chapter fifteen

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Warning : Sex intended. Don't read if you don't like dirty.

Louis’ P.O.V.

I watch Fay talking to some people I don’t know and notice Leeroy doing the same. I don’t get why she even likes him like that. The man looks like a complete idiot. He used to be like everyone else, like the lads and me. Diva by Beyoncé starts playing and Fay immediately stops talking and looks around. Her eyes fall on me and she widely smiles. She motions for me to come and I gladly do so.

‘’May I take this dance miss ?’’ I smirk at her, placing one hand on her hip. ‘’Of course.’’ She chuckles and dances as good as she always does. In the two weeks that we’ve been together now she’s taught us so much. I bet she will have a great dance-future. I feel everyone’s eyes on us, but I don’t care. I move along with her and out of sudden she sexily dances against me, challenging me. I hear a few ‘’oh’’ ‘s from the lads and try to beat her in her own game. But I get so distracted by her hot arse, excuse my language, that I lose.

Out of sudden her foot is on my shoulder. Damn, how did she do that ? My shoulder is on her eye height. The song is over and we’re both panting like dogs. She smirks at me before placing her foot on the floor again. ‘’You’re insane.’’ I chuckle before laying my arm on her shoulder. We walk to the bar and see Leeroy. She immediately throws my arm off her body. ‘’Hey.’’ She breaths out with a smile. ‘’That was really good babe.’’ He grins. Did he just call her babe ? I look at Fay ,who seems to be surprised too. If he only I had her before him.


‘’Bearboo, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.’’ Fay giggles while she embraces me. A smell of vodka escaping her mouth. ‘’How much did you drink ?’’ I chuckle. ‘’Not much.’’ She shrugs and bites my earlobe. To me that’s something sexual, but I think she’s just hungry  and thinks everything and everyone is eatable. She’s just like Niall… ‘’You’re obviously drunk.’’ I chuckle. ‘’Stupid antibiotics.’’ She mumbles and sits down on my lap. ‘’Fay, you’re mum is looking at us.’’ I chuckle but she doesn’t seem to care.

‘’Hmm.’’ She takes my right hand in hers and plays with my fingers. ‘’You know, I liked what you did with those fingers.’’ She giggles. ‘’Fay, don’t. You’re going to friendzone me again.’’ I growl, feeling slightly turned on. Okay, very badly turned on. ‘’You know that movie, friends with benefits ? We could-‘’    

‘’Hey guys.’’ Way to ruin the moment Niall. ‘’Ni ! Where’s your kilt ? I’ve heard your don’t wear anything under a kilt. That’s really sexy.’’ She laughs. ‘’I’m not Scottish.’’ He laughs. ‘’Oh, right. But you should wear a kilt once.’’     

‘’Why don’t you wear it ?’’   

‘’Good question. I will wear it to school.’’ Okay, she’s quite funny when she’s drunk. ‘’I was just telling Lou how much I like what he can-‘’ She starts, but I cover her mouth with my hand. She licks it and laughs at her own childishness. ‘’You’re weird.’’ Niall chuckles, shaking his head. ‘’And you’re sexaaay.’’    

‘’I know. You’re too.’’   

‘’Thank you Mr Horan. Now I’m going to look for that hottie and have some really good sex.’’ We both look at her surprised and she giggles before walking away. ‘’You know who her new boyfriend is ?’’



Fay’s P.O.V.

‘’Let’s leave.’’ I whisper in his ear while taking his hand in mine. ‘’To where ?’’ He chuckles , looking down at me. He smells like… whiskey. We could always mix that up with Vodka. ‘’To mine.’’ His eyes darken, even I can see that. ‘’To do what ?’’ Like he doesn’t know. ‘’To have a nice talk.’’ He frowns at me but then notices my grin. ‘’I would love to talk to you. But don’ t you think it’s a bit too soon ?’’ ah shit, he’s a goody-goody. ‘’No.’’   

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