Let Go

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A/N: Hi guys... Okay, I seriously would say sorry for not updating, but I'm sort of having a mental breakdown right now. My emotions are just everywhere and I'm angry and then sad and then happy and then ugh. Sooo lazy. The other reason I'm not apologising? Because, damn, this chapter actually did make me cry. It's sad for me because I know what's going to happen and you guys don't (ha shame), but seriously, I'm sad :'( Well, enjoy trying not to cry. See ya.

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

Some say that when you're on the verge of death, you see a blinding white light and all those who have past before you, call out, try to draw you in and accept the fate that awaits you. I'd heard this many times from the people in my kingdom, but never thought about it, honestly. The thought of dying had never once crossed my mind, until only recently.

The rumours I heard also said that some humans believed in a God, the creator of this Earth and that after you past, the gates to heaven would open. I can't help but feel more depressed and helpless at that thought. If humans have heaven, then what do us werewolves have?

Since we worship a different god, does this mean that after I pass the window separating life and death, I'm given no after life? That I just... stop existing? Either way, this was definitely not it. I didn't see the light, nor did I reunite with the dead. I was just... there; dying. Is this truly how Ace felt?

Because I felt pain. Excruciating pain, all throughout my body, making me gasp out and try to clutch at my chest desperately. It burned and surged through my blood, a pain so severe I felt every muscle in my body twitch and shake violently within me. But I couldn't move. Oh no, nothing accepted my wish. My body wasn't responsive to my command, wouldn't even try to fight the inevitable.

Panicking, my gaze falls to my side, watching through glazed, blurry eyes as my fingers twitch and curl into a fist, trying to relieve some of the searing pain. It didn't work and I felt even more defenceless against death at that moment. Eyes wide in horror, my head rolls limp to the side, banging on the ground heavily, my neck unable to keep it held up.

And I feel my mouth open, a sound bursting from my lungs in unaltered, blinding mortification. I scream a sound so blood curdling that I know everyone near me will know my pain, everyone will surely know of my dreaded fate; death.

My eyes haven't adjusted against the hazy blur they're in and I know my body has begun to twitch and spasm on the ground. I fear that this means the end is near for me. Ears ringing, I hear a familiar voice echo in my trance and I strain to hear it, fighting the nauseousness that attacks me whilst doing so. Something inside me shouts at me to listen to the voice, just hear the words that are being said and then I can let go. I can finally stop struggling and let go.

The fight in me stops as something comes rushing from my throat, out onto the grass beneath me in sticky, revolting clumps. Even though I'm gasping for air, gagging on the substance, it doesn't stop. I'm forced to vomit it all out. It just keeps gushing and gushing from my lips, no doubt clogging up my lungs from the inside. Then scent hits me full on and I'm sure my once pounding, panicking heart stops for a few beats in realisation. Blood.

I'm definitely sure that's not a good sign.

Cold hands grasp my shoulders tightly, shaking my limp, lifeless body in a furious attempt to break me from the daze I've been placed in. Loud pleas reach my ears, but I'm too disorientated to decipher what it all means, my head hanging from my shoulders weakly. Then I feel the body being dragged from me by a powerful force, someone pulling them away. My heart clenches softly, a strange instinct wanting that person by me. Though the mysterious body is being pulled away, I still hear their sorrowful whimpers and shouts, getting louder and angrier as it's led away.

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