Sweet Dreams

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A/N: Hiya guys. So, here is the new chapter, hope you guys like it. Sorry this author's note is short, but I just really wanted to update. This chapter is sort of a filler. ENJOY...

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

I stood amongst the flowers, watching as the light breeze caused them to sway gently. The colourful flowers danced and moved with the wind as petals detached themselves to fly solo. A sweet, floral scent wafted through the air and swirled around me, leaving me content. Gazing up at the clear blue sky, I imagined different lands out there. Undiscovered ones filled with new people and new sights. I smiled and twirled around, letting my pink dress fly out as I spun. Giggling, I fell into the soft flowers and sighed. This was the life. Running my hand through the grass, I plucked a purple flower and raised it to my nose; inhaling its gorgeous scent. I sneezed and it flew out of my hand. As I rubbed my nose, I heard two familiar chuckles.

Happily, I lifted myself off the flower bed and turned around. I squealed in delight and unshed tears built up in my eyes. Standing just a few feet away, were my parents. They held hands and smiled warmly at me. My mother looked exactly like she did when I had last seen her; absolutely beautiful. Luscious locks of wavy blond hair flowed down her back, reaching her waist and shining in the sunlight. Her gently blue eyes, rimmed with full, long lashes stared back at me with love evident within them. My mothers skin was flawless and a simple, yet beautiful gold dress hugged her slim figure perfectly. My father stood beside her, a smile gracing upon his handsome face; a smile I hadn't seen in a while. He was dressed in a simple, black suit as he held mothers hand delicately.

"Mother, Father." My voice cracked and a single, stray tear ran down my cheek. My mother stepped forward,  

letting go of my fathers hand and wrapping me in a hug. It was the familiar, loving hugs I had grown accustom to as a young child.

Delicately, as if she would disappear at any moment, I returned the hug. "Do not cry, my child. I'm here now." She cooed to me. Mothers voice was angelic and soft, making me feel loved in only a way she could could ever do. It was like a dream and I felt as if it would crumble away any second now.

"Mother, why did you leave me? Why did you have to go. I was so alone." I sobbed, holding my mother tightly as I cried into her chest.

"You were never alone, my dear. Your father and Chase stood beside you, comforting you while your kingdom did the same. And I, my daughter, have always been watching you. You've grown up to be such a beautiful, kind soul and you've made me proud. I love you." She told me, pulling away, stepping away from me.

I watched in amazement as my father stepped forward and opened his arms, engulfing me in a hug. "My daughter, I'm sorry for the years I have been heartless and cold towards you. I never meant for you to feel unloved, I was still mourning over the death of your mother. But now, I am at peace. I am finally reunited with my love and I want you to know, that I will always love you, no matter what."

With that, he pulled away, kissing my forehead and stood beside mother, taking her hand in his. "We wish you luck, my dear. To fur fill your destiny, you will need to be strong, kind and compassionate. Your Father and I must leave now, we love you..." My mother's angelic voice faded away as did my parents, leaving me in the field alone.

Once again, a single tear slid down my cheek as I whispered. "Goodbye, mother, father. I love you." But I didn't leave, I stayed in the spot, gazing at the place my parents stood. Just as I was about to move, a arm snaked around my waist and hoisted me off the ground, twirling me in the air. I screamed, but it soon turned into a giggle as the wind flew past me, tickling my skin. "Let me down!" I laughed which got a chuckle in return. Setting me down on the ground, I turned to the man who had somehow, cheered me up. Blue, sparkling eyes stared back into mine and my smile grew. "Ace!"

Ace puffed out his chest, standing up taller. "The one and only." He boasted. Taking him by surprise, wrapped my arms around his muscular torso and laid my head on his chest.

"I missed you." I said simply, hugging him tighter. My smaller body was tugged against him as his arms encircled my waist. He learned down and nuzzled my neck in affection.

"I missed you too, Lexi. I don't know whether this us dream or not, but I'm happy just being with you. You make me feel complete." Smiling, I pulled away from him and smacked his arm. His eyes widened and a frown took its place on his face.

"TAG! You're it." I giggled and sprinted away from a stunned Ace. The flowers and grass felt soft and comfortable under my bare feet as I ran and I sighed in content. Soon, I felt someone running after me and a deep, husky chuckle was heard. Ace was trying to catch me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see that Ace was quite far away. Pointing my finger at him, I laughed. "You suck at tag!" Ace's eyes grew wide and he looked panicked.

"Lexi! Behind you!" Almost immediately, I spun around to meet the face of all my problems. My mate loomed over my small body, before hissing. His fangs grew and he quickly sunk them into my shoulder. I screamed and fell to the ground. Darkness quickly overtook me and I was submerged into black.

A painful stab to my heart brought me back from the darkness and I sat up in Louis' bed, now awake. Sweat covered my skin and I looked deathly pale as I tried to control my frantic heart beat. The sheets were tangled and I noticed the duvet was on the floor, most likely from me kicking around in my sleep. Sighing in relief, I rubbed my temples. It was only just a dream. Louis didn't bite my shoulder, it was only a dream. My hand involuntary travelled to my shoulder and I stiffened when I felt a mark there. In shock, I began to shake. No, he didn't, he wouldn't do that to me. But I knew he had. Louis had marked me.

My breath came out in pants and I quickly stepped out of the bed, still shaking. I hugged my body, squeezing my eyes shut. The door opened and I recognised the scent as Amber. "A-Amber he-he marked me." I stuttered in shock. I heard her take a sharp intake of breath before placing something down and walking towards me. A traitorous sob escaped my lips as I shook. Immediately, she hugged me, trying to soothe me, but it didn't work. I had finally broke and everything I had bottled up came crashing down on me.

"It's gonna be okay, princess. You'll be fine." Amber cooed, but everything was far from fine. For starters, my emotions were everywhere, confusing me. Apart of me was furious I was marked, another frightened of Louis, another still happy from my dream and sad because I had found out both of my parents had died. It was just plain confusing.

Louis had marked me, claimed me as his so no other male would want me. It just made me more afraid of him. An idea suddenly came to mind and I slightly smiled. I was going to run away, leave him here alone. It would take everything I had left, but I was willing to try. Most importantly, I had to get Ace and the rest of my people out of here as well. And I was doing it tonight. Slowly, I opened my eyes, a new goal in sight.

"Amber, I know what I'm going to do, but I need help." She looked confused for a second, but then her brown eyes sparkled in realisation.

"Princess, are you sure?"


"Alright then, you're going to need your strength. Luckily, I already made breakfast for you. Here you go." As I sat back down on the bed, my legs crossed, Amber grabbed a tray off one of the drawers and past it towards me. Bacon, eggs and orange juice. I hadn't realised how hungry I was until this very moment.

"Thank you, Amber. You're a great friend." I immediately started eating and soon finished, placing the empty tray on a drawer.

"You're welcome, Lexi. Um, may I ask exactly how are we going to escape?"

A mischievous smiled tugged at my lips. "Stealth." And with that, we started planning our escape.

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