The Birthday Wish

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A/N: Hello guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a while, schools about to start again so I've been getting ready for that. I also stayed at my friends house these past couple days and guess what? NO FREAKING WIFI. It was basically torture for me. I am truly sorry, I was planning on updating, but then all that stuff happened. Anyway... here ya go!

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

I completely shut down. My brain was only picking up small pieces of the conversations that were happening around me, while I sat, my mind racing. Why has the Vampire King decided to attack now? What is some sort of strategy; to attack on my eighteenth birthday? If they did attack, I wouldn't be ready. Defending the castle wouldn't be an option for me, even if I could.

The Blue Wolf, aka me, is not a warrior. She can't fight, her only purpose is to bring peace. Although she is stronger then any ordinary werewolf, she uses her strength for leadership and not violence. That strength hasn't been gifted to me yet. To get it, I must find my true mate, or a suitable partner. And even then, my mate gets more power then I do. Stupid, I know. Another reason why my father can't wait for my eighteenth birthday.

Tomorrow, the seventeenth of December, is my birthday. The day my soul mate will supposedly find me. The day I will find the person who will keep my heart forever. How fun. Note the sarcasm. While every other normal she-wolf can't wait for that day, I've been dreading it since I learnt all about mates. Male mates are always possessive and dominate, treating us females like we're fragile. To them, we are house wives; only good for breeding. Females are never allowed to train, never given any way of defending ourselves. We are only taught how to care for our pups and please our mate. The whole werewolf race is sexist.

My mate will apparently be more possessive then most other males thanks to my pure blood, which is an even more of a reason for me to never find him. He would try to keep me safe, make me follow all of his rules, keep me from the world I wished I knew. I've always been kind of wild. Rebellious is what most people would call it, but I never saw it that way. Sure, I didn't follow most of the rules, but that was only because I had never left the castle before. That was the one rule I didn't break.

I never made friends when I was little. My schedule was always too busy with me trying to be the perfect princess everyone wanted. Ace was my first friend; my only one. He taught me how to live. To really be myself, the person no one had ever seen. He knew everyone of my secrets and I his. We were stuck together with glue. My social life wasn't that great either. Because of my over protective father, I wasn't able to go to school. So instead of me going to school, they brought school to me. Yup, I was homeschooled.

So here I am, completely ignoring my father who's continuously calling my name. I blocked him out, submerged in my own thoughts. This whole mess is my fault. If I had never been born, everyone would be happy. There would be no wars, no deaths. Everyone would be free.

"Lexi, snap out of it! We need you to listen!" Ace snaps at me, shaking my shoulders slightly. Who does he think he is? He has no idea what I'm going through!

I push him off, causing him to stumble and fall on the ground. "Shut up! You have absolutely no idea what I'm going through. They are coming here; for me. People are going to die, innocent people; for me. So shut up!" My nostrils were flared, face red and I was struggling to keep myself under control. "We know what they are after this time, so why not give me to them?" I asked quietly. The truth was I didn't want to be given to them, but if it saved those soldiers, then I would gladly do it.

"Because, tomorrow Chase can finally mark you. You will be his. Your power will be given to him and he will defend us. This is what we agreed on." My father spoke calmly, unshaken by my emotions. He never cared about what I wanted anyway. Power was the only thing on his mind. Ever since mother left, he has been this way.

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