Taken To The Castle

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A/N: Hi guys. I'm so sorry I haven't updated, just had a lot of things happening lately. I really hope you guys excuse my sloppy writing today, I'm still jet lag from field trip. So if the story's a bit strange, not my fault. Thank you all so much for even reading this story, I'm writing it for you guys after all. HERE YA GO...

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

Louis stared down at me, his blue eyes narrowing while he gripped my scruff harder. He looked unfazed by the fact he was causing me pain and continued to gaze into my wide brown eyes. The way he looked at me told me he wouldn't purposely hurt me, but his threat earlier when I was with Ace didn't go unnoticed. Nothing seemed real anymore. It all seemed like a nightmare, one I couldn't wake up from. All of this was new to me; the surroundings, the vampires and the feelings towards this particular vampire.

I was in a vulnerable position, at the hands of the strongest vampire in our generation; my mate. Shaking his head, he lifted my small body off the ground. If it wasn't for my blue fur, I could possibly pass for a dog, but right now, it was one of my disadvantages.

Noticing he had started to carry me away from the direction of the castle, I struggled in his hold. Barking, I frantically waved my paws in the air, trying to swipe him. It didn't work and instead, he laughed. My temper flaring, I growled and began to bite his shoulder. That didn't work as well. My teeth were blunt and hadn't fully developed due to the fact I rarely shifted. It was also like biting a rock because he was impossibly strong. Instead of chuckling, he turned his head in my direction and glared.

"If you're going to keep biting and struggling, I might have to buy a leash. Would you like that; being treated like a disobedient dog?" Almost immediately, I stopped, frightened because of his threat.

Many rumours had made their way into the castle, telling of how the vampires treated you if you were caught. They were disgusting, keeping my kind as pets; caged like animals. I also heard that if you misbehave, they torture you until the wall between man and beast broke; until you became completely feral. Shivering, I tried to cower away, out of his intense stare.

When I whimpered, he smiled and kept walking. "That's a good girl, you'll make a great lap dog." Louis stated. My already wide eyes stared at him disbelief. What did he just say? "I was joking, my beautiful mate. You will be treated like the princess you are, but if you try to escape... I'll have to punish you myself." Licking his lips, he turned his attention back to the path to his kingdom. That action alone had my tail in between my legs, yet, it created a strange, pleasant feeling in my stomach. Confused by the sensation, I whimpered. His amused eyes met mine and his smirk widened "Oh, do I make you feel flustered, Princess? Do you desire me?" He grinned, showing off his pearly whites. I turned away, ashamed of my feelings.

Why had I lusted over him? Sure, I had heard stories of mates completing the mating process straight after they met due to the strong urges. But I never thought they would be this strong. Every action of his had caught my attention and made me weak with desire. The first stage of mating had already been completed when he kissed me, sparking our bond awake. So it would only be a matter of time before both of us would give in to our desires, which I was quite frightened of truthfully.

I shook all thoughts away as a man approached us. From the alluring, musky scent he was giving off, I knew he was also a vampire. A curly mop of brown hair sat on his head, green eyes, deep dimples and he was dressed in a suit, indicating he was quite upper class in the vampire society. This strange boy looked about my age, maybe older and as he got closer, he smiled kindly at Louis.

"King Louis, you found her." His gaze travelled to me and he smiled again, making me a lot less afraid. "She is very beautiful and will fit in perfectly with our other females. One lucky male will pay a large amount of money for her, I'm sure." Scratch that, I hate this guy. The thought of being auctioned off to hungry vampire males made me shiver fearfully. Louis wouldn't let that happen, right? He was my mate, he couldn't let any harm come to me, well that's what I've been told.

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