Changed My Mind

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Chapter 35: Changed My Mind


Back at the Hogwarts castle, Cedric found Maddie in the Great Hall, talking with Susan and one of her friends in Hufflepuff.

"Maddie!" he called out to her.

She stood up and approached him. The other two girls smiled between one another at the pair.

"Did you enjoy the game? It must of been a really inspirational game for you. I was crazy the way Harry caught the snitch." Cedric began laughing.

Maddie was quiet. She bit her lip, feeling guilty.

"Are you okay? You don't seem too happy," Cedric asked, curious to know how she's feeling.

"I can't do it anymore," she answered with sorrow.

"Do what?" he questioned.

"Quidditch. Thanks for your help but I'm done with Flying. I'm not going to do it again. I'm even going to beg Madam Hooch to let me drop the class," Maddie continued with no regret.

"You can't do that, she'll fail you. Maddie, it's a required class. What happened? I thought you wanted to join the team next year. I thought you loved flying."

"Things change."

"What changed? There's nothing different about-"

"My opinion on the subject did. I'm surprised Cedric, I thought you'd be more understanding. This is something I want."

"Understanding? Maddie, I don't know what you're thinking, but if you give up on flying, you won't want to try new things. You'll-"

"Just drop it. I'm done. My decision is final."

"But Maddie-"

"No. Nothing you say can change my mind. It's over. I'll see you around," Maddie finished while walking out of the Great Hall.

Kaitlyn and Autumn noticed Maddie storm away from Cedric. They followed, curious about to her sudden anger at Cedric.

Everyone was celebrating around Cedric, but he was no longer in the celebratory mood.
He knew he had to do something before she'd regret it forever. If she gave up now, she'll always give up when things get tough. He had to come up with a plan to get Maddie to continue her lessons.


Maddie helped Caleb again with Potions lessons. Since she gave up on flying, she had more time to help Caleb. He didn't understand all of it, but he was getting better.

At night...

Maddie relaxed in bed with a book. Her nightstand light was on as Susan was getting ready for bed. Cedric came to Maddie's window, knocking on the glass.

She looked over to the window once she heard the sudden noise. She saw Cedric sitting on his flying broomstick, pointing to the left.

Maddie didn't understand his signal.
Cedric started to motion for her to come out of her room. Knowing it was curfew, Maddie disobeyed the rules and headed out of her dormitory at night. She came outside the castle to where Cedric had been waiting patiently, feet planted on the ground and holding his broomstick in one hand.

"What are you doing here?" asked Maddie.

"I want to help you," he answered.

"How?" she asked curious.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes..." she answered hesitantly.

He mounted his broom. "C'mon!"

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