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I was with Louise and Matt as well as being with my beautiful Zoe. We had met up at the London underground and were all grabbing a taxi to Covent Garden where we were meeting everyone that was going to Harry Potter Studios. Apparently Warner Brother's Studios had arranged for a large bus to come and pick us up. I could hardly wait. 

I had made a sign to humour Zoe the night before with her name written on it as well as the words 'Little One.' It was a nickname that Marcus had come up with ages ago, back when we had filmed a video for Guinness World Records.

We had to had to wrap up Zoe and later after she had left Marcus told me how small he thought she was. The name hadn't really stuck though. When I was writing the sign it came back to my mind and I remembered how much I liked it. It was sweet. 

Zoe and I had kissed in the station and Louise had scolded us. She warned us how careful we would have to be. We weren't in Paris anymore that was for sure. 

The cab ride was fairly quick. Zoe and I held hands the whole way but she dropped mine when we got out. There were already a fair amount of fans waiting by the bus. I guess someone had leaked where we were going to be. I so badly wanted to grip Zoe's hand again but I stopped myself. 

She saw Fleur and ran ahead to talk to her. I felt left out but Louise comforted me. "She can't be with you 24/7 anymore Alf," she said softly. 

"I know," I said dejectedly looking at my feet. I could hear Zoe's voice. I wanted to hold her tight, but I couldn't. 

"Everyone get on the bus!" Tanya called. She hopped on first and everyone followed behind. Zoe sat in the front and I walked over to sit next to her but Tanya did instead. She turned and shot me a sympathetic look. I guess it was for the best though. 

I went and sat next to Joe instead. He started to talk to me about thatching rooves and I started to stare off into space and not listen. I loved Joe to death but he was constantly talking about his job. Nothing ever changed though he did the same thing day after day. 

The bus journey to the studio was only half an hour but it felt much shorter. I basically just thought about Zoe the entire time and how amazing it was that we were going to be sharing a hotel room, for the first time. We usually couldn't because all of the fans would find out but this time we would be careful. We wouldn't let anyone find out. 

Tanya and Jim led the way out of the bus, there were guides waiting for us at the entrance of the building. They started to lead us on their tour. It started the beginning of a very long day. 


The tour had not been as fun as I thought it would have. I vlogged the entire time but I probably wasn't going to put the video up on Youtube. I couldn't be bothered to edit it. I really loved to vlog, but editing, not so much. 

We were headed to the hotel now. The tour had been agony though. Everyone was vlogging and we had seen so many fans that I couldn't even get close to Zoe for fear of being caught. Zoe was even staying away from me. I knew that she was doing it for our own good but part of me felt like I was doing something wrong. 

We had to take seperate cabs back to the hotel and I went with Jim, Joe, and Tanya. I had wanted to go with Zoe but Louise had stopped me. I understood that they all wanted the best for us but it's not like I couldn't be seen with her. We were still friends to everyone on the internet. 

We all got out of the cab and went into the hotel lobby and I have to say it was one of the nicest hotels I had ever been in. Louise was waiting by the stairs and she ushered us over. She had already collected all of our keys. 

She handed them out one by one. She gave Joe his first, then Tanya and Jim's. Next she gave Maddie, Katie, and Lucy there's. They all walked to the stairs and up to their rooms. Their 'oohs' and 'awws' could be heard from downstairs. 

Apparently Tom Felton and a load of other famous people were staying here and it appeared to be really nice. The only people still needing their keys were Zoe and I as well as Matt and obviously Louise. I'm guessing that Zoe thought we were both getting singles. 

She looked at me and smiled when Louise handed me my key. I started to walk to the stairs and she didn't follow me. Then I turned back to her and grinned widely. "Come on little one," I said with a chuckle. 

She squealed a bit and followed me, Louise laughed and we headed up to our room. The number on the key was a handpainted seven. Our room was on the second floor. I slipped the key into the lock and turned it, opening the door slowly. 

Zoe ran inside dropping her suitcase on the floor. She ran straight to the large bed and jumped on top. "I'M CHRISTENING MY BED!!!" she called over and over again. I just strated to laugh and hopped onto the bed joining her. It was going to be a good few nights. 


It was early the next morning and I was scrolling through the Zalfie tag on Tumblr. Something I did when I was in a particularly good mood. It always made me a bit happier. Then I noticed something. It was a particularly long text post with a theory. 

It talked about how Tanya had tweeted about the piano in mine and Zoe's room and how I had tweeted a picture with a grand piano in our room. It then went on to mention that there was only one room in the Grove Hotel that happened to have a piano in it. They were basically saying that we were sharing a room. 

We were screwed. 

I just opted to ignore and hope that not a lot of other people would see it. I quickly logged out and shut my laptop. Zoe was already stirring. She opened her eyes and looked and me before smiling. "Hi," she said sleepily. 

"Hey little one," I whispered softly. 


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