The Dead Castle

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A/N: Just a quick note to say, hiya peeps, it me. And soz for the wait, been soooo busy with Christmas and birthdays n stuff. So each night for the past 4 days, I've been adding on to this chapter and wow, it's finally done. I'll try to keep up with that sort of programme and not disappoint you guys again... so here ya go =^.^=

~ Louis' P.O.V ~

Murky water splashes noisily as I pace down the damp dungeon corridor towards my freedom. The darkness surrounding me didn't waver my motivation, nor stop the vicious red from pooring into my vision. The anger pulsed under my skin to the beat of my heart and my jaw set forward in determination. I wasn't totally oblivious to the situation like Alexis had thought. It was obvious what she had done. She had struck a deal with a Holy Being and no matter how 'good' or 'righteous' it may be, the Moon Goddess must have a secret agenda.

How foolish and naive can she be; placing her life (or lack thereof) in the hands of a complete stranger. There was no doubt in my mind that this Moon Goddess wants something in return for her 'blessing', something she might gain from Alexis' resurrection. What, I don't know, but I don't trust this agreement one bit.

I know I maybe too paranoid and this is what I've been dreaming of; Alexis coming back, but I must be cautious.  The Devines only think of their own benefit and so little of a mortals life. After all, we are so replaceable, so unimportant in their grand scheme.  The Moon Goddess has always had a soft spot for her moon children however and unlike most of the other Devines, knows compassion and understanding. That doesn't mean she isn't capable of deceit and betrayal, though.

And this is Alexis' life on the line. I can't risk losing her again and if that means I'll have to disrespect a patron, then so be it. The Moon Goddess has never been my Mother, I am not apart of her kin. There may be wolf blood flowing in my veins and the spirit of a beast in my body, but I will not bend my religions to that of a werewolf. Even as I say this to myself, I can feel the wolf snapping in disapproval. He, like the rest of his kind, do not like any disrespect thrown at their Moon Mother. I must be careful to keep my thoughts to myself. 

I am awakened from my thoughts when my hand meets cold steel. Without my knowing, claws have grown on the tip of my fingers and the sharp ache in my gums tells me my fangs weren't that far off. I let out a short growl in frustration, anger flaring as I struggle the disobeying beast inside of me. All he's done since his wake is struggle and fight for dominance. It's becoming increasingly difficult to rein him in, especially when his attacks are unpredictable. Sometimes it feels as if he's disappeared completely, the silence both deafening and pleasant. But then he bursts out in a frenzy of primal anger and desperation. A deadly combination.

It takes a few seconds of deep breaths to draw him back into steel chains and when I reopen my eyes, Alexis is standing to my right. In the depths of her soft brown eyes are two clashing emotions; worry and caution. The urge to curl myself around her and keep her safe is almost overwhelming, but I somehow manage to contain myself. Her presence beside me feels so real. I can almost feel the heat from her body this close and her scent... it still wafts in the air around me. I steel my emotions and try the door, rattling the handle a few times before sighing in frustration.

I turn right around, heading towards the unconscious body laying in the doorway of my previous cell.

"Wait! Louis, what are you-?"

Cutting her off almost immediately, I hiss out a few, short words. "The key." Rolling my eyes, I crouch down to observe Liam's limp body. Liam was right there when I attempted an escape and the determination to imprison me once again was very clear in those familiar eyes. It was not my aim to put him in any danger, but I had work to do. The injury behind his head was not major, just a small gash which had immediately knocked him out of consciousness. I would not be imprisoned again.

The Kingdom voted on what to do with me after Alexis' death and the migority of the votes had wanted me to be isolated from the world until my beast had settled. They all asumed it was my wolf that had killed Alexis; that it had broke free in rage and, like so many unexperienced pups, took control of me. If only they knew how far from the truth they were.

Grasping the rattling keys in my palm, I restand and pass Alexis' without a second glance. It's hard to act normal around her now. Admitting I loved her was difficult even when her presence wasn't there; with her near, it's hard to keep myself from just shouting it aloud. How am I suppose to act? I killed her and now she's back and I don't have any idea what to say or how to apologize. Because I know there are a lot of things to apologize for, even if she says it's fine, even if she acts okay. I've never done this before and it's different, weird and wonderful and nothing I'd ever dreamed it would be. But it's not unwanted; she's not unwanted. It's just so much easier to pretend I don't care and that nothing fazes me. That way there's no questions and no heartache. This way she can't hurt me.

I can feel her gaze on me as I reach the door again and a slight shiver runs through me at the knowledge of it. But I pull myself together and wipe my face of all emotions, hastily unlocking the door and striding up the spiraling staircase. Alexis quickly follows, a silent shadow behind me as I asend up the stairs. The castle's dungeon was built deep underground, dark and cool and eerily quiet. Each step upwards makes such a loud noise in the silence. Each breath stutters out of me fast and exhausted and my legs burn, but I push forward. I'm so close to freedom; so close to my goal. And as soon as the sunlight hits me, I'm going to do anything to get Alexis back. She deserves to come back. She deserves more than this.

The staircase ends where one, lone door stands. It's steel cold to the touch and looks heavy and thick. I examine it for a few short moments then click my tongue at the top of my mouth. In one quick movement, the doors off it's hinges and down at my feet.

I take one step out into the castle's corridor and stop.

The hallway is empty; no guards, no security. Just Alexis and I. There's this eerie feeling in the air, like no one's been near this place for weeks and the airs thick and heavy.

It's like the castle's dead.

The Moon Princess (DISCONTINUED!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora