For Our Freedom

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A/N: Well, hello guys! I'm back again and ready to start writing. I honestly felt soooo bad for not updating in, HOLY POO, a MONTH? Wow, that's not even cool. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me ;_; IT'S JUST THAT TEEN WOLF IS SOOOOO ADDICTING AND I COULDN'T STOP WATCHING IT. That's not even a good excuse, but just role with it because I don't have anything better  :| So... kinda left you guys hanging there... well, here it is. Hope you enjoy? Idk, just deal with it :D

~ Louis' P.O.V ~

Growls tore relentlessly from my chest, my paws moving on their own accord to my wolf's command. My wolf wanted revenge. He wanted death, he wanted their blood spilled across this earth, so I gave it to him, knowing that right now, I was helpless against the beast. His fury was untameable, a swirling ball of anger clouding his judgement, leaving only a rabid animal amongst the other white wolves, who stood around us, the thick scent of fear in the air.

Still, I moved forward, my dark intent clear in my murderous eyes. Their fate had been sealed the moment I gave him control. My muscled readied, a target insight as my eyes latched on to my prey. With an enraged roar, I lunged and the massacre began. Once he began, the beast wouldn't stop, not caring after he had shredded dozens of the white wolves, ripping their hearts from their chests and claiming his victory.

He wanted more. He wanted to feel the blood coat his fur, see it run on the earth, know that his mate had been avenged. Only, she would never be until I was put to rest. Until I was gone with her.

The white wolves circled my beast dangerously, teeth snapping together in ferocious snarls as the lifeless bodies continuously fell limp to the forest floor, blood coating the soft grass from my victims. My glaring, calculating eyes followed every movement of theirs, ready to pounce at any given moment. What I didn't know, was that they had come in from my flank, also ready to strike. The only warning I got before strong jaws wrapped around my neck was "He's too dangerous, sedate him! Now!"

The jaws gripped harder, cutting off my supply of oxygen and causing the world to begin to blur. Once I started to shake, my head pounding in frustration, my angered beast fighting to stay awake, the jaws released. My body fell to the ground. And I watched helplessly as wolves surrounded their princesses beautiful body, sorrow heavy in the air as hands reached out, searching for any signs of life.

There was none.

With a desperate, broken whimper from within as my wolf retreated back into my mind, my eyes fluttered close and my breathing evened out. My mind was made up. I'd stop fighting, stop this endless war; for her. Or I'd die trying. My reason for living in the first place is gone, so why should I stick around? The answer is; to make things right. To know that she hadn't died in vain. No... she'd accomplished her life goal, she had finally fulfilled her destiny. Despite knowing this, I feared my wolf thought otherwise.

He still couldn't accept her death, but... neither could I.

~ You have to guess who's P.O.V this is :D I'm trying to make it more interesting ~

You know that strange feeling when everything just suddenly... Stops? Like your surroundings, where you are in time abruptly comes to a halt and you're left standing by yourself thinking; how did it come to this? How could I let this happen? It sort of feels like an epiphany. Suddenly, you realise how many mistakes you've made to get here, how many choices have affected what has happened here today.

And you wonder... What could I have done to stop this or I could have done more? It makes you realise how much of a waste your life has been so far or for instance, how much you've been ignoring a very important, very needed part of your future. Now that hope, that key to a brighter future has vanished and you wonder... Did I really do anything to prevent this? And I didn't. I let it happen. I let her die.

When that last, dreaded, weak heartbeat echoes through the silent clearing, this occurs to me. My mind flashes back to all the times I saw her wandering around the village, an empty, tired look on her face, until someone approached her that is and the fake smile would reappear once again. I should've known back then. I should've helped her. Because she wasn't okay, no matter how much she had assured us she was.

Everyone had just assumed she was, but how could she be after all that's happened? How could we seriously turn our backs on her for more then 10 seconds, knowing what she's been through. Her best friend had just died in front of her for god's sake and no one even cared. And I saw it in her eyes, the hope fading, replaced with an emotionless soul and still I walked away. I put her in this coffin. I killed her. We all killed her. And now we have to face the consequences. Because her fate... was ours.

Everything's silent. No one dares make a sound. We all dread what's coming next. But we know it has to happen, to seal her soul away. All supernatural's alike have gathered here today, the news of our leaders passing travelling as far the the pixies kingdom, everyone feeling sympathetic for us, when they really shouldn't be. Because today, we lay to rest our Princess, our source of hope, once our saviour. Yet we were the ones to end her.

Even most of King Louis' kingdom had arrived, their own pity for us mixed with the rest as they shuffled forward, taking their seats and giving us all sad smiles. Some shed tears. Others comfort those around them. We all deal with this differently, but we are all the same. We are now one. Today, we don't just seal our Princess away forever, today we finally end this war and sign off the treaty with heavy hearts, knowing it's what she wanted. She had saved us, giving us her life, in return for our freedom.

But nothing is as well as it seems. Beyond the castle walls, below the earth and into our prison, the growls can be heard. They never stop, never quieting; a continuous reminder of our enraged king. We know that his own beast is in control. We also know that the death of one's significant other weighs heavily on their sanity, tearing away at the string connecting the beast's mind to human's. This can also cause the human side, or in this case, vampire to become dormant and let the wolf control him willingly. This is what has happened to our King. There's no way to reverse it, instead, we'll have to wait and see if he's mentally strong enough to win the battle for his mind. For now, we'll have to keep him locked in the prison, for his own and our safety.

Right now though, there's a lot more important things on our minds. Mainly because, it's her funeral. However, it's not exactly a normal funeral. Then again, nothing really is when it comes to her. Instead of burrowing her, we lower the coffin into the ruins of our kingdom, where the first Blue Moon Wolf lies. We place her here where she was born, to honour her in our unique way. The ancestors will look out for her from then on, guiding her into the skies where her loved ones fly. At least she won't be alone. Not anymore, anyway.

Still, no matter how much people are telling themselves that this is an honour, I don't want to be here. I don't want to see her be lowered down, to know fully that's there's nothing I can do to bring her back. It just makes me sick; an actually pain in my chest indicating how much pain I feel from her death. What's worse, it that from when she finally gave up, I could literally feel when her mind disconnected from mine.

There is an emptiness in my mind now and I know what it means. We were closer then friends, we were pack. It's harder for me to accept her death then others, because of this connection.

Besides, I don't want to accept it, I don't want to act like it's okay that she gave her life for us.

I just don't want to forget her. I don't want to forget Lexi, but I know I will.

That's what hurts me the most.

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