Classes End

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Chapter 16: Classes End:

After a busy day of classes, all the siblings reunite in the Ravenclaw Common Room for some well deserved "family time." Jennifer, Lucy, Keira, Tristen, Gabriel, and Samuel approached the fifth door corridor that leads into the common room.

The door asked, "Where do Vanished objects go?"

Lucy answered, "Into non-being, which is to say, everything."

The six entered the common room as the door swung open. Aliya, Mary and Jade were waiting patiently inside.

They had a conversation in a mix of Gallifreyan and English as they communicated with their family members aboard the Mothership SS Harmony. Their grandmother and guardian mother are asking questions about how classes are going and how their friends are. The guardian mother also asked them about the secret; and the siblings replied in unison, "We won't tell a soul, we promise."

Once the conversation with the SS Harmony had finished, the siblings returned to tutoring other students in the common room (in English of course) with their homework.


Ebony was seated in the library with her pile of textbooks, quills, inkwell, and parchment. She was clearly immersed in her schoolwork. In between reading required passages, she's taking summary notes on her parchment. Her hand-writing is small, yet stylish.

As she continued, she heard a melody of footsteps, whispers, and books being pulled off of the shelves. Pig rested on her lap, still asleep from the charm.

Once she finished her History of Magic homework, she pulled out a dinner roll taken from the first feast, and began taking small bites.

In a moment, Shadow came in with a letter and package from her mother. The package contained candies and treats for her and Pig. Ebony soon gave her bird the rest of her dinner roll as a thanks before she flew away.


Caleb and Maddie met in the courtyard as promised and Caleb copied her notes. They said their goodbyes and wished each other good luck on finding audition songs.

She decided to visit Neville in the hospital wing before practicing for her audition. As she entered, two boys were already there waiting by his side.

"Hello. My name is Maddie Carlyle," she said while waving.

"Kaitlyn's twin sister?" asked a boy.

"Yes, do you know her?" she asked.

"Yeah, she's our friend. The name is Seamus Finnigan, and this is my friend, Dean Thomas," Seamus continued.

"Hi, there." said Dean.

Maddie smiled. "I just wanted to check up on you, Neville."

"How nice. Nobody has come, except Dean and Seamus, here," commented Neville.

"I wanted you to know that if there's anything you need, I can help you...or if you need a friend," she replied.

"Why? Don't you have friends in Hufflepuff?" he asked.

Maddie shook her head.

"Interesting. I thought Hufflepuff would introduce themselves to you right away because they are the kindest," said Neville, intrigued by this new information.

"Nope. Only one person. Cedric Diggory," she stated.

It was silent until Neville spoke. "I need to catch up with the classes I missed after flying lessons. It was Charms and Music class," said Neville, pondering over about his schedule.

"I have music class too. All we're doing is a audition tomorrow during fifth period. He just wants to see how good we are. The Charms professor is the same one for Music class so you should talk to him about what you missed and tell him why you weren't in class today."

"Thanks for the advise, Maddie. You're truly the kindest person I met so far," replied Neville.

"No problem, like I said, we can talk anytime."

Maddie waved goodbye as she exited the room.

Maddie left and prepared for her audition with Autumn and Kaitlyn in her room. They looked through hundreds of songs. All three found great songs for tomorrow.

"So, I decided that since I did a fantastic job in flying lessons, that next year I'm going to try out for Quidditch to join Blake on the team," replied Kaitlyn with excitement.

This got Maddie's attention. She thought to herself. If Kaitlyn and Blake play Quidditch together, it's another reason why I'm alone. I won't be as close to Kaitlyn as we used to be.

They did everything together, and Maddie was determined to keep that relationship. She just had to figure out how to get better at flying lessons.

The three split up and started to practice singing for their auditions.

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