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Today was Valentine's Day and I was with my beautiful girlfriend in Hyde Park for a winter picnic. We hadn't wanted to do anything too romantic, seeing as we had techinically only been together for a week but we wanted to do something nice. 

I had gotten all of the food for the picnic and set everything up. After spending hours trying to decide what we were going to eat I had settled of Nandos. Yes, I know, very classy. 

I had already known what I was going to get Zoe for Valentine's Day. I was going to give them to her for her birthday but Valentine's Day seemed more appropriate. Earlier in the day I had printed off the aeroplane tickets and put them in an old necklace box I had found in my mum's room. I didn't want it to be too obvious. 

I had just sat down on the blanket after pulling out and setting up all the food when Zoe spoke. "I got you something," she said softly holding a a medium sized box. 

"Well I got you something too," I said rummaging around in one of the bags that had previously been filled with food. My hand finally touched the small, long box and I pulled it out. My mum had helped me wrap it. We had settled on tying a simple red bow around the box. I had also gotten Zoe a card, but I decided to save that and give it to her later. 

"You open yours first," she said handing me the box. It was wrapped with simple brown parcel paper and it had a silver bow in the corner. I slid my finger under the tape and pulled off the paper setting it aside. I looked at the plain white box, wondering what was inside. 

I opened it up and smiled widely. "Oh Zo, you did not have to do this for me," I said still grinning. I looked back down at the now open box. Sitting inside was the vlogging camera I had been asking for for ages. I can't believe Zoe had gotten it for me. She really was the best. 

"I wanted to, you'll want it for Playlist Live," she said with a smile. She was right, I would be needing a nice camera to vlog on our next big adventure together. 

"Thank you so much Zo," I leaned in and kissed her softly before holding up her gift. "Now open yours," I handed her the box. I loved giving presents almost as much as I loved receiving them. I watched intently as she started to pull of the red bow and open the box. 

She gasped the instant she saw what was inside. 

"Alfie, you really did not do this, did you?" she asked looking up at me. She picked up the tickets and turned them over in her hand. Astonished, like she couldn't believe that they were real. "You are officially the best boyfriend ever." She smiled up at me and I reached up and cupped her face pulling her in for another kiss. 

"We'll you're officially the best girlfriend ever," I said motioning back down to my camera. I was so excited to use it! "I don't know about you, but I'm starving," I said. My stomach had actually started to grumble. I couldn't even remember the last time it had done that. Weird. 


"Oooh Alfie, please can we go into Selfridges? I really need to get a new Mac paintpot," Zoe said smiling up at me. 

"Ya, sure," I said. Zoe and I were walking up Oxford Street. We were 'window shopping' as Zoe called it. But we had already gone into at least three or four shops. I wouldn't really call that window shopping.  Zoe pulled me into the warm interior of the department store and led me to the Mac store. 

She was looking through all of the eye shadow colours and I was kind of just standing there. Then a younger girl and what looked to be her sister came up to me. 

"Hi, umm, we were wondering if we could have a picture," the older girl said with a smile. 

"We love your youtube channel!" the little girl shouted. The older one tried to calm her sister down to no avail. The little girl came and gave me a giant hug round the knees. I smiled. 

"Of course, Zo, can you come and talk my picture with these fans?" 

Zoe set down whatever she was messing around with and walked over. "Sure," she said with a smile. The older girl handed Zoe her phone and I looked into the camera with a smile. "Here you go," Zoe said handing the girl back her phone. 

"Thank you so much! Oh and Alfie, why are you and Zoe hanging out on Valentine's Day?" the eldest asked with a perpleced look on her face. "Are you guys dating?" 

I looked at Zoe. We hadn't even talked about telling any of the fans or anything. "Urm yes, we are," I stammered. The little girl squealed. 

"But you mustn't tell anybody, okay," Zoe added in. 

"We won't!" both the girls chimed in unison before leaving us to join back up with their mother. 

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Zoe, not even bringing up what had just happened. We hadn't even begun to talk about what we would do if fans found out about our relationship. Or if we were even going to tell anyone. 

"Just a mo, I need to buy these," Zoe said holding up multiple lip sticks and a powder. I sighed and then chuckled a little bit. Girls will be girls. 


Zoe and I were driving back to Brighton. The plan had been for Zoe to drive me home and then for her to drive herself home after that. But it slowly became apparent that that wasn't going to happen. Zoe was going to be staying with me, it was just going to be too late if she tried to drive all the way back to Bath. 

After going to Mac we had visited a few more shops then gone to Costa, then we'd seen a movie. It had been the best Valentine's Day I had ever had. I hoped to have many more with Zoe just like it. The car ride so far had been pretty silent. Zoe hadn't even put on any music. We were both exhausted. 

"So umm Alfie, about what happened in Mac today," Zoe said quietly starting up a conversation. 

"With the two girls?" I asked. I was stalling, I knew exactly what she was talking about, I just really didn't want to talk about it right now. 

"Yes," she said and I could tell she was pursing her lips and thinking about what to say next, even though it was dark. "I don't think we should tell anyone else about our relationship. It would be too stressful. I think it's best if we keep it a secret and only tell our closest friends. The ones we can trust the most."

I thought about what she said for a while. It did make a lot of sense. I mean if we told everyone we were in a relationship we would have a lot of hate. That I was sure of. But I hated keeping secrets from my viewers. Not to mention I was bad at it. What if I accidently told someone like I had done earlier. 

"Um ya, sure, okay," I said quietly. 

"Thank you," Zoe whispered.

We got to my house fairly late at night and I could tell that Zoe was very tired. I left all of our picnic things in the car and grabbed her hand tightly as we made our way inside. My mum was sitting in the living room watching some televison program that looked slightly familiar. 

"Hey mum, is it okay if Zoe spends the night?" I asked, already starting to walk up the stairs with Zoe. 

"Hmm, ya sure," she said not turning around to say hello or look at us. I guess she was really into her show. I laughed a little and Zoe let a small giggle escape. I walked into my cool room and flipped on the light. I let go of Zoe's hand and walked over to my dresser pulling out one of my t-shirts. I handed it to Zoe. 

"You can wear this tonight," I said smiling. 

"Okay," she said. She looked drained. I guess having fun with the best boyfriend ever made a person tired. She walked slowly to the bathroom. I got changed into a pair of boxers and a t-shirt whilst she was gone. 

She walked back in, looking like a zombie. We didn't say anything each other, we both just crawled under the covers. I think Zoe fell asleep right away. Her head on my chest, my arm wrapped gently around her. There was no other place I would have rather been. 


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