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My present for the day was the rose gold 'Yes' bracelet I had wanted for ages. I constantly told Alfie about it but I never thought he took note or even listened to me when I brougt it up. I put it on the instant I opened it. It was gorgeous. 

I was excited when Alfie said that all we were going to be doing today was shopping. I had thought that Alfie might take me to the Champs Elysees and we could go in Sephora and Mac but I was surprised when we got in the cab and he told the driver to take us somewhere I had never heard of. 

It turned out to be a very small street in the corner of Paris away from all of the hubbub. The street was covered with the cutest little boutiques. I wanted to go in all of them and buy loads of stuff. I was so excited. Alfie paid and then got out smiling at me. 

"What do you think?" he asked looking down at all the shops. 

"I think it looks amazing. How did you find this place?" I asked. I had no doubt that Alfie was the one who found out about this small street. But a small piece of me thought that he might have had some help. 

"Tanya's been here before and she told me she thought you would love it," he said with a grin. 

"Go Tanya," I said before pulling him into the shop closest to us. Everything turned out to be really pretty and really expensive. I didn't find anything that was worth the price but I found a load of stuff I would have liked to have bought.  

Alfie offered to buy so many things that I liked but I turned him down each time. He had already done way too much for me. He didn't have to be buying every single thing that I liked. I felt incredibly bad already that he taken me to France and spoiled me with all these things. All I had gotten him was a vlogging camera. 

We left the first boutique and the bell above the door chimed a bit. I looked around the street and found another one that looked amazing. I started to walk towards it when Alfie and I were stopped. 

"Zoe, Alfie?" two girls called, we turned to look at them. "Oh my gosh! Hi!" the first girl shrieked. 

"We love your videos," the other one added. 

"Can we have a picture?" they both spluttered at the same time. 

"Of course," I said with a grin. Alfie smiled at them. The first girl was shaking a bit I could tell that she was quite excited. The other one was a bit more confident of the two but I could tell she was really happy too. 

One of the pulled out there phones and we took a few pictures. "Thank you so much," the more confident girl said smiling. 

"That's alright," Alfie said smiling back at her. 

"Bye!" the girls shrieked before running off tittering to one another. I smiled as they ran off. That was one of my favourite parts of doing Youtube. Having people recognise you on the street. Hvaing people you didn't even know care so much about you. It really was amazing. 

"They seemed nice," Alfie said as we walked into the second shop. This one was just as cute but by looking at the pricetags it was much cheaper. 

"They did," I said looked through a rack with quite a few dresses. I pulled out a light creme coloured one with a pearl collar and held it up to my body. "Do you like this?" I asked Alfie. He turned to look at me. 

"It looks beautiful," he said with a smile. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not but he sure was convincing. 

"Okay I'll try it on later. Can you hold it?" I asked handing him the hanger. He took it with a smile. 

"Of course babe," he said following me as I wandered around the shop. I found a few more dresses and a top I really liked. I made Alfie carry all of them until I was ready to try them on. I took them all from him and went into the dressing room. 

I decided to get all four dresses and the top. They all looked amazing and they weren't all that expensive anyway. Also, this trip was a change for me to endulge myself. I quickly put on the dress I had entered the shop in and pulled back the curtain. Alfie was sitting on a chair outside the dressing room waiting for me. 

He stood up when he saw me. "So what's the verdict?" he asked gesturing at the clothes in my hand. 

"I'm getting them all!" I said grinning. I knew that Alfie would try and tell me that he would buy them for me but I wouldn't let him. Thankfully he knew that that made me uncomfortable and he didn't ask. I went up to the woman at the till and handed her my new items. She rang me up and I gave her the money. 

The bag that my clothes went into was the cutest little thing ever. It was just like any other bag but the French words on the front were in the best cursive font. As we left the store I called out 'Merci!' to the woman at the till. She smiled at us before the door closed. 

"I can hold your bag for you," Alfie said reaching out his hand to take it from me. 

"Thanks," I said kissing him briefly on the lips. 

We spent the next two hours wandering through all of the shops on the cute street before searching for a place to have lunch. We ended up finding the quaintest little place. I ordered a cheese quiche and Alfie ordered escargot. 

I still couldn't believe that he had eaten snails for lunch. It grossed me out a bit. After lunch we went around and shopped a bit more but I was getting really tired. And Alfie was carrying about five of my shopping bags. It was time to go back to the hotel. 

I had kissed Alfie a few more times in public but I was being a bit more wary. Ever since we saw those two girls earlier in the day I was a bit more paranoid. I didn't want anyone to see us as a couple. It was okay if they thought we were here as friends though. As much as I hated keeping us a secret I just wasn't ready to tell everyone. Not yet anyway. 


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