The Things She Wanted

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A/N: I've officially had the crappiest month in the existence of crappy months, just to let you guys know. Like, I'm seriously done with everything, apart from this story that is, right now. Frickin school, frickin parents, frickin annoying school boys, frickin friend fights. I hate them all >:( Okay... okay, I'm finished my rant so I'll just get to the story then, shall I? I HOPE YOU LOVE IT BECAUSE I'M SAD NOW.

~ Alexis' P.O.V ~

In my past, I've always wanted my life to be normal.

I wanted my father to stop pestering me about mates and the supposed "protection" I needed from everything. I wanted my best friend to stop acting like a stranger and be there for me again. I wanted to be given flowers instead of diamonds and sweets instead of gold. I wanted to be free, yearned for my own path in life. I can remember from a few nights ago, so eager and ready for death; desiring it with every inch of my soul.

And I can remember at the delicate age of seven, desperately wanting my mother back. Every night silently praying that when I woke up the next morning, she would be standing there with perfect blonde curls and a warm smile, waiting for me with open arms.

But what I want now? The answer's simple.

I want to live.

The thing about asking for something, though, is that the more you keep asking, the longer it'll take to actually happen. I'd figured that out the hard way years before and as you can probably tell, I'm not very patient. I asked and asked and asked for years on end, but not once did I ever get what I truly asked for. So I figured it would be useless to just stand- uh, float here? and wait for something to happen, when obviously nothing was going to.

It was torture to be here anyway. Watching from a distance as the people you knew move on without you is, well, it's like someone stabbing you in the heart and twisting it around agonisingly slow just to watch you suffer. Yeah, exactly like that. What's worse though, is that some of them are moving on. Already I see Zayn comforting Amber, huddled together in the luxurious safety of Louis' castle, wiping away each others miserable feelings, but... they're moving on. Their eyes tell me everything. They'll get through this.

I see Harry drinking away his sorrows, liquor heavy in his system as he confidently stands from the bar stool and throws a punch at anyone near him. Unsurprisingly, the guilt has won over and he's doing all he can to cover up his feelings with alcohol and violence, apparently. He did all he could, however. I knew that and didn't blame him for anything. We had a plan, he just didn't get to me in time. It wasn't his fault. I don't blame you Harry. You should know that, I think loudly, wanting the words to reach him, but they don't come out. They can't, even if I scream.

Out of everyone near to me, Niall is most definitely the worst. He's always just huddled up in his room, head in his shaking hands or a nose full of one of my old dresses. He never moves, doesn't eat, just stares off into the distance, like he's waiting for something. The one thing he does do a lot though, is cry. He cries all through the night sometimes, sobbing out my name in wails of distress, begging me to come back. He cries until his face is red, eyes puffy and glassed; until he falls asleep. I don't even think he knows this, but he cries in his sleep too, nearly every night. I don't know whether he's having a nightmare or a sad dream, but I wish I was there for him. I wish i was down there next to him and sharing his pain.

There's no more goofy smiled, brotherly, wide eyed Niall, just a shell of a person. Hang in there Niall, please, for me. I know you can get through this, you're strong, you're the strongest person I know. Try to, at least. Try to move on and save yourself, please. Listen to me, listen to my voice and try. Be Niall, the confident, happy Niall. Not this, anything but this. My thoughts linger in the silence of my darkened mind. No one hears them. I'm not even acknowledged as he continues to weep. I can't do anything.

My eyes wander for a second, before landing on an exhausted Liam, leaning against the prison's wall. He looks restless, bags beneath both of his eyes, yet they're open wide in alarm, chest heaving sluggishly. Banging his head on the concrete wall, he curses and screws his eyes shut, one arm nervously tugging at his hair. My eyebrows furrow when it seems an unheard noise startles him, flailing to keep upright as he swiftly turns and barges into the dungeon.

I try to listen closer to pick up the mysterious noise, worried about what had stripped this reaction from Liam. I hadn't known him long, but in those brief moments that we had shared, he was always so kind and helpful. I understood his loyalties were with Louis, but whenever he did something to help me, I was very grateful. He had shown me something I had rarely seen in this cold world; genuine, random kindness. And that taught me that sometimes when everything is dark and it seems there's no hope, something or someone can always bring it back, sparking faith up anew.

I had been watching Liam as well over these past few days, just to make sure he was okay before I left. I didn't have much time left, so I had to use it wisely. Yet, I couldn't push myself to travel around the world like I had always wanted, when my friends, the people I loved were hurting. That would be selfish and a dream like travelling all over the world was only accomplished when you had people to do it with.

So right now I was content with watching them all, knowing that things wouldn't always be this sad. They would all grow up and realise I want them all to be happy, do things that I had always wanted them to do and achieve something. That's all I really wanted; for them to be happy. Besides they were family and I loved them all.

That's why when Liam cautiously stepped towards the darkened cell at the end of the prison, seemingly shocked about something, I leaned closer. Something was whispering, broken, desperate words of sorrow and my heart clenched tightly. It sounded so so sad that I just wanted to cry.

Despite my growing interest, I tried to cry out to Liam when he reached for the cell lock, worried about his safety. Yet again, my mouth opened, nothing came out. Another worried attempt at a warning as Liam unlocked and another as he wrenched it open and stepped inside. My fourth attempt was quickly stopped as I finally, finally heard what that sad voice had been whispering all along.

It was a pitiful, desperate repetitive whisper of a name. Specifically, my name. Over and over it was called, breaking into sobs every now and again until I couldn't take it. I gazed past a bewildered Liam and into the sorrow stained cell with teary eyes.

Beyond the shadows and moss was a hidden crumbled, curled in body. He was shaking and appeared to be in some state of trauma as he wouldn't stop that broken whisper. He gripped himself tightly and shook his head vigorously, like he was trying to deny something.

Before I could help myself, I shouted out his name in confused recognition, expecting to mouth out his name silently.

This time was different, however. This time someone heard me.

He lifted his head, wild blue eyes latching onto me as a hoarse "Louis?!" left my lips.

I was finally heard.

A/N: So I'd just like to clear up that yes, Lexi was a ghost, but deal with it. When she says she was "watching them from afar" she basically meant watching them (not creepy) but always following them places too. She could float around after them but no one ever saw her, ya know, cause she's a ghost. Now that's done, I'm gonna go to sleep. Nighty night guys!

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