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"Zoe this is Leah and Richard and their son David," my dad said pointing to the woman then the husband and finally the boy. I sighed, it was going to be a long night and I still wasn't in the best of moods from the night before. 

David smiled at me and I managed to muster up a weak smile in return. "Did you tell Joe to come here?" my father asked me. 

"I knocked on his door, he knows," I said quietly. I really just felt like crying right now, but I had to hold it in. I was no longer alone with my family there were other people at the house. I needed to talk to Alfie but my dad wouldn't let me escape to my room for at least another hour, maybe two. 

I started to zone everybody out just following them into the living room and sitting down. I started to stare at a picture of me from when I was younger that was sitting on the mantle. That was when I had curly hair. I used to love my curly hair. 

"Zoe," my dad said. 

"What?" I said, my head snapping up, my mind quickly falling out of its dreamlike state. 

"Do you want to tell Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield what you do for a living?" he said with a smile. My dad always made me tell people about Youtube. He was so proud of me and just wanted to show me off but it actually annoyed me a little bit. I was like his trophy daughter. He thought that if people knew how popular I was on the internet he would be more likeable.

I started to talk about my blog and then shifted into Youtube trying to compact everything into about a five minute speech. The couple just kept nodding and smiling, pretending to be interested when I could tell that they weren't.

The boy, David, just kept staring at my boobs. 

About half-way through my little 'story' my phone started to ring. I wanted to answer it but my dad gave me a glare and I declined the call. It was from Louise. I would just call her back later. I hoped it wasn't too important. 

I continued to talk until I came to a close telling the couple that I was nearing one million subscribers. I think that that was the only thing that they actually found interesting. "Well let's eat now!" my dad said much to cheerily. 

I was bored, and I needed an excuse to get out of this lunch. Luckily one was about to happen to me anyway. 

The second we sat down at the table my phone rang again. My dad gave me yet another glare. I glanced down at it, Louise again. This time I had to answer. Louise never called twice in a row unless it was urgent. 

"I have to take this," I said accepting the call and pressing my phone to my ear. I left the room in a hurry before anyone could call me back. 

"Hey Louise," I said with a grin, in what I hoped was a cheery tone. I didn't want Louise to know that Alfie and I had fought. She would just tell me what had to be done and I didn't want to be reminded of that topic. 

"Check twitter," she said with a smug voice. I froze in the middle of the corridor. What was she talking about?

"Louise, what are you on about?" I started to say more but she had already hung up. I rushed into my room past Joe's open door. He had obviously been listening in to my conversation with the Hatfields. I gave him a glare, why had he been able to escape their terribleness? 

I swung open my door and went over to my bed opening the my laptop and quickly typing opening my twitter in a new tab. I froze the instant that my eyes spotted a new tweet from Alfie. My eyes quickly scanned it and I took a deep breath when I realised it had nothing to do about me. 

Why had Louise called me then? It quickly left my mind though when I recieved a text from Alfie. 

A- 'We have to talk'

I responded quickly, he was right, we really did. 

Z-'I'll call you'

I was about to call him when there was a knock at my door. I glanced up to see that boy, David at my door. 

"May I come in?" he asked already stepping past the doorway into my room. He picked up an old train ticket that was on my dresser. 

"Can you not touch that," I said standing up and snatching the scrap of paper from his hand. It was from when I had gone to see Alfie and I wanted to save it. "I actually have a call to make so if you could maybe go and hang out with Joe that would be great," I said. I really didn't like this boy. 

"Come out soon," he said with a wink. I groaned and shut the door the instant he left the room. I picked up my phone and dialled Alfie's number from number from memory. He picked up right away. 


Forbidden Love { A Zalfie Fanfic }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ