They Attacked

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A/N: Hello again guys! I thought you deserved another chapter for today, yay. So, lots of stuff happens in this part, SO YOU HAVE TO READ IT :O By the way, Lexi is short for Alexis and Ace is Lexi's nickname for Chase. Anyways... here ya' go

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

Smoke wafted through the air, making its way into my lungs, stinging my throat, alerting my wolf. Coughing violently, I sat up, fully awake. The air was thick with smoke and embers which made it impossible to breathe clearly. My ears were ringing from the many explosions that were happening outside and in the distance, cries from innocent people could be heard. With my head pounding, my widened eyes scanned the room and shaking hands brought my duvet up to my barely covered chest. The frantic beat of my frightened heart pulsed loudly through my ears. What was happening? I was drawn from my thoughts when I heard someone furiously knocking on my bedroom door, igniting my panic once again.

"Open up, Lexi! I need to get you out of here!" A familiar voice shouted. From the previous days events, you would have thought I'd run away, but right now, my desperation outweighed my distrust.

"Ace?! Is that you? What's happening?" I responded frantically.

"I'll tell you everything on the way out of here, just, please hurry." Ace pleaded. Normally, I would have argued with his bluntness, but right now, I was petrified. We couldn't stay here.

Moving off the bed, I crouched down on the floor, attempting to avoid most of the smoke. I crawled my way quickly to the door and stood up dizzily, the smoke affecting my senses. As soon as I opened the door, someone scooped me up bridal style and started carrying me down the hall. I clutched onto his shirt, coughing and wheezing. "A-ace, what's h-happening?" I stuttered. My throat was dry and my eyes stung from all the ashes swirling in the air.

"Shhh, I'm gonna get you out of here." His voice was soft, but held dominance, the usual Ace. But there was something else as well. Underneath all the courage, there was a barely audible tone of sorror. My mind spun as it tried to firgure out the reason behind it; Ace was usually the calm one. Barely anything ever affected him. I should have dropped the subject, but me, being me, insisted that he told me.

"Please, please tell me..." I pleaded. This was not me. Weak people begged, I wasn't weak. But in this situation, there was no other choice. I needed to know what was happening.

Sighing, he kept carrying me down the hallways, trying to find an means of an escape. "The Vampires attacked; caught us off guard and now they're stronger then ever. Our soldiers tried to take them on while shifted, but most of them couldn't even inflict damage on those bloodsuckers.

When your father first heard of the attack, he ran straight into battle. There was direct orders from my father to travel to your room and check on you. I don't know where your father is now, though. Most of the battle is outside the castle and in the woods, but some bloodsuckers managed to find a way inside, searching for you. So here we are." He finished off, looking ahead. Right in front of us was a stair case, leading down to the first floor. From there, we can make our way into the forest.

As we made our way down the stairs, I asked. "My dad's gonna be fine, right? He won't get hurt?" Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I fought them. This is no time to let silly emotions take control of me.

Ace, once again, sighed and looked down at me. " I honestly have no idea, Lexi. He just went into battle without a second thought, but knowing him, he probably is okay. Right now though, you're my only priority, alright?"

Nodding in response, we reached the bottom of the stair case. Up ahead, the walls had claw marks all over them, stained with blood. My guess was some vampires had already searched this area. "Hold on, I can hear something." Ace set me down on the floor, pushing me more into the corner to keep myself hidden. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I'll be back, just stay hidden, okay? Remember, if you hear anything, anything at all, don't come out to check on me." With that, he disappeared down the hallway, leaving me by myself.

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