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Check out my new book, called : Trust After Loss. It's a Harry Fanfic. 

The familiar sounds of a crying baby and screaming children wakes me up from my well deserved nap. I hear Zayn trying to calm down the children, telling them ‘’Mummy needs to sleep’’, but it doesn’t help. The screaming only gets louder and louder. I rub my temples before getting out of bed and walking downstairs to find out the living room is a complete mess. Zayn is sitting on the couch with our new born son in his arms while our two oldest children are screaming for food or something else they always want. I see relief in Zayn’s eyes once he notices my presence.

Our oldest child, Sam, is five. We didn’t plan on getting him, but we definitely don’t regret him. I was only twenty-three when he was born. The middle is a girl, Lilly. She’s three. And then we have Alfie, the youngest one. He got born only a few days ago. They’re all gorgeous. I already know Alfie will have Zayn’s hair, and I absolutely love it. Sam has my eyes and Lilly has her daddy’s brown eyes.

I sit down on the sofa, pulling Lilly on my lap so she will keep her mouth shut for a while. ‘’I’m sorry they woke you up.’’ Zayn smiles at me. ‘’It’s okay.’’ I weakly smile at him. ‘’Mummy.’’ Sam squeals and thinks it’s nice to jump on top of Lilly and me. I groan to myself, feeling another headache coming up. I came back from hospital this morning, and I already miss the rest I got there.

The doorbell rings, making the two devils jump off the couch and run to the front door, followed by Zayn who gave Alfie to me. He’s slowly falling asleep again. ‘’HALLY.’’ I hear Lilly chirp loudly. It’s so cute that she still can’t say his name properly. From all the four uncles she has, Harry is her favourite. Niall is Sam’s favourite. Soon enough the children and Zayn and Harry are back in the living room. Harry kisses the top of my head before sitting down next to me.

‘’He’s beautiful.’’ He quietly states, not wanting to wake him up. ‘’He is.’’ I smile down at my third, and hopefully last child. Seriously, another child and I will never get in shape again. ‘’Do you want to hold him ?’’ I ask him, making him nod and smile brightly. Harry is dating some girl he used to know from where he comes from. She seems really nice, just don’t know her that well yet. I carefully lay Alfie in Harry’s arms and smile down at my little man once again. He’s adorable.

The doorbell rings once again, and of course the kids run towards the door again. Only seconds later Niall, Louis and Eleanor are standing in the living room,  basically drooling over my gorgeous son. Another few seconds later the children run back in, with Louis’ and Niall’s children. I wonder where Millie, Niall’s fiancé is.

Louis and Eleanor got two girls. And even though Louis really wanted at least one boy, he’s beyond grateful for his two princesses. Maybe the third time he has a bit more luck. We will find out soon, ‘cause El is nearing her due day.  Niall and Millie have one child, a boy. And… *ding dong* speaking about the devil. Leeroy and Luna are expecting a boy and a girl within a few months. Their first kiss at the competition didn’t mean anything. But their second kiss did. They got to know each other at that one Christmas Eve and since then they’ve been inseparable. Just like Luna and I. She moved back in with me, and I was the first to leave the flat to live with Zayn when we were twenty-one. Two years later we got Sam and another year later we got married, at the beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One of the four best days in my life. I didn’t finish college, Zayn did. We’re both still busy making our careers. Let’s just say dancing in TV shows pays really well. It’s the reason we were able to buy a big house in South-Kensington. 

Mum and Mark got married a few months after Christmas Eve, and they adopted a child. A seven-months-old girl from Kenya, Africa. She’s ten now. And I definitely see her as my little sister, even though she’s ten and I’m eighteen.

Ben, he had gotten a heart attack in jail. I got an invitation for his funeral, but I threw it away without even thinking about going to his funeral. Noah ? He ended up in a mental hospital, where he still is. Luckily nothing like what those two people have done ever happened again. And I will definitely keep my children away from people like that. Unfortunately we can’t judge a book by it’s cover and we don’t know who’s crazy and who’s ‘’normal’’. Right now, I just want to enjoy the good time I’m having with my family. ‘Cause that’s what these people still are to me.

From almost kissing Zayn, to kissing with Niall and Harry to having sex with Louis several times to falling for Leeroy, I’m happy and proud to say I’m married to the love of my life and have three beautiful children. That all six of us got an amazing dance career on TV and that me and my mother are soon revealing our new master piece. A charity for abused children and women. 

We all make mistakes, but we leave them behind and work on our future. And for me and my family, the future seems really bright. 

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