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My phone woke me up bright and early the next morning. It didn't even feel like morning though. It was still dark outside. Zoe and I again had to get to the airport early for our flight home. They only had one flight back to England the day we needed to go home and it was at 6:30. 

I glanced at the bright screen on my phone again and groaned. It was 4 in the morning. A time no humna being should ever have to see on the clock. Zoe's head was on my chest and she was still asleep. I guess my phone didn't work for her all that well. 

I ran my hand across her forehead and through her hair. She moaned softly. I knew she was awake now, but she kept her eyes shut. "Zo, time to wake up," I said softly. Her eyes flicked up and she looked up and smiled at me. 

"I don't want to leave," she said softly. But she sat up and ran a hand through her hair anyway. We had both gone to bed in clothes that we could wear to the airport so we wouldn't be too rushed for time. Zoe got out of bed and started to organise her stuff. I put my phone charger in my bag and sat back down on the bed. 

"Are you ready?" I asked looking over at her. She was rummaging through her suitcase. She pulled out a thin white box and opened it. It looked like the box I had given her with that jumper she wanted. I stood up and walked over to her. It was the box that had her jumper in it. 

Now it looked to be filled with all the notes I had given Zoe, our ticket for dinner at the Eiffel Tower, ribbons and wrapping paper, reciepts from shops we had gone to. Everything small and of importance from our trip was inside it. 

When I got closer to Zoe she shut the box and hurriedly stuffed it back into her bag. I caught a glimpse of the words scrawled on the front before she zipper up her suitcase though. Paris 2013. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. 

"So are you ready?" I asked again wrapping my hand around Zoe's waist. She started to giggle and turned around so she was facing me. 

"I love you Alfie. So much, I love you more than words can describe. I just really wanted you to know that-" she started to say more but I stopped her. 

"Zoe I love you so much too," we both leaned in and our lips met in what was probably my favourite kiss with Zoe ever. 


                                                          Two Weeks Later

"I can't wait to see you either!" I said cheerily into the phone. I was on the phone with Zoe and we were both hyping each other up about our trip to Harry Potter studios that was coming up. We hadn't seen each other since our trip to Paris and I was missing Zoe loads. 

We had spoken on Skype almost every evening but it just wasn't the same as being with her in person. I missed that little smile she always had when I talked. The smell of her perfume. Her small hands intertwined with mine. I just missed her a lot. 

"So we'll see each other soon then?" Zoe asked. She was staying at Louise's at the moment and I could hear Darcy blabbering in the background. 

"Yes we will Zo," I said grinning. 

"I love you," 

"I love you too. Talk later!" I said before hanging up. Zoe and I never said goodbye, we always said 'talk later' instead. That way we never had to say goodbye. It was like we were always together. Even when we weren't. 

I had already packed for the trip. Normally I packed day of but I wanted to be ready. And the day that I had packed I had been bored out of my mind and had nothing to do, so it seemed fit to pack. 

I walked into the kitchen aimlessly and grabbed an apple out of the bowl. I bit into it right as my phone rang. No one except for Zoe really called me all that often. I was surprised to see that it was a number I didn't recognise. That hardly ever happened. 

I answered it anyway. 


"Hi is Alfie Deyes available?" the person on the other end asked. 

"I'm Alfie," I said chuckling a little bit. 

"Hello Alfie, my name is Suzanne and I work at Warner Brothers Studios. I'm just calling to ask you about the rooming situation for you and your friends stay at The Grove Hotel."

Suzanne then told me where everyone would be sleeping and she gave me two options. I could room with Zoe or Joe. I answered and told her Zoe, without hesitation. She told me she would see me soon and that she hoped we enjoyed our stay. I hung up the phone with glee before setting it down on the counter. 

I walked with an extra spring in my step on my way to my room. My apple lay forgotten on the table. 

I opened the door to my room and sat down at my desk. I opened my latest video I had filmed and started to edit it. My mind was on other things though. My mind was on Zoe. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I decided to talk to Louise about how I felt. Louise always had the answers to everything. 

I hurried into the kitchen to retrieve my phone. I then dialled Louise's number from memory. She answered immeadiately. "Alfie?" she asked with a bit of confusion in her voice. "Do you want to talk to Zoe?" 

"Erm no actually, I wanted to talk to you..." I said trailing off a bit. I was suddenly realised what a stupid idea this had been. I could talk to Louise any other time, she was with Zoe right now, this was just weird. "Is it a bad time?" I asked. I could still hear Darcy in the background. 

"Not at all," Louise said sweetly. I could hear her walking and Darcy's voice slowly trailed away. "What is it Alf?" she asked. This time there was concern in her voice. 

"I can't get Zoe out of my mind," I said it so plainly, not even trying to disguise how I was feeling. 

"Awwww Alf, that's so sweet," she said and I knew she was smiling. 

"It's so distracting though. I can't get anything done," I said looking towards my computer and my video that wasn't even close to being done. 

"I went through a phase just like this with Matt. You just have to try to think of other things," she said sweetly. 

"Okay," I said with a sigh. Being Zoe's boyfriend was a lot harder than I had ever bargained for. "Thanks for helping me, I guess..." I said slowly. "And thanks for being an amazing friend," I added. 

"You're welcome Alf. See you soon!"

"Bye," I said before clicking the end button. I tossed my phone onto my bed and sat down at the computer again. I would finish editing my video, and I wouldn't think about Zoe. It was hard but the video was done in only two hours. The video turned out perfectly. 


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