The Journey

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A/N: Hiya guys! Here's a new chapter, hope you enjoy. I haven't updated for a while because I've actually been at a One Direction concert so YAY. Haha, it was like my life long dream to see them live so you can just picture I was freaking out. Anyways... comment, vote and keep reading. Thank you guys so much for all the reads, much appreciated. This is a really short update, but I hope you all like it.

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

The wind blew past as I ran. His eyes I couldn't forget. Branches brushed against me, trying to bloke my path, but failed against my strength. The terror he's caused, I couldn't forget. My paws repeatedly hit the ground with force, my eyes closed in despair. The many lives he's taken, I couldn't forget. Rain poured down on my pelt, drenching my blood stained fur while tears continually fell from my eyes. He's a monster, one that I couldn't forget. A fresh burst of pain hit my heart, my wolf denying the sins her mate had committed.

Coming to an abrupt halt, I lifted my snout to the sky and let out a howl in agony, breaking the silence in the forest. Why couldn't I get him out of my mind? Why couldn't I forget that look Louis gave me? The one filled with so much love and regret? My legs gave out beneath me, sending my exhausted body to the ground. I laid in the mud, defeated, panting out desperately as my wolf cried for her mate. She wanted him despite the fact he had just killed my best friend, the person that comforted us in times of need. Had she no shame? But even though I tried denying it, there was a huge part of me that wished Louis was holding me, kissing me, loving me.

It hurt to know he let me go this time, but relieved me as well. I just didn't understand anything right now. I hid my snout in the ground, tears uncontrollably falling. With a whimper, I got myself back up, stumbled again and fell into something. Knocking us both to the ground, I landed on it and cried out tiredly. Surprising me, the 'thing' licked my fur affectionately and nuzzled it's snout into my neck. I whined sadly, rubbed my head on the side of it's head and wrapped my tail around it's body.

This all felt like a dream to me. Ace couldn't be dead, he just couldn't be... I couldn't believe, I wouldn't. And what he told me. He loved me. After all this time he was acting out of love and I ignored it. I possibly rejected him numerous times without even knowing and he still stuck with me. He deserved a better friend then me. Everyone in my life deserved someone better then me.

{ Lexi, I'm going to have to carry you. Can you shift for me? } The slightly familiar voice asked. In the midst of my daze, I couldn't recognise this person. I just wanted to forget everything.

Nodding my head, I let my bones crack and rearrange themselves, leaving me bare. The person beneath me shifted as well, lifting me off the ground and carrying me bridal style. My eyes slowly closed and I snuggled closer to the mysterious person, wanting to be held by a specific Vampire right now, but accepting this instead.

"You're going to be alright, Princess. You're going to be alright..." The voice trailed off and I was dragged into the land of my dreams, all the while, crying.

~ Niall's P.O.V ~

I stood shocked as King Louis lunged at me, fangs showing, eyes red. Bracing myself for the attack, I cringed slightly and awaited the pain that was sure to come. This was my duty, I had to protect Lexi no matter what. Before anything hit me, I felt a body move in front of me and hear the sickening sound of flesh tearing apart. In a flash, King Louis is a few feet a way from me with wide, horror filled eyes. Blood drips from his fangs, coating the hands he looks down on with a shocked expression. He just stares at the blood, regret flashing across his eyes.

As if remembering something, his head snaps in Lexi's direction, watching as she freezes and her gazes stays locked on Ace's lifeless body. The pain and sadness in her eyes makes even myself tear up, flinching as I know her pain. Not once does King Louis' eyes move from Lexi, even when she races over to Ace, falling onto him and whimpering. Although only knowing Lexi for these past few hours, I've grown to understand her a lot more then the other werewolves had. She brought out this protective side of me, a side I had never experienced before. It felt like an instinct to protect her. And I had to trust these instincts to stay alive.

For what seems like forever, Lexi comforts Ace, speaking through the mind link and snuggling closer to him. I let them be, knowing this was their goodbye and I had no right to interfere. Besides, I knew what it felt like to loose someone close to you and not being able to say goodbye was possibly the worst feeling ever. As I watch the light slowly fade from his eyes, I turn away. I couldn't watch this. It was just another reminder of my past.

A howl slices through the silence, filling the air with the sound of Lexi's sorrow. You could hear the heart break, the desperation for him to come back to her. Closing my eyes, I clear my mind. Let this whole situation crumble away and find myself in my home land, sitting on a hill, staring at the sky. Breathing in the fresh air a smile creeps up on my face. This place could always calm me down.

Opening my eyes again, Lexi sprints from the scene, leaving me no choice but to leave Ace's body with King Louis. King Louis stands still, a blank expression on his face as he watches his mate leave. No pain, no regret, not even guilt is shown on his face, disgusting me. With a growl, I take off, following her tracks. They swerve around, trailing off into the distance, giving the impression that she was having trouble staying on her paws. She probably was actually and that meant I had to find her, fast.

My pointed ears flicker forward at the sound of another howl, only this time, more broken. More defeated.  Now highly alert, I push myself faster, catching her scent. My muscles ache, throat burning, urging me to stop, but I keep going. I need her safe, we all need her safe. Suddenly, my wolf brings my body to an immediate stop, telling me to stay cautious. Rain begins to fall, soaking my coat and covering Lexi's scent, along with her paw prints.

Frustrated, a growl rumbles in my chest and I shake my head, reminding myself of the punishment if I return without the princess. If I don't find her, if I'm not able to bring her home, they'll hurt me. They'll hurt me for not following their instructions and keeping her safe. They'll find a replacement. Taking me by surprise, a body collides with mine, brining me down into the mud. I snarl, but stop as I notice the original blue fur covering the wolf's body.

Trying to calm down the shaking she-wolf, I licked her fur and nuzzle her neck, telling her I'm no harm. Lexi quickly replied by whining softly and rubbing her head against mine, sending my wolf into a daze of lust. He wanted her. Bad. Ignoring my wolf,  I let my mind connect with hers for the first time.

{ Lexi, I'm going to have to carry you. Can you shift for me? } I asked, shifting my body slightly due to my wolf's raging hormones. Without a word, she shifts quickly, I doing the same soon after. The fact that she's naked doesn't go unnoticed by my wolf as he growls from inside of me, wanting control. Placing one arm under her knees and the other around her abdomen, I lift us both off the ground, making sure she's not uncomfortable. A smile finds it's way onto my face as she snuggles closer to my chest, tears leaking out of her eyes.

"You're going to be alright, Princess. You're going to be alright..." Rain pouring down, I begin to walk, using my nose to pint point the right direction to take. I didn't take much notice to my surroundings since I was lost in my thoughts. Since I had found Lexi, there's been more trouble then I'd ever had. Well, I did expect that she would be quite a handful after hearing what other wolves had to say about her, but I had never expected this. And I most definitely did not expect King Louis to be her mate of all people. After all, it was considered a crime to be involved in a romantic relationship with a vampire and you would get exiled from the kingdom immediately.

So of course it came as a complete shock to me when I saw the possessiveness in his eyes as he watched Lexi. The jealousy when he saw me protecting her, the anger when he saw her run, the love when he saw her wolf. It all made sense. Too lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed the two wolves approaching us, until a loud, feral growl made me freeze in shock.

Someone had found us.

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