Asking For Death

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A/N: Okay, I'm sorry I haven't updated, but I've decided that my updating schedule will now be one Sundays and ONLY Sundays because I still have school. I only have a week left of school though, so I'm going to update a lot after that anyway. Hope you guys like the chapter, I put a lot of effort into describing Alexis' feelings and trying to get you guys to understand how she feels. Many of you may not because the things she feels are a bit confusing. Anyway, just stick with me on this. Here you go guys, enjoy :)

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

Why? Why me? That's a question I've been asking myself nearly all my life. Every single, painful day, I'd wake up and beg The Moon Goddess to answer it. Every night I'd pray that this was all just a dream, that I'd awake in the morning and be the sweet, happy 6 year old I once was. Never, were my pleads received. They were all ignored, as was I.

Now, as I sit alone on this cliff, staring to the heavens, I beg once more. This time is different. I don't ask for my life to reverse, I plead for someone to take me away; to end my life. I don't want to be here, I don't want to see anymore people get hurt because of me. I don't want to live. Among all of my mixed thoughts, that one is very clear.

My will to live, my life spark, is weakening with every breath I take... and I don't want to stop it. It never crossed my mind that one day I'd die, but now, I crave to feel my heart stop, my soul lift to the sky and leave my body.

I remember when I was happy, of course I do. They were very vivid memories that I could never forget. Back then, life was so simple, so easy. I wish I could just go back there at least once and smile again, feel the love I had. However, there is no way that could happen. No way I could ever be happy again. No way life would be somewhat normal again.

This emptiness I feel, this dull ache in my heart is growing. It wants to stop, it wants everything to stop, so it's pushing me into depression. I'll be fully alone if that happens. And I don't mind. Being alone is something I've grown accustomed to, after years of isolation. It no longer hurts to think of a world were I stand by myself. In fact, it makes the ache stop for a little while, it's at peace.

I've tried to push back the other emotions that pulse through my body, yet it's no use. The anger in side of had me built up over the last few days, stressing not only my mind, but my body as well. That's why I had fainted in Niall's arms. The stress had been too much, forcing my body to shut down and try to recover.

I'd awoken in the clinic two days later, which was a little shack they used for the injured. My doctor had explained that I needed rest to restore the balance between mind and body, so I stayed in bed for another day, thinking about life like I usually did. It wasn't soon before I got bored of that and demanded I be let free. Of course they tried to persuade me otherwise, but in the end, I got what what I wanted.

It's been a three days since then. Niall introduced me to all of his pack members, including Commander Reech, who I had learnt, Niall had a large amount of hate for. Apparently it was because Reech had gotten the title of commander instead of him and when I asked Niall about it, he rambled on about how the competition was supposedly unfair and not organised well, along with how much he hated Reech. But I could understand that, after all, they had both fought hard for the title and only one of them could have it.

Through the time I had spent here, I learned more about their pack, which was full of pure bred white wolves. I had learnt that quite fast, considering when I was shown the training grounds, all I saw were large, white furred wolves sparing. Other then that, this pack was near a small local town of humans, where some of the pack members went to buy food or to enjoy the atmosphere of human society. The town interested me, since I had never met a live human, only heard about them while staying at Louis' castle. Although the town was strictly off limits for me, I made it my goal to at least see the town one day.

The pack themselves were very friendly people and very close as well, almost like a family. Niall explained to me that packs aren't like kingdoms, they do have one leader, but are more free willed and care free. However, the leader of the pack still had to listen to the king's or queen's orders since they were still apart of my kingdom.

Unlike at the castle, I was allowed to roam free in the village, with the exception of one guard. All the pack members knew me and always greeted me kindly if they saw me walking about, which I replied with polite 'thank you'.

Over all, I liked it here. It somewhat reminded me of home and that brought me some peace, but there was always a sense of loneliness I felt. Amber and Zayn were busy being the happy mated couple that they were, completely forgetting about me, Niall was always discussing things with Reech and the council and I was usually left alone. Sometimes it bothered me, as I explained before, but now, I guess I just didn't care. It was just something that reminded me that no one truly cared for me anymore and I had no place on this earth.

I had spent most of my time up here on this cliff, enjoying the feeling of peace and quiet, because when I got back to Niall's house, it would surely not be quiet. As I had learnt the hard way, Niall had a huge amount of young cousins that were very bubbly. Specifically, girl cousins that loved to dress me up in frilly dresses and chat with me all day. It was refreshing and nice at first; having some girls around, but now it just annoyed me, like everything did these days.

Hugging my legs to my chest, I stared out into the forest, listening to the birds chirp and the wind quietly howl. My blue hair flew out behind me, flying in the wind. My face was not as relaxed as it should of been. My lips were in a straight line, my jaw clenched and my eyes gazing sharply straight ahead as I hugged my small body.

I was tense, any normal person would see that. Still no one appeared to comfort me or whisper sweet things in my ear. No one hugged my tightly as I was breaking. No, the one person that use to do that is gone. Shaking my head, I erased the thought and kept my eyes focused on the dark trees I looked down upon.

Yet, I still waited. I waited for someone, anyone to find me, to help me through this soul breaking moment. Time flew past and I was alone. "Of course no one comes to your rescue, Lexi. You're a broken, defeated, freak." I whisper to myself. The words cut through my soul and send daggers towards my already beaten heart. Those words affected me a lot, because they were true.

My eyes widen in realisation. No one cares, I truly see that now. Before, it was like I was trying to convince myself, but now, I know that I really am alone. I have no reason to live.

Standing slowly, I shuffled towards the edge of the cliff in an almost trance like state. I stare ahead, not even glancing tho look down at the fall. The fall that will send me plummeting towards my death. In an instant, I see every face of the people that have loved me- or I thought loved me. A smile graces my lips, one step more and it'll all be over. Everything will be okay. I'll see mother, father and Ace again. All I have to do, is jump.

My wolf is quiet. She hasn't spoken to me since I've left the dream and I don't think she will now either. Maybe she agrees with this, maybe she wants us to stop suffering. I try to communicate with her, but I get nothing. She's silent, waiting for me to jump. This is my chance. My only chance, I need to take it... so why can't I? I try to move forward, but I can't. My body won't move. Something is holding me back.

It's only then, that I feel someone's grip on my wrist. It's tight. Too tight to be a werewolf's. My heart starts to beat faster, my chest rising and falling rapidly. The grip tightens so much, it's causing me massive amounts of pain and I feel their breath come out in jagged breaths on my neck

Ever so slowly, I turn and the person steps back slightly. When I'm fully turned, I stare into two, shining emerald green eyes. It's a boy, about my age. Curly hair falls into his eyes as he stares back. On his muscular body is what looks like a casual outfit, pitch black skinny jeans and a simple black v neck. It just makes him look more scary. It's when his scent hits my nose, that I feel complete fear. He's a vampire. Something clicks in my head and my eyes widen even furtherer in realisation. He's a familiar vampire as well.

His strong jaw is clenched and he's letting out breaths in pants, staring down at me, his hold on my wrist never loosens. I'm stunned and paralysed in fear, gazing up at him in fear. As he catches his breath and closes his eyes tight, he speaks a sentence that I'm sure I'll never forget.

"I'd like to say it's nice to see you again, Princess, but under these circumstances, it's the complete opposite."

A/N: So... what do you think? Who is this boy? Seems pretty familiar, doesn't he? Well, comment, vote and some other stuff. I gotta go, so bye :D

The Moon Princess (DISCONTINUED!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ