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"Alfie!!!! Alfie, wake up it's Christmas!" I shouted in Alfie's ear. I picked up my pillow and smacked him on the head a few times with it. It took a while but he finally started to wake up. 

"Zo, stop it!" he said holding his hand uselessly in defense. 

"It's Christmas!" I shouted again, jumping out of bed. I was happy for two reasons. One, Alfie had been staying at mine for ages and it was finally Christmas (who wouldn't be happy?) And two, we were uploading our collab that we had done together. 

Every since Alfie and I had been outed I had actually been really happy. More happy then I ever thought I would have been. We could hold hands in public and kiss without worry of someone catching us. Of course there was still the run-in with a fan but it didn't matter as much anymore. 

The response to the blogpost we had posted together four months back had been amazing. Everyone couldn't be more supportive and their were hardly any hate messages anywhere. Everything was going perfectly, exactly the way I wanted it to. 

Alfie had been at mine for about a week before Christmas. I was absolutely ecstatic when my dad said it was okay for him to stay. Alfie spent the night all the time but I was worried that Christmas would have different rules. Luckily, it didn't. 

I was jumping all over the place excited for the delcious breakfast I knew had been prepared for us and for the presents that were waiting under the tree for me and Alfie. Christmas really was a great holiday. 

"Come on Alf!!! Hurry up!" I said cherfully. Alfie was pulling a jumper on over his t-shirt and stepping in to a pair of pyjama bottoms. "Come on!" I said loudly again. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out into the main room. Joe was sitting on the couch. The breakfast and presents untouched. That was quite unusual for him. My dad was no where to be seen. 

"Joe, where's Dad?" I asked looking around the room a bit. I walked down the corridor and looked down it. He was no where to be seen. I walked back to the main room. Alfie had sat down next to Joe. 

"I don't know," Joe said grinning, part of me felt like I did know where he was though. Joe then winked at Alfie. What was going on? "He told me not to open any presents until you got here. I guess we can open some now," he added. 

"We should wait for Dad," I said softly sitting down on Alfie's lap. I rested my head on his shoulder as he started to stroke my hair. We were just hanging out for like half an hour before I heard the door open. I jolted out of Alfie's lap and ran to the door with the excitement I had back when I was a young child. As if my Dad was just coming home from work. 

He walked down the corridor and gave me a big hug. "Hey sweetie. I have a present for you!" he said smiling holding up a large box. I frowned slightly at the huge thing. What on earth could it be? We both walked back into the main room and he set the box down. "Ready to open presents up?" My dad asked sitting where Joe had sat before. Joe had already bolted up and grabbed his first gift the instant he saw my father. 

I nodded and Alfie said, "I'm more than ready." Alfie had brought all the presents his parents had wanted to give him here so he had a lot to open. My dad had also insisted on getting him something. His parents had gotten something for me as well. 

I pulled out a small box that was covered in candy cane wrapping paper. I started to tear of the bow on front when my dad stopped me. "Open this one first Zo," he said motioning to the large box he had brought in. 

"Okay?" I said confused. Why would I need to open that one first. It was wrapped in simple red paper that pulled of super easily when I tugged. It came off in one piece and I set it on the floor. Inside was a cardboard box with holes poked in the top, for some odd reason. 

I popped it open and shrieked at the contents inside. 

Sitting in the box were two small orange kittens with green bows tied on their tails. "Thank you Daddy!!" I said standing up and running to give him a hug and a kiss. I then ran back to the box and pulled out the small creatures. 

One of the kittens seemed very interested in me and the ribbons on my pyjamas. The other one was drawn the Alfie. Alfie picked the smallest kitten up and started to cradle it. "What are you going to name them Zo?" he asked stroking the small creature. 

I answered without hesitation. "Milo and Monty." Luckily both the kittens were boys so that worked. When I was younger I had two guinea pigs named Milo and Monty and I fell in love with the name. Alfie and I had done quite a few gaming channel videos for his failed gaming channel video and we had to name a pet once, I named him Milo. Unfortunately Milo died in the game... 

Well moving on, back to the kittens!! I was so surprised. I had never asked for them but I had always hinted slightly at how much I wanted pets. My dad was slightly allergic to pet dander though so I thought it was never going to happen. 

"Thank you again Daddy," I said with a large smile. This was one of the best Christmas' ever. Monty, the very chill cat was sleeping in Alfie's lap, he was the cutest. His energic brother Milo was not sleeping though. Milo was running around the room through all the paper of opened presents playing with strings and ribbons. He was also very cute. 

"Open this next," Alfie said handing me a thick envelope. "It's from your dad and me," he said nodding towards my dad who was smiling at Milo. 

I slipped my finger under the flap and opened it up. Inside was 500 pounds. I took it out and just stared it. "What's this for?" I asked looking first to Alfie and then to my dad. Both of them smiling like maniacs. 

"Read the letter sweetie," my dad said gesturing the envelope. I guess there was something I had missed. I set down the money and pulled out the note. It was typed up and looked very official. 

Dear Sweetie,

Alfie and I have been talking and it sounds like you two want to move in together? ;) As your father I am very sadened my this news, but I knew this day would come. Alfie and I have been working it all out and have already found an apartment for you two. He knows that you'll love it. I have decided to pay for your first month's rent. Merry Christmas. 

Love, DAD

I set the card down and stared at them both again. They just smiled back up at me. "Did you guys really do this?" I asked pointing to the card. They just nodded and I picked the thing back up rereadin through it to make sure I had read it correctly the first time. 

"Oh Alfie," I said standing up and walking over to him. I threw my arms upon him embracing him tightly. We were going to live together. We were going to be together always. 

"This is the best Christmas ever," I said with a grin. Milo mewwed in agreement.  


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