Chapter twenty-two

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I hear the door creak open again. The lights get turned on and I hear the loud footsteps walk down the stairs of the old messy basement. It’s been almost a week since I’m here ! ‘’Good morning Lucky.’’ The psycho man who I’ve been calling my father for way too long evilly smiles at me.

I thought it was just a nightmare when I woke up. I thought I had dreamed that I was on my way to the police and he pulled me into a van, covered my mouth with a tissue with some weird gas that made me unconscious. I mean, wouldn’t you ? Who would expect his or her own father to kidnap him or her ?

‘’How long are you going to keep me here ?’’ I growl, sitting on the dirty and thin mattress like I’ve been doing for almost a week now. It’s a mattress you would take with you when you go camping. ‘’Not long, we’re leaving tomorrow morning.’’ Ben says, handing me a plate of gross looking food. ‘’I’m not hungry.’’ I lie, I haven’t ate anything in days. ‘’Your loss.’’ He shrugs.

‘’Where are we ?’’ I ask him for the first time. ‘’Grandpa Joe’s house.’’ He calmly answers, much to my surprise. ‘’But he has passed away years ago. I thought the house got sold ?’’ I frown. ‘’It got. To me.’’ Well, that explains. ‘’Where are we going ?’’ I hesitatingly ask him. ‘’That’s for me to know and for you to find out.’’ He evilly smirks. Of course, how predictable…

‘’And then ? Then you’re going to keep me there forever ?’’ I spat in his face. ‘’Your forever won’t last for long Lucky.’’ He coldly laughs. He means… He can’t. He won’t. Even he is human enough not to ! I’m his bloody daughter ! ‘’Please don’t.’’ I whisper. ‘’You know Fay, when I heard you were in hospital and had a concussion and had forgotten a lot, I hoped you would have forgotten everything that has happened between us.’’ He says, touching the bruises on my cheeks. Making me whimper in pain quietly.

‘’I will never.’’ I growl, smacking away his head. He punches me once again. Somehow it doesn’t hurt anymore. I’ve been feeling this so often for the last… six years. I’m used to pain. ‘’You look so much like your mother Fay, you’re both beautiful.’’ He whispers, stroking my hair, which hasn’t been washed ever since he got me. ‘’Please, let me shower ?’’ I beg him. I’ve been wearing these clothes ever since.

‘’It will be your last shower ever, you know.’’ Tears well up in my eyes, but I forbid myself to let them drip down my face. ‘’Yes.’’ I whisper, looking down at my hands. ‘’Okay then.’’ He sighs and pulls me up. My body is so weak. I follow him upstairs, my body shivering from the cold and because of the fact I’m just too weak to do anything.

I follow him through grandpa’s house, everything looks so familiar. ‘’You get five minutes.’’ Ben growls and leaves the bathroom. I can hear him lock the door from the other side. I was about to take off my clothes when I realised there’s a balcony in the bathroom. I quietly try to open it, but it’s locked. I knock on the glass softly to feel if it’s thick. It’s not that thick. This is it, I only have one chance.

Leeroy’s P.O.V.

They can’t find her anywhere. They thought she would be in her old house, but she’s not. It’s completely empty. The only thing they found was a blond woman… dead… killed.

The police has been looking through Ben’s files, turns out he’s schizophrenic. But nobody knew. This week has been terrible, and now this happens. I’ve made the stupidest mistake of my life ! I barely know this girl and it feels like I’ve lost myself ! Everyone is so stressed out and… terrified. The only thing we know is who has her.

We don’t know where she is. We don’t know how she is doing. We don’t even know if she’s alive ! The doorbell rings and Poppy practically runs to it, hoping it’s Fay. But we all know it’s not her. It’s been midnight, so I wonder who it is.

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