Cat and Mouse

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A/N: Hi guys! I'm updating today because in the next few days I'll be working on my speech, so I won't be able to update for a while after this. Besides that, I hope you are all enjoying this story because I'm writing for all of you guys to read. Okay, I know that Louis can be a jerk and all, but in this story, that's his character. And he's a vampire, you can't expect him to be all lovey dovey. OMG, Niall's turning 20! Can you believe it? Can you hear me sobbing? Apart from that, hope you enjoy :)

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

Slim and thick mud stained the stone walls and what I can only hope is water, swirled around our soaked feet as we marched through the sewers. No light could be seen so I relied on my senses; guiding my friends out of this hell hole. The stench was disgusting, thick and was hard to breath in; making us pant heavily. Behind me, Amber and Zayn carried an unconscious Ace and the unknown boy walked closely beside me. The boy was yet to tell us his name, in fact, he hadn't spoken to us since we rescued him. Probably scarred from his time spent in the castle.

Staying focussed on our way out, I looked ahead, trying to find an exit, but we were undeniably lost. We had been down here for a while now and non of us knew we were. All of us knew the guards and more importantly, Louis, knew we were gone and would be well on their way to finding us. So I kept my pace fast, stepping slightly ahead of the rest of the group in case there was danger ahead. I wouldn't have done this usually, but my inner wolf had surfaced and understood that these people needed protecting.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched the unknown boy, who looked surprisingly calm. Like me, he was looking straight ahead, a slightly defensive stance, but none of the less, calm. Who was this boy? I hadn't seen him around my castle before, could he be a foreigner? If so, why hasn't he attacked us yet? While thinking, I kept a straight face and once again, set my sights on freedom. This was not the time to be wondering about some strange boy.

This whole situation was confusing and dangerous, but at the same time, some what exciting. Knowing people were out there, hunting us just urged me on. Encouraged me to keep going and not let them find us. It was risky, but worth it if we successfully made it out of here.

The fresh, clean clothes I had changed into at the castle already stunk of sweat and dirt, sticking to my pale, bare skin beneath it. Out of all of us, I was having possibly the hardest time moving on. That castle was not my home, but I felt as if I left part of my heart back there and my wolf was frustrating me with her non-stop whining. Being away from her mate was killing her and I knew that, but her so called 'mate' was our enemy. Besides, Louis had made it perfectly clear he only wanted me just for power, nothing else, so what was stopping me from running away? Nothing at all.

"Do you think we'll be out soon, princess?" Zayn shouted.

"I believe so. On the map, I marked the exits and if it's correct, we're near our escape. Just stay close." I replied, picking up my pace.

"I hope so, this revolting stench is stinging my nose." Amber groaned, moving slightly faster, probably trying to keep up with me. That was true, the stench was starting to frustrate me. It partially blocked my senses and made it harder for me to pinpoint our exact location.

As usual, Zayn and Amber started their own conversation, leaving me the odd one out. Sighing, I turned my head in the direction of the boy and cocked it to the side. He was already watching me. Not backing down, I held his stare as we ventured through these sewers. Surprisingly, he did as well. It was almost as if he was challenging me. My wolf growled at the thought and urged me on, telling me to dominate him. Frustrated, I let a animalistic growl leave my lips and narrowed my brown eyes at him.

The Moon Princess (DISCONTINUED!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora