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After Alfie and I had finished eating we had walked up Oxford Street stopping in a few shops. I had especially wanted to go into Selfridges, I needed to get a few things from Mac. I could tell Alfie didn't really want to but I was glad when he followed me in. 

The weirdest thing happened inside though. Two girls asked Alfie for a picture which I gladly took for them, that wasn't the weird bit. Then they asked us if we were together. I hadn't even started to think about what we were going to tell the fans yet. 

"Um, yes we are," Alfie said. I froze, what if I didn't want this information to get out?

"But you mustn't tell anybody," I added in. I thought we ought to keep our relationship private for a little bit longer. I knew I would get hate for it and I wasn't a thick skinned as Louise when it came to that stuff. 

The girls ran off squealing. I sighed, hoping that they really wouldn't end up telling anyone. 

"Are you ready to go?" Alfie asked me with a smile. 

"Just a mo, I need to buy these," I said holding up the three lipsticks and mineralized skin finish I had picked up. I walked to the till and handed the lady 80 pounds as she bagged up my stuff. I started to think about what had just happened and what we were going to do about it. 

Alfie and I were in a relationship now, things were different. We had to be very careful from now on. I really didn't want to tell our viewers. Not yet at least. 


I was driving Alfie back to Brighton and then I was supposed to drive another two hours back to Bath but it soon became obvious that I would not be capable of doing that. I was so exhausted from the day's activities. I was almost falling asleep on the way to Brighton.

The car ride was pretty quiet, I guess Alfie was tired as well. I hadn't even bothered to turn on any music. I wasn't in the mood. It had been a fabulous day though. The best Valentine's Day ever actually. 

"So ummm Alfie, about what happened in Mac today," I said. I needed to tell Alfie that I wanted to keep our relationship private. 

"With the two girls?" he asked. 

"Yes," I paused trying to think of how I was going to phrase this next bit. "I don't think we should tell anyone else about our relationship. It would be too stressful. I think it's best if we keep it a secret and only tell our closest friends. The ones we can trust the most."

"Um ya, sure, okay," Alfie said. I looked over at him. I could see his silhouette in the dark. He was looking out the window. I knew how much Alfie hated keeping secrets from his viewers. He thought of them as friends and never wanted to not tell them something. This was important to me though.

"Thank you," I said. And I meant it, I really meant it. 

After a little bit longer we got to Alfie's house. He had said it was okay if I spent the night and I was really glad. There was no way I was going to drive another two hours in the dark. All of the lights were on in his house as if they were beckoning us inside.

I was really tired. I grabbed my handbag and gripped Alfie's hand with my free one. He led me up the steps. I felt like a zombie, walking with no purpose and blank eyes. I knew I looked terrible and that Alfie's mum would have to see me like this, but at this point I didn't even care. 

Alfie opened the door and I followed behind him into the warm house. "Hey mum is it okay if Zoe spends the night?" Alfie called into the living room. His mum was watching some show I had never seen before, she seemed to like it a lot though. 

"Hmm, ya sure," she said without even turning to look at us. That was good, I knew I looked dreadful. Alfie's mum was pretty cool. I really liked her a lot. 

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