Chapter twenty-three

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Fay’s P.O.V.

‘’You think you’re smart, huh ?’’ Ben growls, walking towards me with big steps. ‘’Ben, leave.’’ Eva says sternly. ‘’And why-‘’ Ben starts, but I cut him off.  ‘’Dad, please. Stop.’’ Me calling him dad seems to soften his expression a bit. It’s just like how it used to be. He’s all aggressive, I call him dad, he forgets about everything. Five minutes later he’s aggressive again.  ‘’We can forget about all of this. If you just stop doing what you’re doing.’’ I lie. ‘’Do you really mean that ?’’ Ben whispers, taking my hand in his. My hand shivers at his touch.  Him touching me is what I hate the most. I nod my head without meaning it and softly squeeze his hand.

‘’You’re lying.’’ He growls before wrapping both of his large hands around my neck. ‘’You fucking idiot !’’ I hear Noah yell before he tries to pull Ben off of me. But when Ben is in this state, nobody can stop him. With a bit of Luke’s help he gets him off of me and my hands immediately reach to my squeezed throat. I try to catch my breath, but the kick in my stomach Ben just gave me doesn’t help a lot.

Right then the police storms in. ‘’I’ll kill you.’’ Ben yells at me while he gets pushed against the floor and gets handcuffed. I heavily breath, putting my hands on the place he had just kicked. ‘’Are you okay ?’’ The police officer asks me. ‘’Do I look okay ?!’’ I spat in his face. ‘’Uh no, not really.’’ He mumbles. Thanks for the compliment, very generous.

Paramedics walk in and take me to an ambulance. ‘’I don’t need  an ambulance.’’ I mumble. ‘’You’re too weak to even stand on your own feet.’’ Another police officer says. I roll my eyes and get in the ambulance.  It’s kind of a miracle that I ran almost all the way here. No idea how I did that. ‘’Wait, I want to come with her.’’ I hear Noah yell. ‘’You can’t.’’ One of the paramedics says. ‘’I want him to be with me. I need someone with me.’’ I tell the man in the ambulance. He tells the man outside and seconds later Noah is in the car.‘’I’m so  sorry Fay. For everything.’’ He whispers with tears in his eyes. ‘’Forgive and forget.’’ I weakly smile at him and stick out my hand. He takes it and softly squeezes it.

Once in the hospital they do some tests and check ups and tell me to stay in bed. ‘’Noah ?’’ Noah looks at me and nods. ‘’Why did you do it ?’’ I ask him. ‘’I don’t know. I really don’t know Fay. I’m so sorry.’’ He sighs, rubbing his hands over his face. I want to say that it’s okay, but it’s not.

‘’So, how are you ?’’ I awkwardly ask him. ‘’Okay, I guess. I mean, compared to you…’’ I chuckle and nod understandingly. ‘’How are you ? I mean, without all of this ? You still dance ?’’ I sit up at bit, which is hard with only one arm. Stupid sling. ‘’I’m… okay. I danced for a few weeks, but I stopped.’’ I say with a lump in my throat.

It’s so stupid that I want Leeroy to be here and just calm me down.

‘’Again ? Why ?’’ Noah frowns. ‘’Because of a guy.’’ I mutter under my breath. ‘’Oh, you’ve got a boyfriend ?’’Noah awkwardly asks me. ‘’No. He did some stupid things, so we broke up. But I did stupid things too.’’ I can’t deny the fact that getting married while you’re drunk is stupid… ‘’So… there’s a chance we could hang out sometime ?’’ Noah asks, sounding kind of hopeful.  ‘’As friends, yes. But nothing more. I don’t want to have a guy in my life for a while.’’ He nods understandingly and rubs the back of my hand with his thumb.

‘’School is a lot different without you and all your fights.’’ Noah chuckles. I chuckle along with him. ‘’Yeah, I still have those fights.’’ I chuckle. ‘’Why do you always hit everyone who says something wrong Fay ?’’ Easy question. ‘’That’s not what I do. I hit people who offend my family or friends. And I hit so easily because I’ve been hit a big part of my life.’’ I tell him. I’ve never told anyone. ‘’I knew those bruises weren’t from dancing.’’ He gasps. ‘’It’s over now Noah. Please don’t talk about it ever again.’’ He nods and places a soft kiss on my knuckles.

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