What Once Was

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A/N: Heeeya guys ^.^ I'M UPDATING TODAY YAYAYAYAY. I'm so pumped and excited after watching The Maze Runner, like it was soooo good. Plus I got to stare at Dylan O'Briens face for like 2 hours so I'm super happy. ALSO, HAS EVERYONE SEEN STEAL MY GIRL??? It's the highlight of my week. That, and the announcement my friend's taking me to a 5sos concert next year. Last year was 1D and now its my second fav group of derpy boys. Can we say hella to the yay??

~ Alexis's P.O.V ~

If you had told me a month ago I'd be locked up inside an underground cell, unseen by everyone except the reason behind my kin's death, I would've called you crazy. But here I was, in that exact position, leaning against said cell door and breathing in short, panicked breaths. This whole situation was getting the best of me, but as my eyes travel over towards the other presence in the prison, leaning on a wall a few feet away from me, I know I don't have it half as bad as him.

His shoulders are slumped forward, body trembling with the effort he's putting into reining his wolf in and I can see every bead of sweat slide down his bare chest painfully slow, everything seeming sharper and clearer then usual. My eyes automatically track the movement and before I can fight it, a spark of interest hits me.

Louis' head suddenly jerks up, eyes glowing a dangerous red as they connect with my own startled ones. His nostrils flaring, a deep rumbling soon begins to sound through the eerie prison and a new found tension crackles through the air. The only noise heard is that constant growling coming from Louis and as I shift my body a little further away from his, it rises an octave; a no doubt threat towards me.

As soon as I halt and make no sudden movements, the rumbling settles down into a more quiet background sound and it's visible the way his body relaxes.

Starting from his shoulders, Louis starts to release his tight and coiled muscles, his shoulders dropping, abdomen relaxing and his chest begins to rise and fall at a steady pace. The wild look on his face begins to slowly edge away, his face falling slightly at the sight of my curled in body. Circling the pupil of his eyes, mixing with the stunning blue, remains a small tinge of red. It's the only thing reminding me that this King, this lonely, starved King, is part beast. He hasn't gained control of his awakened other half and from experience, I know that it only takes a few wrong moves for it to gain control.

Keeping my movements small and controlled, I let my body lean towards his again and let him subtly know through my body language that everything's fine; he's going to be fine. My eyes worryingly watch over him as he collapses against the wall again and a soft groan leaves his lips. I open my mouth briefly to question if he's okay, but quickly decide against it and just silently stare at him. I don't know what to say; the silence is so thick that even the idea of breathing too heavily is daunting.

The job of breaking the tension is taken away from me when Louis abruptly begins to speak. Once his voice was soft and seductive, almost hypnotising. Now it came out harsh and gravelly, the strain it takes for him to voice his thoughts audible to my sensitive hearing. It goes straight to my heart, knowing what all of this had done to him and just how much it had effected him. I don't know whether I could ever forgive him, especially after I learnt of what he had done, but knowing that this was hurting him just as much as it was hurting me was heart breaking.

"Alexis... did- did he frighten you?" His voice wavers, hesitant. My eyebrows furrow, the question confusing me. The sudden image of red eyes glaring and sharp canines gleaming flashes through my mind and I wince. Louis was asking about his wolf, the beast, the being that shares his mind, body and soul.

Shaking my head furiously from side to side, I'm quick to assure him that I had no problem with his other half. "No, no, I- I know he'd never cause me harm purposely. He's a part of you and even though our start was rough, you've grown since then and I know that you've changed. Louis, you've changed and there's no doubt in my mind that when you get out of this cell, you'll rule your kingdom, maybe even this entire country, better then anybody else could." I admitted, a light blush rising high on my cheeks.

It was hard to admit all these feelings, all these truths to Louis. Not only was it embarrassing to have to voice my emotions, but knowing he was right there, within reaching distance and yet so untouchable caused my heart to beat harder against my chest. There was no doubt in my mind he could hear it. It was so deafening that even my own ears were flooded by the sound.

The whole time I spoke I had kept my eyes trained on the ground, too afraid that if I lifted my gaze upwards, Louis would be staring; judging. But as the silence stretches between us, I can't help but feel curious. I want to see his face and be able to see his reaction to my words. So with a deep exhale of courage, I slowly lift my gaze and almost straight away my eyes begin to roam over his figure.

The first thing I notice is his posture; the obvious lean to his body towards me, the slight, barely there flush to his pale cheeks and it's there again, the red bleeding into his eyes. It suprises me a little, seeing his wolf so close to the surface, especially since I hadn't done anything obvious that would've led to it. Before I can even question what had pulled the beast out, he's moved onto his hands and feet, moving slowly towards me with a predatory grin stretching across his face. It pulls back his lips and my breath catches when those sharp fangs make a reappearance.

When he's right in front of me, he stops but continues to lean in, still able to reach out, but not touch me. Louis' breaths are ragged and it's almost like his body is shedding off energy the way it buzzes. Fiery red eyes regard me silently before they instantly narrow into slits and he hisses, "What did you do?" I'm startled by the sudden change in behavior and topic, my mind reeling in confusion.


Louis slams his hands onto the stained concrete floor of the cell, a furious snarl tearing through the air. "Don't play with my Alexis. Tell me what you did. Tell me how you got back."

And for a split second I'm paralyzed, my heart jumping in my chest, my hands shaking in curled fists by my sides. I don't know how to answer. Don't know what to answer with.

With a choked whimper, my throat tightening up whilst I speak, I manage to get out, "I have one week, on the next full moon, that's when everything will be answered."

That's all I manage to get out, because the cell door I'd been previously leaning on is torn of it's hinges in a matter of seconds.

A/N: So hey, it me and im sorry I didn't update in forever, it's just I got writers block and geez it's a bitch. I also have exams coming up so the next update might have to wait for a few weeks :c

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