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"Goodnight Alf," I said softly. After we had gone out for drinks Alfie and I had made our way back to his apartment. I was surprised when Caspar wasn't there. But I didn't question it. It let me have some personal time with Alfie. 

We really just hung out on his bed and talked. And that felt like the best thing ever. Being there alone with my best friend, and no one to stop us. No one to try and force us together, and no one to blow our cover. It felt amazing. 

I fell asleep in his arms, it was perfect. 


I had to leave the next morning but I was looking forward to the days to come. Alfie and I were going to stay at Jim and Tanya's for a couple of days and film a few videos as well just travel around Norwich. I had only been a few times and I was excited to see more of the town. 

"I'll meet you in Norwich in four days then, right?" I asked kissing him softly on the lips. I pulled back and smiled at him. 

"Indeed, see you soon," he said. Then he leaned in and kissed me again. I was going to miss him for those four days but luckily I would get to see him again fairly soon. I was so excited to spend quality time with him alone. There wouldn't be anyone around to bother us. 

And I was also excited to film some videos with Tanya and Jim. They were so nice and I wanted to get to know them a little bit better than what I already did. 


The next four days alone in Bath were boring, and well lonely. Joe was away with friends so it was just me and my dad. I edited a few videos but that was it. Other than that I spent the rest of that time talking to Alfie on the phone. 

We were both hyping each other up about the trip. I was a little bit sad that I wouldn't be going to go to Norwich with Alfie. I hated being on trains alone, and I really didn't want to panic. Hopefully everything would go alright though. 

I was meeting up with Alfie in Norwich so everything was going to be fine. 

I hated packing for things, so of course I saved it to the last minute. I was on the phone with Alfie so I put him on speaker phone. I didn't want to stop talking to him. 

"I hate packing," I moaned. Alfie just started to laugh. "Don't laugh! Have you even started packing?" I asked. I knew that he probably hadn't even touched his suitcase. 

"I finished yesterday afternoon," he said sounding very smug. 

"You were on the phone talking to me and you told me you were on Tumblr," I said with a wicked smile. I knew he couldn't see me smiling but I did it anyway. 

"I guess I've been caught. I have yet to touch my suitcase," he said with a chuckle. It was my turn to laugh now. That was exactly what I was thinking before he had even said it. 

Alfie and I continued to talk on the phone for a while as I lifted up shirt after shirt folding them and placing them neatly into my suitcase. I knew that Alfie was going to be doing the exact opposite of this. He would start packing half an hour before his train left and he would end up throwing everything into his bag. 


"Alfie!!" I shrieked running up to him in the train station. I embraced him tightly. The train journey had been dreadful but everything was okay now. I was going to have a really fun week, I alredy knew it. 


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