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A/N: Hello everything! I'm just ignoring all my homework to update this cause I'm such a rebel. Anyways... here it is

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

This could not be happening. From a young age, I was tought that the possibility of cross breeding between vampires and werewolves just couldn't happen. It was biologically impossible, isn't it? But as I feel the wolf inside me reach out towards this mysterious man, I start to doubt what I'd previously thought was logic. Is everything I grew up listening to a lie? Was I just left in the dark again, not knowing anything about my race, about myself? No, they wouldn't do that to me. They couldn't. The question is, why is something that I deemed impossible, happening to me? That, I have no answer to.

Ace was stuck in his spot, completely shocked. He just watched as Louis rested his forehead on mine, breathing in deeply, possibly breathing in my scent. I mirrored Ace's stance; mouth agape, eyes wide and frozen. I didn't know what to do. My mind was just blank, confusion taking over my system.

The man in front of me made me want to run, escape his scanning eyes that were scanning my face furiously and seemed to leave a trail of heat as they went. I feared him, but most of all, I feared these strange, unfamiliar feelings that were swarming inside of me, under his touch. What scared me even more, was that I wanted to jump into his arms and never let him go, never leave his steady embrace.

Without my permission, Louis leaned in closer, startling and pulling me from the dangerous trance I seemed to be lost in. Almost immediately, I tried to back away, but his cold hands wrapped around my wrists in a tight hold; keeping me in place. His lips crashed down on mine with force in a scolding kiss, making it impossible for me to even try to pull away. When I didn't return the loving gesture, he put even more force into the kiss.

My eyes were wide as he licked my bottom lip and let go my wrists, only to place one behind my head, pushing my lips onto his even more. I let out a startled gasp as his other arm slowly trailed up and down my body, causing me to shiver involuntary from the pleasure tingles that followed. He took the opportunity and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

I hated that I felt connection between us. I hated that my wolf purred when he touched me. I hated that he stole my first kiss and I hated that I loved it. Once again, I didn't kiss back. How could I? He was my enemy, the reason why all those people were dead, the reason why my own mother had to leave me. He growled, a sound so sexy and deep that it almost, almost, made me moan out loud.

Using all the strength left in me, I tugged desperately against his hold, causing him to reluctantly loosen his grip. Without hesitation, I pushed him away and took slow, shaky steps backwards, putting distance between our bodies. Ace understood immediately and grabbed my arm, pulling me to his chest in a protective manner. I cowered away into his arms, frightened of the monster that stood not too far away. 

"I do believe Princess Alexis wishes to leave. If I have to, I will rip you apart to keep her safe." Ace words were almost a growl, holding onto me tightly. Never had I seen this side of him, he sounded feral, like a wild, untamed animal. It didn't frighten me, I knew he was only protecting me, like he always had.

"I am positive she would want to stay with me, but it is not a matter of what you want, Princess, it is what I want. Now, if you come with me without causing any trouble, I will let your friend live. It is your choice, Princess." King Louis spoke confidently, a dangerous threat behind his words, expecting me to choose the smarter option, but it was not I who chose.

"We can do what we want. Let us leave, you have already caused enough pain to her family. She loathes you, why would you expect her to follow you? Protecting the Princess is my duty as her mate and that means if you lay a finger on her again, I will kill you. I suggest you run back to your castle, before that happens." Ace growled this time, meaning every aggressive word he snarled. I must admit, he did scare me a little bit. I had never seen a dominant male in action before, so this was all new to me.

Louis hissed menacingly, frightening me even more. How could a monster like him be my mate? How could my natural enemy, be my lover? It doesn't work. Werewolf's and Vampire's could not mate. It had been proven many times that they could not produce children. So why had the Moon Goddess been so cruel? I hadn't even noticed I was crying, until Ace wiped a single tear away, smiling sadly down at my shaking form.

"What do we do, Ace? He won't let us go. W-what if, he kills you."I sobbed into his shirt, staining his jacket with my tears and clutching the material in my small fists. "I don't want that to happen. I-I don't want you to die like everyone else. You're all I have left. Please... what do we do?"

"Run. Leave me here, I'll distract him, just run, please." His words were a desperate plead, eyes flashing with something that was foreign to me and completely unreadable.

"B-but, I'll be leaving you behind. I just can't do that."

"Don't worry, I'll come after you. You know I would never leave you. Just run." He whispered, pleading me with his eyes that stared down at me, wide open. They held so many emotions. Worry, compassion, reassurance and one I couldn't decipher. It was all too much for me. Taking his advice, I slowly pulled away and turned to the dark woods that surrounded us, my eyes glowing in the dark.

The wolf beneath my skin began to howl in anticipation, begging me to let her out, to relief the stress of trying contain her. I complied.

Before Louis could do anything, both Ace and I shifted into our wolves. My bones cracked and repositioned themselves so I was on all fours, filling the silence of the night with the sickening sounds. Blue fur sprouted all over my body, while a fluffy tail appeared and two pointed ears popped up on my head. My jaw grew and long teeth took their place in my mouth, gleaming under the moonlight. I was now, fully wolf. It had been a while since I had actually shifted since I wasn't able to in the castle. 

I felt free, but the moment was short lived when I realised the situation we were both in. Immediately, I sprung up onto my legs, sprinting into the woods, leaving the two of them to fight. I regretted the decision almost straight away. What if Ace gets hurt? What if he dies? What if I get caught? No, I mustn't think about it, it will only make me more anxious.

So, letting my swirling thoughts flow away, I focused on escaping my fate, letting the wind whip through my fur as my paws hit the ground with force. Not once did I look back, afraid that Louis would be following me, watching me with those alluring, menacing eyes. The night sky loomed over head, cloaking the forest in darkness. My eyesight let me see though the dark so I could kept running, trying to escape the man that was supposedly my mate. My mate. Funny how I wished I had a proper mate now, not some monster that was destined to kill my kind. Not some vampire that had killed so many innocent souls.

It was almost morning when I slowed down, letting my muscle relax. Fatigue took over my exhausted body as I gazed at the rising sun on the horizon, yawning tiredly. The run was tired some, especially since it was my first run in months. I collapsed on the ground, not moving. My energy was drained and I had no idea where I was. I was utterly alone. 

Because of my exhausted state, I didn't notice the figure that was approaching my fluffy body slowly, like a victorious predator. Before I could react, I cold hand grasped my scruff, causing me to wince and yelp quietly in pain. Turning around, I was met with a pair of familiar blue eyes, swirling with fury and possessiveness. My breath hitched, eyes wide in absolute disbelief. They were too familiar...

The Moon Princess (DISCONTINUED!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant