Day Eighteen- Doing something together

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(GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER! Creep... hope you don't know of day 30's topic.)

Aphmau's POV

Me and Garroth are just on a kind of nature walk... in the city... which I totally don't consider as a date or anything... ok maybe I do... maybe I really, sorta, kinda, love him? But I'm hopeless, I have got no chance for him. I've known him for 4 year's now so I've gotten over the stuttering, and so has he. Apparently, according to him, he had a kind of speech problem in which I helped with by hanging out with him so much, he would talk a lot. Me, I didn't have any speech problem's, I just couldn't help but stumble over my words at his hawtness- I MEAN, I DON'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! Wait why am I freaking out? This is just all a convo in my head, which probably mean's I'm insane but love makes you crazy apparently.

Garroth: "Hey, how about we go to some nature walk place?" Like a date? No, Aph, controll yourself.

Aphmau: "Uh... yeah! Sure! I'd love that!" And I love you.

Garroth: "Great! I'd call an Uber but my car and house is just around the corner so there's no reason."

Aphmau: "Really? I wasn't really paying attention to where we were going, I was just kinda following you." Wait, is that creepy?

Garroth: "So you were aimlessly following me? You must trust me a lot."

Aphmau: "Not for a second, too many prank's with you and Laurence."

xX Flashback start Xx

I was walking out my front door, that was slightly open, when all of a sudden my clothes, hair, and whole body was completely drenched and there was a bucket on my head.Garroth and Laurence just laughed.

Garroth: "I'm sorry Aphmau, it was just the perfect hot day for you too cool off."

Laurence: "Considering how hot she is already."

Aphmau: "Laurence..."

Laurence: "Yes?"

Aphmau: "Do I need to release the black mail about you and Katelyn?"


Garroth: "Wow, um... you probably should't put in that much detail, I now know what happened."

Laurence: "YOU WOULDN'T DARE!"

Garroth: "Try me *smile's*"

xX Flashback end Xx

Garroth: "Oh yeah, I remember that! Haha! By the way, you got the copy of the evidence ready?"

Aphmau: "Oh yeah, I got it ready. I'll email it to you as soon as I get home."

Garroth: "Ok. Welp, let's get goin too that nature park for a nature walk!"

xX Time skip to park Xx

Garroth's POV

I am going on a date with Aphmau! Well, not really but, NEVER MIND THAT! I'm going on a nature walk with the woman I love, with all my heart. All the thought's that go through my head, they all have a hint of her. I wish I could tell her but I'm afraid she'll reject me, just as Laurence has been rejected so much by her.

Aphmau: "You know, I think Laurence and Katelyn belong with each other... is it weird to have an OTP with your friend's?"

Garroth: "No, I don't think so. To be honest, I ship Dante and Nicole."

Aphmau: "Haha! Really? Well, my new OTP is now Katence! Katelyn x Laurence!" *dramatic pose*

Garroth: "Hahahaha! Oh my god I can't stop laughing! It's just how serious you made that sound and look, haha!"

Aphmau: "I am serious! Didn't you hear Laurence? She OFFERED for him to practice on her, and HE ACCEPTED! You seriously cant say that there's nothing going on between them right?"

Garroth: "Well, you have a valid point. I actually haven't seen the evidence yet so I cant tell if he enjoyed it or not."

Aphmau: :Oh! That's right! I put it on my phone! Here look!"

She pulled out her phone and I leaned over to look, but tripped over a rock and fell onto her. I stopped myself from fully falling on her with my arm's but I couldn't get up, my body would not let me.

Garroth: "A-A-Are y-y-you o-ok?"

Aphmau: "Y-Yeah..."

I looked into her eye's, and she looked back. I saw a sparkle in her eye, almost like a shooting star.

Aphmau: "Make a wish."

I made my wish, and as I leaned in it came true. We had locked lip's together, making heaven come down and block us out from reality for this one moment to last longer. As we pulled back I asked one question:

Garroth: "What did you wish for?"

Aphmau: "I've made many wishes, but finally one came true."

Garroth: "You know, looking at that photo, Laurence was defiantly enjoying it."

Aphmau: "Haha! So true..."

Garroth: "Aphmau?"

Aphmau: "Yes?"

Garroth: "Can I take you on a proper date soon?"

Aphmau: *smiles* "Yes you can, my Garroth..."

So how did you like it? I'm defiantly improving with my writing skillz. I guess Aph was right about how the more you write the better you get. Anyway since I don't have much else to say, I'm RadioActiveScar and I'll see you in the next one, peace out!

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