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A/N: Hiya guys! So, I'm sorry I left you with a cliffhanger before haha. Thought it would build up suspense until I updated next which is now (yay!) Anyways, hope you guys like it, I'm really tired and stuff, so don't expect so much from me, lol. Here ya go

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

At that exact moment, I didn't know what to do. Every thought of mine left my head, leaving me blank and expressionless. All my memories were gone, in fact, I couldn't even remember my name; it wasn't important anymore. The only thing running through my head was my theory. The theory that Louis, my mate, had abused my best friend. I couldn't take it; the fact this monster was my mate. That he had killed the only family I had left, destroyed my kingdom, kidnapped me and hurt Ace. Louis is and always will be a monster. No matter how much my wolf loved him, it wouldn't compare to the amount of hate and disgust I had for this creature.

Finally, I spoke again, backing away from Louis, eyes wide with fear. "No." I shook my head, trying to get the nightmare out of my head. Closing my eyes, I was consumed with darkness but soon a scene that made me cringe, appeared. Ace's lifeless body. Scratches and deep wounds covering his pale skin, but his eyes. His once shining blue eyes, were white, wide with fear. A cold hand reached out and grasped my forearm, pulling me towards the powerful force.

Eyes still closed, I collided with a strong, cold, wall. A scream passed my lips when the person grabbed both my wrists, pinning them to my sides. "Stop, please!" I screamed, thrashing around. But the person didn't, they pushed me closer to them, wrapping their arms around my small waist. When a kiss was placed on my neck, my eyes shot open, wide in alert. I knew what was happening. The person was trying to mark me. "No, no. Don't do it!" This wasn't happening, it's just a dream. A sick, terrifying dream.

As I felt two fangs scrape across my skin, I came to the sudden realisation that no, this wasn't a dream. It was real, this person was real, the fact that someone was trying to mark me, was real. "Don't worry, it won't hurt. Just try to relax and it will soon be over. You'll soon be mine" A silky, sexy voice whispered against my skin, sending tingles throughout my body. This wasn't just someone... it was Louis. Louis was going to mark me; claim me as his forever.

No matter how much I tried to fight, my wolf kept me captured. She wanted this, needed it and I was only slowing it down, so she took control of my body, while I watched in shock. "Take us. Make us yours." She breathed, tilting my head to the side to give Louis more of our neck. "Mark us, we're ready." With those words said, I felt two fangs break through the skin on my neck, sinking into my flesh. I screamed, control of my body once again, grasping onto his jacket as he marked me.

It was overwhelming. The pain, but also the pleasure. Wave after wave of pleasure passed through my body, making me weak in the knees and I held Louis tighter. "Louis." I gasped. A sudden gush of power raced through me and I felt strong. Strong for once in my life, no longer the weak, fragile princess. But it was short lived. Louis was draining my power as he kept his fangs in my shoulder, taking what was rightfully mine. I was angry, no, furious. Louis had stolen my power, the power gifted to me, the Blue Moon Wolf.

My strength soon fully drained away and I was once again holding onto Louis' jacket weakly. The pleasure returned when he retracted his fangs, licking my wound. I wanted to stay in this moment forever, feeling the love, lust and dominance roll off of him, making me tingle. Squeezing my eyes shut, I exhaled deeply. Now that the pleasure had stopped, I finally realised what had happened. Louis marked me, the monster marked me. I couldn't run away anymore, I was bonded to Louis, forever. Even though I desperately tried to never let this happen, he had claimed me in a time of weakness; without my permission.

The Moon Princess (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now