Reuniting With Friends

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A/N: Hiya guys! Decided to update because seriously, I'm so grateful that you all actually read this. I mean, more then 5k reads. That's huge! Especially for me. Thank you all so much. Sorry, if it's short or if it's boring. Okay, enough of my babbling, here ya go.

~ Niall's P.O.V ~

My body stance went rigid. Every single part of my mind froze in fear. I was definitely scared. But what could I do? I couldn't defend myself, not while holding the Princess and I wouldn't put her in danger no matter what. It was her life before mine. If I brought her back harmed ... They'd definitely decide to kill me.

Snapping back to reality, I growled and gently pushed Lexi's unconscious, bare body behind me. If humans found us now, this would look extremely bad. The growls got louder and circled around us in the shadows of the forest, telling me they were trying to confuse me. But I was a warrior, I've been trained for years. Although I've never been this exhausted in all my life and I've never had to protect someone while fighting, I wouldn't let them hurt the Princess. Not while I stood in between them.

In warning, I growled loudly, pressing Lexi to my side. My wolf snarled in my head, demanding to be let in control to rip these wolves apart. It was a struggle, but I held onto my humanity. If I shifted now, I'd possibly hurt Lexi. I bared my teeth and snarled, showing no fear. They'd probably get a shock if I shifted, knowing they couldn't defeat a white wolf.

Breathing heavily, my shirtless chest kept heaving. On the inside I was panicking, trying tho figure out the right way to deal with situation. But it was so hard to when my instincts screamed at me to attack, to tear everything to shreds for even considering hurting the Princess. She was our only hope, my only hope and I had to protect her.

A large, dark brown wolf leapt from the shadows, rain continuing to fall. He growled menacingly and tackled me instantly, making my hold on Lexi loosen. She slipped out of my grasp as I was pushed to the ground, the male wolf pinning me. Lexi was now out of my sight, possibly hurt and in a life threatening situation while I thrashed, my injured arm protesting against movement. The wolf growled and snarled every time I began to move, warning me if I decided to go against him, there would be punishment.

The weight on top of me lightened and I watched as the wolf's features changed into a somewhat familiar face. It was that wolf that had escaped with the Princess. They were... friends? I opened my mouth, but he cut me off very quickly.

"Were you trying to run away with the princess, white wolf?" He snarled, gripping my shoulders. He thought I was causing Lexi pain? I would never hurt her, even on accident.

My face portrayed that and I gave a grunt. "I would never hurt the Princess, I'm suppose to protect her and I was doing just that. She was exhausted, so I was carrying her, not harming her."

His eyes flashed with uncertainty,but he let go of me and scrunched up his face in distaste. "Geez, you really need some clothes, here." Reaching behind his calf, he pulled out two pairs of shorts and chucked me one. "Go get changed and we'll talk. Don't even try to run, or I'll track you down." With that warning, he walked away to change as I did the same.

Once on, I tuned in on what appeared to be a conversation close by. One of the voices I recognised as the dark wolf, one was an unknown feminine one and they sounded worried. "She's not waking up, Zayn... I'm worried. What if she never wakes up, what if the kingdom doesn't have a new Queen? We'll be forever slaves to the vampires. You saw what they did to our people, Zayn and she's the only one who can fix this. We need to help her, but I just, I don't know how."

"It's okay, Amber. Everything will be fine, I promise. You're her friend and you're worried, I understand that, but we need to focus on what happened while we were gone. What happened when King Louis went after her because something happened, something happened to make her go into this state."

The Moon Princess (DISCONTINUED!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt