Chapter twenty-nine

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Fay's P.O.V.

I was studying for my science test next week when I heard the doorbell ring. I slowly got off my bed and walked to the door. I unlock it and see Zayn leaning against the doorframe with his familiar and usual smirk on his face. ‘’ ‘Morning gorgeous.’’ He smiles and quickly pecks my lips before letting himself in. ‘’It’s three in the noon.’’ I chuckle. He probably went out last night and got up half an hour ago… ‘’Oh…’’ He chuckles and walks to the kitchen.

‘’Sure, make yourself at home.’’ I mumble when he grabs food and drinks for himself. He sticks out his tongue to me before sitting down at the kitchen table. ‘’What did you do last night ?’’ He asks me. ‘’Uh… I studied for the English exam.’’ I answer, sitting down across from him. ‘‘On a Friday night ?’’ He frowns. ‘’Do you know how much classes I’ve missed ? I’ve spent more time in hospital than at school.’’    

‘’Okay, you have a point there.’’ He sniggers. ‘’What did you do ?’’    

‘’Uh, we went to that new club.’’

‘’Okay. Well, not trying to sound rude, but why are you here ? I have a lot of studying to do.’’ I pout. ‘’Just wanted to hang out.’’ He shrugs. ‘’I’m sorry, but I don’t have time.’’ I pout once again. ‘’Let me help you studying then ?’’ He almost happily says. As if he likes to study. ‘’No.’’    

‘’Why not ?’’    

‘’Because you’re distracting, and no : I don’t mean it like that.’’ He smirks at me before walking to my bedroom and laying down on my bed. I sigh to myself before laying down next to him and grabbing my book. ‘’What’s the subject ?’’    

‘’Propagation.’’ I say with all seriousness, but Zayn sees propagation as something else. ‘’You’re such a hormonal child.’’ I chuckle, hitting him with my book. ‘’Perhaps.’’ He shrugs. ‘’But one day we will have a mini Zayn.’’ I look at him with wide eyes. ‘’What ?’’ He frowns. ‘’N-Nothing. I just… I don’t know. You can’t just say something like that, you know ?’’    

‘’I didn’t just say it.’’ He shrugs. ‘’I mean it.’’ Most girls would drool over their boyfriend when he would say something like that. But it scares me, it makes me think about my ’father’. Every man could do thing like that. Not saying Zayn would do it, but there’s a chance.

‘’And I would love him with my whole heart.’’ He adds to it. Sometimes I wonder if he can read my mind…

‘’Well, I hope it will be a mini Fay, and not a mini you ‘cause then we will have to buy a lot of mirrors.’’ I chuckle. He mimics me and starts tickling me. ‘’You would love a mini me.’’ He smirks once he’s done with torturing me. ‘’Definitely.’’ I nod in agreement. ‘’But not yet.’’ I add to it. ‘’Wasn’t planning.’’ He sniggers. ‘’Now, let me study or I will have to kick you out.’’ I warn him.

He acts like he locks his mouth and grabs his phone. I lay my head on his stomach and resume my studying while he’s busy with his phone and playing with my hair. It’s weird how well things have been going in the past few weeks. It’s been like, two weeks since the Noah-incident and nothing bad has happened. From the moment I’ve met Louis, nothing has been going well for two weeks long. This is a record….


‘’I’m done.’’ I yawn, throwing my book on the floor. I turn my face to the left to see that Zayn has fallen asleep, his arm still holding me. I chuckle slightly and sit up. Just as I was about to get off my bed, Zayn wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back. ‘’Where do you think you’re going ?’’ His sleepy voice sounds through my room. I chuckle at him once again and lay down next to him.

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