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"I need to talk to you, know," I whispered into the phone. I had gotten out of telling the entire internet about me and Zoe but telling Louise I had to go to the bathroom. Why was she doing this to us? I knew she meant good but it didn't feel that way. 

"What?" Zoe hissed. I could tell she was in a bad mood. I just hoped that I wasn't the reason she was in a bad mood. 

"Louise is at my flat. She is practically forcing me into telling everybody about us," I said quietly. I was afraid of how Zoe was going to react to the words I had just said. 

"Don't do it. Tell her we'll be better. Alfie, we will be better, I promise. I have to go," she said this all very quickly and before I could stop her she had hung up. I briefly wondered why she had had to go in such a hurry but then I turned my mind back to the matter at hand. 

I could hear Louise talking on the phone outside of the bathroom door and I was currently freaking out. I flushed the toilet and ran the faucet for a bit to make it seem as if I had actually gone to the bathroom. I didn't want Louise to know that I was scared of her. 

I opened the door hesitantly and was immeadiately pounced on by Louise. "Alfie, I'm making you do this for your own good," she said with a smile. She handed me my phone yet again. I glanced down at the bright screen and clicked it off. 

"Thanks for the advice Louise but Zoe and I actually want to keep it a secret a little bit longer," I said with a smile. 

"Alfie-" she started to say.

"Louise, we're not going to tell until Zoe's ready," I said it again, making it final. 

"Okay, but I don't want Zoe panicking a lot anymore. It's putting a lot of strain on all of us and your relationship," she said before grabbing her bag and leaving without so much as a goodbye. I sighed, I hated fighting with Louise she was one of my favourite people in the entire world, but I loved Zoe more and I had to do this for her. 

Strange enough though, all of this talk about telling people and deciding we weren't going to had lifted a large weight off my shoulders. I felt, lighter. If that was even possible. 


After Louise had left I started to get ready for my trip to Paris with Zoe. I had totally forgotten about it until now. I was taking Zoe to Paris for the week, it had been her Valentine's present. She had texted me a little while after our phone call to remind me. I couldn't wait. 

I normally didn't start packing until the day that I left for holiday but this trip involved much more planning. This was technically Zoe's Valentine's present and I did not want to mess it up. 

I had already spent quite a few hours on the computer looking at fun and romantic places to visit and things to do. I had only been to France once before and we had only spent a day in Paris. To top it off it was a family holiday so we definitely did not do anything romantic. 

The suitcase I was bringing on this trip was ten times the size of one I have ever brought anywhere else before. I had decided on bring Zoe seven little gifts. I would give her a new one every single day we were there. I knew she was going to love it. 

I was really glad that we were fighting anymore, and especially that we weren't bickering about telling the viewers. When I started dating Zoe I never knew that any of this would happen, and I never wanted it to. But I was with Zoe and I wouldn't change that for the world. 

As I was pulling out shirts and trousers and socks and such my phone started to ring. I glanced down briefly at it before answering. It was Marcus. 

"Hey mate," he said, it sounded like he was in the car.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked with a large smile. I hadn't talked to Marcus in a while. Not properly since Playlist at least. 

"I'm great. Hey so Jack, Finn, and I are in London and we're headed to Nandos, want to come with?" I grimaced when I heard Jack's name being mentioned. He was the one who almost stole Zoe from me. I hadn't really talked to him since that day that Zoe and I had gotten together. 

"Erm, sure," I said slowly. I missed Marcus and Finn wasn't all that bad. It would be worth it, even if I had to see Jack. 

"Cool, see you in 15 then," Marcus said before hanging up. I clicked off my phone and looked down at the packing progress that I had made. Half of my suitcase was full the other half had loads of clothing spilling out of it. At least I still had tomorrow to pack. 

I grabbed my jacket and headed out. Caspar was out with friends so I locked up before catching a taxi. I was super excited to see Marcus. 

Sorry it's so short everyone! Tomorrow will be longer I promise! I hope you like the story so far. I love you!! ^_^ xxx

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