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I got ready as quickly as I could. I wanted to be with Alfie, not in a hotel bathroom getting ready. But then again I wanted to look nice. I did my makeup like I normally did but a bit extra as well. I settled on wearing a strapless white dress with black detailing and a baby pink coverup shawl. I did my hair in a simple braid, and then turned that into a bun on the side. 

I admired myself in the mirror before opening the door and stepping out. Alfie looked very nice. I could tell that he had been waiting for me though. He was looking around the room but stopped once I stepped out. He turned his attention to me and he was speechless. 

I just grinned and asked him to snap out of it. I slipped my feet into my black wedges and grabbed my bag, I was ready to go. Alfie gripped my hand tightly and we were off. 


The cab ride to the tower was agony. It felt like ages when in reality it was a mere five minutes. Alfie kept squeezing my hand to remind me that everything was going to be okay. I kept reminding myself how amazing everything was going to be. 

The second the cab stopped I opened the door and ran out onto the pavement. I looked up at the tall structure in awe. This was the first time I was really seeing it in real life. This up close that it. It was covered in a soft yellow glow. Alfie kept telling me how it was going to light up and twinkle though, I could hardly wait. 

After a few minutes Alfie got out of the cab and walked up the curb to join me. He reached out his hand and I took it as I led the way to the tower. It took us a while to get up to the first floor. There was such a long line. We finally made it though. 

I just kept looking around me taking everything in. It all felt so surreal. I couldn't believe I was actually in the Eiffel Tower, I just kept shrieking a bit on the inside. Alfie told the woman at the front of the restaurant our reservation time and she led us to our table by a window. 

That was when Alfie yet again reminded me about the entire place sparkling. My face exploded in excitement. I just kept looking around above me waiting for it to happen. I squeezed Alfie's hand tightly and smiled the whole time. 

Everything started to go in slow-mo right around 7 o'clock for me. A small light flickered on in the corner of my eye, then the entire tower erupted in bright, white, twinkling lights. It was so beautiful. My mouth kind of just opened in awe. It was amazing. So incredibly beautiful. 

I spent a good two minutes just looking at all the lights and admiring everything. Then I let go of Alfie's hand and turned to look at him. The lights filling my peripheral vision. He wa already looking at me and I was guessing that he had been for a while. I leaned in and kissed him, it was perfect. 


Dinner was absolutely fabulous. Alfie and I had gotten a delicious dish to share. I don't remember exactly what it was called but it was some sort of meat in a delicious sauce. There were also some really good vegetables on the side. 

"So what do you want to do know?" Alfie asked after we had both finished taking our final bites of the meal. 

"Dessert?" I asked looking up at him with a grin. 

"I actually have an idea for that," he said smiling back. I didn't say anything after that just continued to watch him grinning. He called out waiter over and paid for the meal. He wouldn't let me see how much it had cost though. I knew I was going to be spoiled a lot this trip. "Ready to go?" Alfie asked standing up and grabbing his coat. 

I nodded and we were off. It was much faster getting down the tower than it had been to get up. There were less people but more couples, come to romantic and cheesy like Alfie and I. 

"Okay, so I'm taking you somewhere super cool, you have to close your eyes though," Alfie said gripping my hand. 

"I am not closing my eyes," I said smiling up at him. 

"You so are," he said placing a hand over my eyes. I reluctantly shut them but I felt totally afraid the instant I did. I felt better though when Alfie squeezed my hand. He removed his warm hand from my eyes and we were off. I had no idea where we were going. 

I walked slowly and cautiously as Alfie held my hand. He would tell me when I had to step and such. I could only imagine how I looked to other people on the street, I didn't care though. I trusted Alfie with my life and there was no way I looked that rediculous. 

After walking for about five minutes Alfie stopped. "You can open your eyes now," he said letting go of my hands. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the shop we were standing in front of. It emitted a warm yellow light that made it look like Alfie and I were glowing. It was a gelato shop. 

"Why did you choose this place?" I asked looking at it more closely. It was very cute and very French but it just looked like any other shop around. 

"It's supposed to have some of the best gelato in all of France," Alfie said grinning. 

"Sounds good to me," I said pulling the door open. There was a small bell that went off above the door and the woman who was serving two young children and what looked to be their mother looked up and smiled at us. 

After the woman and her children went to sit down, Alfie and I moved up to the front. There were so many flavours to choose from. Chocolate, mint, vanilla, orange. Even onces such as Nutella and Kinder Bueno. There were so many to choose from. 

Alfie went first and that was when we realised that the women didn't speak any English. It was our first experience with someone who only spoke French. I was excited. Alfie pointed to the flavour he wanted, Nutella, and then to the size he wanted. 

The woman smiled and seemed happy enough to help us. Next it was my turn. I settled on getting and interesting looking Citrusy flavour. I was really excited to try it. It looked amazing. Alfie paid and we picked up our cups. 

"Inside or out?" Alfie asked. 

"Out," I said grinning. "Why don't we go on a lovely walk?" 

"Sounds amazing," he said. We grabbed each other's hands again and left the shop, the bell tinkling softly as we left. "Where do you want to walk?" Alfie asked. We turned left on the small street we were on. It led to a larger street. 

"Let's find a park somewhere," I said. Alfie being Alfie pulled out his phone and we were of to the Tuileries Garden. 

It was one of the most beautiful gardens I had ever been in. Since it was dark all of the street lights were turned on and they emitted a soft glow everywhere we walked. It was so beautiful. There weren't many people around so it felt all the more romantic. 

Alfie and I found a fountain and we sat down on the edge. I had already eaten most of my gelato on the walk to the garden. I set down my cup and looked at Alfie. He was already looking at me. He had set down his bowl as well. It only seemed fit for us both to lean in and kiss. 


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