Diagon Alley

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(AN: My co-writers and I love feedback, please message us!)

Chapter 2: Diagon Alley

The Carlyle family drove to the Leaky Cauldron. They often drive there because they can't use magic around their neighbors as they might become suspicious.

Author's Narration:
"Maddie has brown silky long straight hair, brown round eyes, very light skin color, and inverted triangle body shape. She's 5'4 height. Always has rosey cheeks.

Kaitlyn has long wavy brown hair, brown almond eyes, light skin color, and hourglass body shape. She's 5'7 height.

Justin has short brown caesar hair green almond eyes, and light skin color. He's thin and small because he's often playing video games and has no muscles. He's also still too young to have any.

Blake has brown round eyes, athletic body shape, blonde brushed up hair and light skin color.

Alden wears glasses and often slicks his short dirty blonde hair back. He has grey round eyes, a goatee, rectangle body shape and tan skin color. He is 5'7' height.

Courtney is 5'9 height. She has short blonde hair, brown almond eyes, pear body shape and darker skin color than the rest of the family."

When they arrive, Alden holds his daughters close as the strangers stare at them. The mother holds her son, Justin close to her as Blake walks next to her holding her hand.

The mother opens the secret passage to Diagon Alley. The stones move and the children stare in bewilderment. Blake smiles at his sibling's faces. He's seen this before. They walk inside. Maddie and Kaitlyn gasp as they see all the exciting things around them. They've never see so many wizards and witches hanging out in one place.

"Wow! This is all hidden from the outside world?" asked Kaitlyn, astonished.

"Yes. We don't want people figuring out that Wizards exist. The number one rule is to keep Magic hidden from muggles." said the mother.

"When I met your mother, I knew she was special. Just didn't know how much." replied the father.

The mother smiled at her husband.

"Where are we going next? Textbooks should be last because they must be heavy." said Maddie.

"Nonsense. They are smaller than you think. Muggles have heavier textbooks. I'm surprised they are able to carry them. Besides, we aren't going to any of these places yet. Gringotts Wizarding bank first. I saved up on galleons to pay for your school supplies at Hogwarts. I did the same for Blake and when Justin is old enough, he'll be able to access it." stated the mother in an informative tone.

"And I would help but.....I don't have the right....KIND of money." answered the father with a sad look on his face.

The family walks inside and the children notice the little men with nice suits, pointy ears, long fingers, big nose and pointy teeth. They are curious as to what type of creatures they are.

"What are they?" asked Justin.

"Goblins. Intelligent folk, but never friendly. I'd be silent children if I were you," replied the mother softly.

"I'm scared," said Justin, hiding behind his mother.

"Don't be. Gringotts is one of the safest places in the wizard world. Besides Hogwarts," she responded with a smile.

She approached the Gringotts Head Goblin.

"Name?" asked the goblin, without looking up.

"Courtney Carlyle. I would like to make a withdraw from my vault."

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