother's letter:

        Hello Daughter,
I trust you are well. Your father and I are proud of you. Ben sends his regards and wishes to know what the classes are like.

        We know how hungry you get at nights, so you'll find enclosed treats for you. Share some with Pig, but don't eat them all in one sitting.

         We know that you will do well in your classes. You're a smart girl, that's why the Hat put you in the house with all the brains. Your father was a Ravenclaw, too. I was a Hufflepuff.

          Your father is proud of your wand; he just found the materials the day before. He also wants you to mail grades as soon as you get them. I tried telling him that you need some time, but he is adamant.

         Make lots of friends, and be sure to take care of Pig and Shadow. Make sure they stay out of trouble.

                              -Your Family
               Make us proud, Ebony Rose

Lucy slowly sat up in bed, raised her arms to stretch, and rubbed her eyes of slumber. She looked around the chamber and smiled once she saw Ebony awake. She got out of bed, slipping on her slippers. She went next door to see if Tristen and Keira were awake but found them asleep. She slowly shook them awake, whispering Gallifreyan words of affection into their ear. It's their way of waking each other up, both on the SS Harmony and on Gallifrey.

Lucy returned to her room. Ebony looked at her. "How did I get here?" she asked, still somewhat disoriented.

"It wasn't just me, it was Kiera and Tristen too," Lucy answered.

Kiera came in and rolled her eyes and lightly slapped Lucy in the arm, causing her to look at her with a Is that really necessary? look.

"How did I get here?" Ebony asked again, this time more forced.

"We carried you," Kiera responded as Tristen came inside yawning.

"And my homework?" Ebony inquired.

"Brought it all here. It was quite the trek," Lucy said with a smile as Tristen went off and began scurrying away to find her robes. They couldn't reveal to Ebony that they could teleport because in this dimension, it was not possible besides apparition.

"With Pig?" Ebony was slightly suspicious.

"Yep," Kiera answered, popping the 'p'.

"I'm suspicious, but you're lucky I don't have time to worry about that. I need to get into clean robes. Oh, and...thanks." Ebony smiled slightly as she walked away.

Tristen returned into the room.

"No problemo. Now come on, Kiera! Jen told us that she saved us the good seats for breakfast this morning, and it's the good food," Lucy finished as she slipped into crisp new robes and black ankle boots.

"Good food? Yes!" Tristen squealed as she grabbed her book bag and walked to the door.

Ebony, now in clean robes and with her knapsack packed, slipped into a pair of flats, called Shadow who immediately landed on her shoulder. Before leaving, Ebony left a charmed tennis ball for Pig to play with and a self-filling food dish.

They headed to the Great Hall for breakfast and for the rest of the day, they focused on the rest of their homework and relaxed in their room.

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