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The next four days were torture for me. I was away from Zoe knowing that in a short few days I would be with her again. I was excited to get to see her. We would be away in Norwich with Jim and Tanya and it would be amazing. I could hardly wait. 

I spent the next four days away from Zoe on the phone with her. It was as if she hadn't really left. We spent most of every day talking to each other. We talked about a lot of the stuff, but the topic of conversation never once drifted to telling our viewers. And I didn't think it would for a while. 

We would tell our viewers when I hit one million subscribers, that was the end of it. I knew Zoe hated talking about it, so I just let it drop. Zoe wanted us to be a normal couple, unfortunately that was never going to happen. Hardcore Zalfie shippers were always on us, taking small tweets and stringing them together figuring out that we had been together even though we never said it. 

Like Louise had said, we had to be careful. 

I was on the phone with Zoe the day before we were due to see each other. I could tell that she had put me on speaker since she was packing. I was sat in my desk chair on the computer. Tumblr kept pulling me into it's deep dark depths. I couldn't get away. 

When Zoe asked me if I had finished packing I lied telling her I had finished the day before. I said it with confidence and a smug smile. 

"You were on the phone talking to me and you told me you were on Tumblr," Zoe said with a small giggle. 

"I guess I've been caught," I said with fake reluctance. "I have yet to touch my suitcase," I added with a small chuckle. I glanced over to the other side of my room where my empty suitcase was sitting. I had pulled it out from under the bed, that had to count for something. 

Zoe started to laugh as the conversation slowly drifted from packing to what we were going to do in Norwich. I knew that we were filming a few videos as well as touring around the town a bit. Tanya had called me earlier in the week telling me all the places she was going to take us. She was nearly as excited as me and Zoe combined. 


I hung up with Zoe about an hour later and set the phone down. I could be packing now, or I could continue scrolling down on Tumblr. Half of me didn't want to move, but the other half didn't want to be rushed tomorrow. I could hear Marcus' voice in my head telling me to pack. 

He was always the one who told me how I was always late and disorganised. He knew me well. 

I ended up staying on the computer for about another hour but then I finally stood up and started to pack. I wasn't going to be late tomorrow, that had to count for something. I threw shirts, trousers, and socks into my bag. I zipped it all of and sat down on my bed. I was ready for the week to come and I couldn't wait for it. 


As I woke up the next morning all I could think about was Zoe. I didn't like us taking seperate trains to Norwich but it was what made sense. Why would Zoe come two hours to London just to go two more to Norwich. It was impractical. 

I knew that Zoe had been panicking a lot lately though and I didn't want her to on the train. I thought about calling her and talking her through it but talked myself out of it. If she needed me she would call. 

The train journey was fine for me except for the fact that I had to sit next to this really smelly man. It looked and smelled as if he hadn't showered in ages. Other than that it was fine enough. I just wanted to be there already. 

I got off at the station and texted Zoe telling her where I would wait for her. I walked over to a bench and sank down onto it. After getting my luggage all organised I pulled out my phone yet again to text Tanya and Jim. I told them I had arrived and that Zoe would be here in half an hour. They were going to be picking us up from the train station. 

Whilst waiting for Zoe I pulled out my phone and scrolled through twitter. There wasn't anything really interesting. I typed out a quick text saying that I was staying with Tanya and Jim for a while in Norwich. I didn't mention Zoe. Why give the shippers more fuel for their already bright fire? It didn't make any sense. They would figure it out anyway as Zoe or Tanya would tweet about it. 

After a little while I got a text from Zoe saying her train had just arrived and that she would come see me in a few minutes. I smiled replying to the text with a simple smily face. I really did love her, and I knew it because we had only been away from each other for four days and I missed her loads. 

"Alfie!!" I looked up seeing Zoe run towards me. She had her bright pink suitcase trailing behind her, her handbag flailing in the crook of her arm. 

"Zo," I said softly, embracing her in a warm hug. I took my hand and gently tilted her head up to mine kissing her lips passionately. I didn't care if anyone saw, nothing mattered in the world right now except Zoe. And the fact that we were together. 

"Hello lovebirds!" Zoe and I broke away turning to see Jim and Tanya. I started to blush softly and looked away. 

"Tanya, Jim!" Zoe said cherrily giving them both hugs. 

"Hey guys," I said with a smile giving them hugs as well. 

"Ready to go?" Tanya asked smiling up at us. It was going to be a great week. I just knew it. I grabbed Zoe's hand and squeezed it gently as we followed Jim and Tanya to their car. I didn't know everything we were going to do this week but it didn't matter, so long as I was with Zoe. 

I hope you lovelies like the story so far!! Thank you for reading! ^_^ xxx

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