Common Rooms and Going to Bed

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Chapter 7: Common Rooms and Going to Bed:

"Ravenclaw! Follow me! Keep up. This way. Keep together, now. Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change. Follow me. Don't dilly-dally," announced Jennifer, the prefect.

Her partner, Marcus Turner, was following from behind, making sure there were no stragglers. The Beauvant siblings walked near the front of the crowd behind Jennifer. Once the Ravenclaw students were managed, Marcus soon joined Jennifer near the front.

As the first-year students walked up, they are dazzled by the sight of moving pictures.

"Oh, look! Look! Who's that?" said a student in awe.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" said a painting proudly.

"Each house has a different way of getting in. So don't try getting into other house's common room. You won't be able to get in." said Jennifer.

They walk up to the fifth floor and Jennifer answered, "This is the Ravenclaw Tower. In order to enter the room, a person must answer a riddle asked by the eagle knocker; if they answer incorrectly, they must wait for someone else who gets it right. The riddles will never be the same." Jennifer turned her attention to the door on the wall.

The eagle knocker asked, "Which came first, the phoenix, or the flame?"

Jennifer responded, "A circle has no beginning."

The door suddenly opened and the group slipped inside following Jennifer. Marcus was the last one in but addressed the first years as they were cornered into the center of the common room.

"Gather around here. Welcome to Ravenclaw common room. Boys on the left, girls on the right: up those stairs. Do not. I repeat. DO NOT try to sneak into the opposite sex's section of the tower. There are spells preventing the male students from entering the girl's side," Marcus announced to the group of first years.

A student interrupted the prefects. "Excuse me. Why isn't there one on the boy's side?" He asked.

"Good question. Here at Hogwarts, we don't believe that a girl will sneak into a boy's room, because girls are civilized and we, Ravenclaw, are smarter than that. You'll find all your belongings have already been brought up. You may unpack. Classes will start tomorrow, bright and early. Cheerio!" announced Jennifer as she left the students to get comfortable, eventually joining her siblings by the fireplace.

Marcus joined a group of older students that were discussing something about "big league Quidditch." The other first years dispersed inside the common room.


(AN: For reader's understanding, I placed each character's name inside the conversation even though they aren't properly introduced because it's a lot of people.)

Ebony walked to her dorm. Room 546. As she stood outside, Ebony tried to keep her squirming puppy under control. The puppy soon escaped as Ebony pushed the door open. It jumped on Jade's lap who sat at the window seat. Mary and Aliya look up from their conversation and began giggling; Mary quite loudly, while Aliya was quieter.

"Not again," Ebony groaned, making her way to retrieve Pig.

She is taken aback by the large family, and struggled to tell Jade to hand Pig, her dog back.

"Um...hi. have my dog. Just saying," Ebony stammered.

"Oh, not a problem" the prefect, Jennifer replied with a smile. "We are used to rambunctious animals, aren't we?"

The siblings look up and nod in reply before returning to their conversations.

"Okay..." Ebony said nervously. "Can I get my dog back now? I have to unpack his things."

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