chapter five

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Chapter dedicated to : @LovelyLoveBites because of her sweet comment ! It really made my day... and I had a really bad day, so that says something. 

Fay's P.O.V

It's almost six o' clock and I'm still wearing Louis' sweats... I'm such a lazy pig. I slowly get out of my bed, still trying to recover from my horrible hangover, and walk to my big closet. I hope he doesn't expect me to wear something nice, 'cause it will just be some jeans.

I grab the first things I see and get myself in them. Ten minutes later I'm done, really proud of myself that I'm so fast. I hear the doorbell ring and run down the stairs, dad really can't know I'm going on a... date ? No, we're just going out tonight, it's not a date. At least it's not to me. But I'm too late and dad is already asking Harry an ton of question.

''Stop embarressing me father.'' I groan. ''You know the rules.''      

''Dad, I'm eighteen. If I want to I can move out.''    

''What are you trying to say ?''      

''I don't listen to your stupid rules.'' I say and shut the door in his face. ''Rules, huh ?'' Harry grins as we walk to his car. ''Shut it curly head.'' I chuckle and get in his car.

''Still not telling me where we're going ?'' I ask him. ''Correct.''    

''Tease.'' I mumble and buckle myself up. We talk about some random things while driving through town. We end up at a house I recognise from Friday night.

''This is your house, right ?'' I frown.


''Stop saying that, it's annoying.''    

''Correct.'' Count to ten Fay ! I get out of his car and follow him to the front door. The house looks a lot different without passed out teenagers and empty bottles everywhere.

''Wait here.'' He says when we're in the living room and gently pushes me down on the couch. I awkwardly sit there, waiting for him to come back. I thought we would go out ? Would his parents be home ? Or his sibling, if he even has siblings.

He comes back in the living room a minute later with a DVD in his hands.

''Really Harry ? I hadn't expect you to be from the cliché's but you're proving me wrong.'' I chuckle. He puts Bambi in the DVD-player and sits down next to me, 

Harry's P.O.V

Of course she's crying. They all cry when they watch Bambi. This is my chance ! I lay my arm on her shoulder and softly rub circles on her forearm.

''You're doing this deliberately, huh ?'' She chuckles and looks at me.

''Perhaps.'' I shrug and wipe away her tears.

''You can't just use poor Bambi to kiss a girl.'' She chuckles and holds a pillow against her torso, wrapping her arms around it.

''Who said something about kissing ?'' I smirk, raising one brow. She bites her bottom lip and looks at her legs with a soft giggle.

''Well ?'' She looks up at me and her face comes closer to mine. I told you, this always works.

''I'm not the type of girl you usually take home Curly.'' She whispers in my ear and hits me with the pillow.

Damn it.

''Maybe you change your mind after dinner.'' I shrug and get off the couch.

''Can you cook ?'' She asks, following me to the kitchen. ''Better than Ramsey.''    

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