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Thursday was an amazing day with Zoe. After I had woken up we watched The Notebook. I wasn't the fondest of that movie since I had seen it with Zoe at least a million other times but just being with her was what mattered. She snuggled up into my shoulder and it just felt really nice. 

That was basically all we had done that day. Sat together and watched various movies and Youtube videos. Caspar stayed in his room all day and it was perfect. It didn't matter what I was doing with Zoe, just the fact that I was with her was what mattered. 

The next day, Friday, was when we got ready for a trip. Zoe told me all of the places that she wanted to go and everything that she wanted to see. We sat at the table and planned out our entire trip. Since we were staying in a hotel in the middle of the city we would be able to see everything in Paris that Zoe wanted to. 

And that was Friday done. Zoe went to bed super early that night because she was smart. We had to leave for the airport the next day at 4 am. I was not smart and I went to bed at 1 am. Tumblr had sucked me into its depths yet again. 


"Wake up! Wake up!" I awoke the a pillow bashing against my head repeatedly. 

"Quit it already," I groaned. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking at the clock. It was 3:30 in the morning and I did not want to get up. I lay back down again and decided to rest my eyes for a bit. At least that's what I wanted to do. Instead I got the pillow in my face again. "Zoe! Stop it!" I said sitting up. 

I looked at her, she had moved from the bed to my desk chair. She was already dressed and she had her hair done. She didn't have any makeup on though since she didn't like to wear it on aeroplanes. 

I flanced at the clock once again and yawned. It was still 3:30. No person should ever have to see the clock say 3:30 am. It's just not right. I shooed Zoe out of my room before getting dressed in what I hoped would be comfortable clothes for the flight. Even though the trip would take a mere hour and 15 minutes I still wanted to be comfortable. 

After I had gotten dressed and run a hand through my hair I grabbed my large suitcase and opened the door walking into the living room. Zoe had her suitcase in front of her and was on her phone. Caspar was also awake. Sitting on the couch with his laptop. 

"Why are you up Caspar?" I asked sitting down next to Zoe and taking her hand in mine. I started to stroke it gently.

"You and Ms. Perfect over her woke me up," he said giving me a death glare. I understood where he was coming from. Zoe had woken me up when I didn't want to be up today too. 

"Sorry," I said sheepishly before turning my attention back to Zoe. "Are you ready?" I asked standing up. She stood up and nodded at me before smiling widely. She grabbed her suitcase and I grabbed mine and we were off. Just as the door was about to close Zoe spoke. 

"Sorry we woke you Casp!" she called with a giggle, right as the door clicked shut. 


"I'm so excited to see the Eiffel Tower!" Zoe kept telling me on the aeroplane. Our flight had been delayed an hour so we had had plenty of time to do nothing at the airport! Ya! But we were finally on the plane and we only had to be on it for an hour, so that was nice. 

I had wanted to sleep on the trip there but Zoe made that almost impossible. She was so incredibly excited about being in France, I could tell. She kept having mini freakouts. I was so happy that she was happy though. Even if it stopped me from having my nap. 

After an hour of listening to Zoe tell me how excited she was about ten different ways we had landed. Zoe gripped my hand tightly as we walked off the plane to security. We had our passports checked as we went through customs and then we were let free in the airport. 

I led the way to get our bags. It was easy to spot Zoe's since it was bright pink, but mine was a bit harder. It blended in with all the rest. After about fifteen minutes Zoe found it though. I pulled it off the belt and we were off. 

Zoe grabbed us a taxi which took us to our hotel room. Zoe kept squealing in my ear everytime she saw something pretty. I was really excited for her. She really was amazing. 

The taxi journey was quick and before we knew it we were at the hotel. I handed the guy the right number of Euros before stepping out and onto the pavement. Zoe ran ahead of me as I grabbed our luggage. She opened the door of the hotel and I followed. 

It was nice and cool inside and I took a breath of relief. We had made it. Travelling always made me a bit nervous but we were finally here. Zoe told the lady at the desk our names and room number and she pulled out the key from under her little table thing. 

Zoe came running back to me jumping up and down. "What?" I asked her with a small smile. 

"She has the coolest accent," Zoe said grinning up at me. We both started to laugh. The woman at the desk looked over at us and glared but neither of us cared one bit. 


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