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Whilst Zoe was in the bathroom washing up and all that I grabbed the first of her presents from my bag. I was so excited for her to open this one. It was one of my favourites. A while back I had been shopping with Marcus in London and we had gone in some souvenir shops for fun. For some odd reason there had been a few miniature Eiffel Towers. I picked the one in pink to give to Zoe as a joke. 

It had become the perfect gift when I told her we were going to France. I would make the Eiffel Tower have meaning. The day I found out that there was a restaurant in the Eiffel Tower I knew exactly what Zoe's first present was going to be. 

I looked at the neatly wrapped small box and smiled. It had taken me ages to wrap that thing. I had wanted to get it perfect all on my own. I had almost asked Louise for help when she was over but I wanted to have said that I had done it all myself. After many failed attempts I had perfected it. 

I heard Zoe turn the water off in the bathroom and set the gift quickly down on the knit duvet cover. It had a lovely pattern of flowers on it. In fact the entire room was lovely. I started to look around taking in all the beautiful details when the door to the bathroom opened. 

I looked away from the molding on the wall and turned my attention to Zoe. She had taken all of her makeup off and put her hair up but to me she looked more beautiful than ever. She was about to sit down in the chair that was sitting in the corner of the room when she stopped. She had spotted her gift. 

"What's this?" she asked pointing to the small box. I started to smile widely. 

"It's for you," I said looking first at Zoe then down to the small box. 

"What do you mean?" she asked sitting down next to me on the bed. I could tell that she was confused. I picked up the box and handed it to her.

"Just open it," I said with a small chuckle. I watched as Zoe opened it. It was killing me, the waiting. I wanted her to open it right now. Through the paper off and smile once she saw what it was but of course Zoe being Zoe had to do it slowly and perfectly. It was just something she did. 

I continued to smile as she folded up the paper and slipped her finger under the flap in the box. She reached her hand in the box and pulled out the small Eiffel Tower with a large smile on her face. She then tugged off the taped note, her eyes moving back and forth as she read it. 

Then she shrieked. 

She looked back down at the paper and started to reread it. I started to laugh. She looked up at me her face deadly serious. She folded up the paper and placed it back in the box before turning to speak to me. 

"You did not," she said a small smile starting to form on her lips. 

"I so did," I said with another laugh. Zoe then threw herself at me. I was taken a bit aback but I returned her hug. After a few minutes I pulled away. Zoe looked sad that I had pulled away but I smiled. "You better start to get ready," I said grinning. 

"I already know what I'm going to wear!" Zoe skrieked jumping off the bed. She ran over to her suitcase and unzipped it pulling something out. She was covering it up though so I couldn't see. 

"What?" I asked tilting my head trying to get a better look at the garment of clothing she was holding. She turned her body away from me yet again. 

"It's a surprise!" she said with a giggle. She grabbed her makeup bag and skipped into the bathroom. I just sat on the bed smiling. I hadn't expected Zoe to like my gift that much. She was going to be much happier with the rest of them. If this made her happy the others were going to make her ecstatic. 

After half an hour I had gotten ready. It was pretty easy. I didn't even need to go to the bathroom. I just used the large mirror on the back on the door. It was very vintage and totally French, something that looked like it belonged in Zoe's room. I was dressed in a simple but classy outfit. 

Another fiftenn minutes after I had finished getting ready Zoe called out to me. "I'm ready Alf, shut your eyes!" She then started to burst into a fit of giggles. I just smiled and sat on the bed. The doorknob started to turn right as I shut my eyes. 

I could hear Zoe moving around. I felt the bed drop lower from her weight once she got on. It felt like she was moving closer to me. I then felt her warm hands over my eyes. "Open them on the count of three," she breathed into my ear. I shivered as her breath went down my ear. She removed her hands from my eyes but I kept them shut. "One, two, three!!" she shouted. 

I opened my eyes and smiled. Zoe looked gorgeous, I was lost for words. She was in a white dress with black stripes on diagonal and her hair was pinned up in an intricate braid bun. Her makeup was flawless. "How do I look?" she asked striking a pose. I just kept staring at her, still at a loss for words.

"Hmmflumpghh...." I murmured. Zoe started to giggle. She started to snap her fingers in front of my face.

"Alfie! Snap out of it!!" she said joyously. She then hopped off the bed and started to jump around. 

"I can tell someone's excited," I said getting off the bed to join her by the dresser. She had already grabbed her handbag. I guess she was also ready to leave. 

"I am so excited," she whispered wrapping her arms around my waist. 

"Well we better go then," I said grinning. I grabbed her hand and we were off. 


The cab ride to the Eiffel Tower was much like the plane ride to Paris. Zoe gripped my hand tightly the whole time and I feared I might loose circulation. It was only a short five minute drive but to Zoe I'm sure it felt like hours. 

I glanced down at my watch to see that we were a little early. It would give us time to walk up to the restaurant. Zoe hopped out of the cab and as usual I paid. I thanked the cab driver who obviously only spoke French. He seemed confused by us, which just made me laugh. 

Zoe was waiting on the curb when I walked over to her. "Come on!" she called. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the tall, lit up structure. I followed her with a large grin consuming my face. 

Zoe led the way up the many flights of stairs to the temporary first floor. It was actually quite large. Much larger than I would have expected. I talked to the person at the desk briefly and then we were being seated. Zoe couldn't help but continue to squeal. We sat down two minutes before 7. 

"Zoe, prepare yourself but in 2 minutes this whole structure is going to sparkle," I said with a smile. 

The excitement on Zoe's face. I just wish I could have captured this moment and kept it with me forever. How happy Zoe looked, like nothing in the world could ever go wrong. She kept looking at her watch, eager, like a kid on Christmas morning. It was perfect. 

Right at the 7 the entire tower erupted in glittering, twinkling lights. Zoe squeezed my hand with her neck craned up looking all around us at the beauty of it all. We both tried to talk it all in. It was beautiful.


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