Chapter seven

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Fay's P.O.V

Today's mission : Avoid the two womanizers who are making you a slut !

'' 'Morning mum.'' I yawn as I enter the kitchen where mum is reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee and some yoghurt. '' 'Morning darling. How did you sleep ?'' Mum warmly smiles at me. ''Oh, fine.'' I shrug and grab the fruit salad from the fridge.

''Have I told you about Louis yet ?''    

''No, what's up with him ?'' I ask her while sitting across from her at the breakfast bar. ''He's staying with us for a few days. Johannah and Mark are going back to Doncaster for a few days.'' Doncaster ? Oh right, he's from Doncaster. ''Oh, okay.''    

''Do you fancy him ?'' Whoa, hold on mama-bear !

''Mum, we're just friends.'' Mum stupidly grins at me and looks back at her newspaper. ''You're weird.'' I chuckle.

''What about Niall ? He seems like a nice guy.''    

''Most parents don't want their daughter to date someone they don't even know for a week, you know ?'' I chuckle. ''I'm not talking about dating... Okay, maybe I am. But these boys are so much nicer than Noah !'' Tell me about it...

''Whatever. I need to go to school. I'm late.''    

''That's nothing new.'' Mum chuckles and I stick out my tongue to her and give her a kiss on the cheek... without tongue. ''Where's dad anyway ?'' I frown, realising I haven't seen him yet. ''He went back to Bristol for work.'' 

Once I arrived at school there was something ''exciting'' happening. Everyone stood in a circle around someone or something in the hallway. ''Hey, what's happening ?'' I ask a girl I recognise from PA.

''That Luna girl is fighting with someone.'' Luna ? Fighting ? What the hell ?! I push my way through all the people who are surrounding my friend and some bitch who's trying to pull Luna's hair out of her head.

''Let her fucking go !'' I yell at the girl who's sitting on top of Luna. I knew she's not very strong, but this weak... ? I push the girl I don't even know off of her and sit on her like she sat on Luna. I punch her right in the face a bunch of times until someone pulls me off of her. ''Fay, she's fucking bleeding !'' Louis yells at me as he pulls me with him to wherever he's going.

''Wait, I need to go to Luna.'' I say and try to walk back but he won't let me. ''Zayn is with her.'' He says and pulls me with him to the cafeteria. ''What was that about ?'' He asks he gives me a bottle of water. ''I don't know. She was attacking Luna.'' I shrug like it's normal to just punch someone.

''So you just broke her nose and probably her jaw too ?''    

''It wasn't that bad. And I don't know why I did that. But Luna isn't strong and everyone just watched.'' I sigh.

''Why were they fighting ?'' Louis frowns and I shrug. ''I think it's really good you come up for your friends though, Fay. There aren't a lot of people who do that.'' Well, I think it's quite normal. I see Luna and Zayn enter the empty cafeteria, tears streaming down her face.

I jump off the table I was sitting on and jog towards Luna. ''Calm down Lu.'' I quietly say as she sobs into my neck. She tries to say something but cries so hard that she can't talk.

''Who was that girl ?'' I ask her and she pulls away from me. ''S-Samantha.'' She sniffs. ''From your economics class ?'' I frown. She nods in respond and wipes away her tears. ''I-I didn't know she and M-Matt had something. And he asked me out, s-so I said yes. A-And last night we k-kissed and one of h-her friends saw us.'' She sobs and sniffs.

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