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I woke up early the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside our window. Our window. It felt nice to say that. I was sharing a room with Zoe and it was ours for the week. Ours together.

I looked over at Zoe who was still fast asleep. The sunlight from the window shone onto her face making her look more beautiful than ever. I gently ran a hand across her face marvelling at how soft her skin was. She was gorgeous. 

I stood up and walked over to my suitcase pulling out my clothes for the day. I got dressed hastily, looking in the mirror before leaving the room to head to the kitchen. I shut the door softly, not wanting to wake up Zoe. 

I walked into the kitchen and jumped a little upon seeing Jim and Tanya. They were sitting at the table. Tanya was reading a book and drinking some tea whilst Jim was on his phone. They were two very different people, weren't they?

"Good morning," Jim said with a smile. 

"Morning," I replied. I sat down at the table next to them. Tanya shut her blog with a soft thud. 

"Would you like anything to eat or drink Alf?" she asked standing up. She walked over to the kettle and added some more water to her tea cup. 

"I'll have some hot chocolate actually," I said with a grin. 

Tanya and Jim started to laugh. Before Zoe and I had come Tanya had asked both of us if there was anything special that we liked to eat, or in my case drink. We had both responded with hot chocolate. Tanya said she didn't have any but that she would go out and get some special for us. I guess she had kept her promise. 

She started to put the powder into a red mug with large white polka dots. I watched as she added some of the hot water from the kettle into the mug. She turned on her heel to pull a spoon out of the drawer and plopped it in the warm drink before handing it to me. 

"Here you are," she said with a little giggle. 

"Thanks," I said softly starting to stir the hot beverage. Just then there was a sound from down the hallway. I looked up and saw Zoe walking towards us. She looked really tired. She hadn't even brushed her hair yet. "Good morning!" I said cheerily. 

She ignored me and walked into the kitchen. The containter of hot chocolate was still on the counter and she started to scoop some into a new mug. She then poured hot water over the powder. She picked up her mug gingerly and walked over to me, plopping herself down on my lap without a word. 

Tanya and Jim just looked at her. "Are you okay Zo?" I asked reaching my hand up to brush away a stray hair from her face.

"I'm fine, just tired," she said with a yawn. She took a sip of her drink and smiled at us. I swear I could almost hear Jim and Tanya take a breath of relief. 

"That's great," Tanya said sitting down at the table once again. "So today Jim and I were thinking we could take you guys to the cutest little place for brunch and then maybe just walk around town and hang out. There are so many cute things here that I'm sure you two will love," she said with an added flourish that both Zoe and I noticed. 

"Sounds great," Zoe said taking another small sip of her hot chocolate.


"He's always on the phone, he'll be back soon don't worry," Tanya said with a grin. We were at the cutest little brunch place just like Tanya had said. Half-way through the meal Jim had gotten an important phone call and had to go outside to take it. He hadn't returned yet. 

Tanya had brough her camera and was vlogging a little bit of it. 

"So Jim's outside and I'm here with Zoe and Alfie," she said cheerily. My hand was in Zoe's hand, on top of the table. I let go of Zoe's hand and hid mine under the stark white table cloth just as Tanya turned the camera to us. 

"Hello everyone!" Zoe said looking into the camera. 

"Hi!" I added in. Tanya turned the camera back to her and started to talk about everything she was going to show us and how we were staying for the week. I really hoped that these wouldn't make any of the Zalife shippers go crazy. Hopefully they wouldn't be rude to Zoe, I really didn't want that to happen. 

Zoe looked at me as Tanya continued to talk to the camera. Her expression said everything. We had to be much more careful about flaunting our relationship everywhere, or something bad was going to happen. 


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