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                                                                             One Month Later

"Where do you want to eat tonight?" I called out to Zoe. Zoe and I were in London at the moment with Jim and Tanya. Jim and Tanya were staying in London for a while and Zoe was out here to film for DailyMix as well, so she was staying at my place

Zoe was in the other room with Jim and I was sifting through the deep dark hole of tumblr. Tyler Oakley had just gotten me addicted and I couldn't look away. I was constantly on it, scrolling through the Zalfie tag, the Zoella tag, even the PointlessBlog tag. 

There wereso many pictures to see and so little time. 

"Nandos," Jim and Zoe both called back out to me. I smiled, it seemed like we always went there but it was for good reason. Their food was delicious. 

"Sounds like a plan," I called back. I then returned my attention back to my phone. We were just waiting for Tanya to come back to the hotel before going out. I continued to scroll down on my phone finding a few pictures worth reblogging. I hearda lot of laughter in the other room and stood up to investigate.

Zoe was on the bed reading something aloud to Jim and they were both cracking up. The second I walked in though they stopped. "What are you guys doing?" I asked sitting next to Zoe. 

"Nothing!" they both chorused. 

"Come on please tell me," I said putting on a fake pout. Zoe reached her hands up to her lip dragging them across, sealing them. 

"Not telling," she said with another giggle. 

"Oh come on Zo," I said reached my hands up and starting to tickle her. 

"Stop- stop," she wheezed. "I'll tell you."

I smiled waiting for her to tell me. Jim was still sitting in his chair just laughing and laughing at us. 

"I was reading Jim a Malfie fanfic," Zoe said with a grin. 

"Was it good?" I asked with a wondering smile. 

Just then I heard Tanya laugh. Apparently she had entered the hotel room without any of us noticing. "Only you would ask that Alfie," she said smiling down at me. "I'm ready for food, let's go."


Jim and Tanya had gone back to their hotel room and I had taken Zoe back to my flat. Caspar was out with some friends so it was just us. Dinner had been amazing. Tanya and Jim really were amazing friends. 

Zoe collpased on the couch and I went to the kitchen pulling some ice cream out of the fridge. "Do you want any?" I asked Zoe. 

"Yes please!" she said with a large grin. I started to scoop some into two bowls for us. I heard Zoe stand up and shuffle down the hallway. I thought that maybe she was going to the bathroom but I was wrong. She came back into the kitchen holding an old tattered box. It was the only game I had brought with me when I moved to London. My favourite game, Monopoly. 

"Oh really, are we going to play tonight?" I asked raising my eyebrows. 

"Only if you want to," Zoe said, sitting down at the kitchen counter.

"Oh I want to," I said with a smile. 

The next two hours were filled with small quarrels and a lot of buying of properties. I was almost positive that I was going to win, but in the end Zoe pulled through. 

"Ha!" she shouted in my face. I started to frown, pretending to be sad. "Oh I didn't mean to make the little baby cry," Zoe said with a smile. 

She then pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of the board. "Are you putting that on Instagram?" I asked leaning over her shoulder. She nodded and clicked the done button after typing a quick caption about beating me. 

Immeadiately the Zalfie comments started to pour in. Zoe clicked off her phone right away and set it down. I knew that she hated keeping our relationship a secret almost as much as I did. But I always knew that if we told everyone it would be worse off. Zoe hadn't had a panic attack in two years and I didn't want them coming back. 

"I think I'm going to bed," Zoe said looking up at me. She looked drained, and sad. I loved her so much and I didn't want our relationship to put this much of a tole on her. It broke my heart to see her this way. 

"Okay, I love you," I added before kissing her gently. She sat up and walked to the bathroom. I heard the water turn on and knew she was taking off her makeup. I started to clean up the game and put it all back into its battered box. 

I walked down the hallway and placed it back in the cupboard where it would probably stay until the next time Zoe and I played. I sighed as I walked back into the living room. I really didn't want this relationship to be difficult for Zoe. We both loved each other to bits but our fans were tearing us apart. I hated it. Why couldn't we just be normal people in love? Why did everything have to be so difficult?

I sat down on the couch and opened up my laptop, pulling on my headphones. I had two videos to edit and they both needed to get done tonight. I guess I had a long night ahead of me. 


"Wake up, wake up!!" Zoe shouted in my ear, banging a pillow against my head. 

"Stop it! I'm awake," I said groggily sitting up. I looked over at the alarm clock and groaned. "It's 7 am, why on earth did you wake up this early?" 

"I have to go film and I thought you would want to come with me and hang out with Jim," she said smiling up at me. She was already to go, she was dressed and her makeup was done. 

"When did you wake up?" I asked as I stood up and started to rummage through my dresser trying to decide what to wear. I finally settled on my dark blue ombre shirt and a pair of light brown trousers. 

"Ages ago," Zoe said with another one of her perfect smiles. "Breakfast is ready for you in the kitchen, whenever you want it. We have to leave in half an hour!" she said cheerily before skipping out of the room and shutting the door behind her. 

How could she be this cheery this early in the morning? 


Forbidden Love { A Zalfie Fanfic }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang