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Chapter 25: Flash-forward

(AN: Play Feels like Tonight- DAUGHTRY in background while reading Author's Narration.)

Author's Narration:
"The next few weeks, were long.

In Astronomy class, the students went out every Wednesday night to star-gaze. Caleb and Maddie worked together while Kaitlyn was with me and Ebony was with Tobias. Aliya, Jade and Mary didn't need to look outside to know the star patterns.

In Charms class, the students practiced Lumos Solem and Wand-Lighting Charm. They tried several times before getting it the first time. Soon all the students perfected it, even Tobias who got help from Ebony.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts class, we learned how to cure werewolf bites, go against Gnomes and Doxies, use spells like Knockback Jinx, Vermillious, and Verdimillious. Maddie, Caleb, Tobias and Nadine were the best students in the class. It didn't take them long to perfect the lessons. Ebony struggled but with Tobias's help, she managed to keep up with the rest of the class.

In Flying lessons, the students learned how to hover, how to fall without hurting themselves too much, how to land and turn. Maddie and Cedric practiced almost everyday after classes. Maddie wanted to catch up with the class. She hasn't mastered flying, yet. Cedric lended Maddie his old broom during practices because he admitted that the Hogwarts brooms are not very good.

In Herbology class, students learned the Fire-Making Spell and Severing Charm, as well as how to handle Bouncing Bulbs and Puffapods. Neville didn't really enjoy the class. Cass and Autumn did however. They were amazing students and Sprout was proud of them.

In History of Magic class, we tried to learn Gargoyle Strike of 1911 and Soap Blizzard of 1378, but our teacher often made us fall asleep with his words. The only one who stayed awake each time was Hermione and Ebony.  Everyone else drifted off to sleep on a daily basis. Tobias managed to keep up with Ebony's help. Everyone else was doing poorly but not terrible enough to fail the class.

In Music class, Cedric and Maddie would often sing duets. Cedric and Autumn sing solos but Cedric let Neville take his place from time to time. He wanted to encourage him to be confident on-stage. The class did acapella songs, mashups and sometimes even performed a competition where they battle between two or three groups.

In Potions class, students learned about Aconite, bezoars, some basic details on preparation of the Draught of Living Death such as what would be created if powdered root of asphodel was added to an Infusion of Wormwood, and the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane. This was one lesson. Others were Types of Cauldrons, Types of Vials, Cure for Boils and Antidote to Common Poisons. Snape never showed us mercy with the amount of studying, writing, reading and labs. Maddie loved his class because it was one she was good at. Caleb on the other hand was failing due to......distractions.

In Transfiguration class, The alphabet was taught as well as turning a desk into a pig, but students were not able to practice due to the fact that they need their desks and something could go wrong or the room will be filled with pigs. Either way, not the best class lesson. One lesson was the transformation formula, which is that the intended transformation is directly influenced by body weight (a), viciousness (v), wand power (w), concentration (c), and a fifth unknown variable (Z).

Maddie liked Potions, DADA, Astronomy, charms, and music class. She struggles with flying.

Kaitlyn liked Transfiguration, flying, charms, and music class. She struggles with facing DADA creatures.

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