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"Zoe can you get that for me," I called softly whilst juggling two bottles and trying to put my shoes on. The phone had just started to ring and there was no way I was getting to it. Zoe walked in the kitchen and answered. I started to heat up the bottles. 

Crying could already be heard from the room down the corridor. Jasmine and Blake were already awake. I set the bottles on the counter and walked down to see the them. I was greeted first by Milo and Monty who were sleeping on the floor and then by the two babies standing up in their cribs. 

Both were red-faced and crying. I picked them both up and changed their diapers and got them in fresh clothes before bringing them to the kitchen. Zoe was still on the phone writing something down on a sheet of paper. 

I kept glancing at the clock, worried that I would be late for work. I sat down in the chair at the table and first put Jasmine into her chair. I gave her a small toy to play with whilst I fed Blake. Blake had almost finished his bottle when Zoe hung up the phone with a sigh. 

"What is it?" I asked looking at her.

"Tanya wants me to come to work today and hire a babysitter for the kids but I just can't. Not yet anyway," she said with a smile towards the small children. She then looked at the clock before looking back to me. "You better get to work. I'll feed Jasmine," she said walking over and taking Blake from me. 

She moved Blake to a highchair and took Jasmine from hers. "I love you," I said grabbing my bag and kissing Zoe briefly as well as the babies. I walked down the hall and called out behind me, "I'll be home by 3!" I opened the door and headed out into town. The cats both hopped up onto the window ledge and watched me leave. 

Zoe and I had been married for five years and had lived in our own house for two. Our two children Jasmine and Blake were twins who were almost 1 year old. Milo and Monty were now seven and didn't really like the kids yet. 

We lived in Marlow, which was just outside of London. Everyday I took the train into London to go and work with Marcus and Tyler at Google Headquarters. We helped out with all the new Youtubers and everything. 

I still filmed videos though. Both Zoe and I did. We filmed a lot of videos together and had even vlogged as a couple a few times. Our fans slowly started to lose interest in us though and even though we both had way over 10 million subscribers only about 300,000 peple watched us. 

I liked it that way though. You could connect with more people and it all felt more real. 

Everything had been going great with me and Zoe since that Christmas seven years ago. That video we had uploaded that day had been a hit. Zoe had come up with the idea and it had worked out amazingly. She wanted to a do a video where we basically did everything the viewers had ever asked for. 

The video ended up being around half an hour but it was worth it. We did coupley vlogs, fanfiction come to life, the boyfriend tag, boyfriend does my makeup. Everything you could ever think of. That Christmas was had become an online couple. 

And it really wasn't that bad, it was amazing actually. That was right around when we had a surge of subscribers and both Zoe and I hit four million subscribers. Everything was going so fast, but it all seemed right at the same time. 

I proposed to Zoe two years after that Christmas in that small restaurant in Paris. The one with the beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower. At the time Zoe told me she was surprised, but later she said she knew the entire time it was coming. 

We lived in that small apartment I picked out for us for five years. It was the perfect size for us and the cats and it was close to everything we needed in London. But then we found out Zoe was pregnant and we knew that that small apartment wasn't going to work for us anymore. We definitely knew it wasn't going to work when we found out Zoe was going to have twins. 

I couldn't be more happy though. I had wanted to be a dad my entire life, and knowing that these children Zoe was going to have were going to be mine was an amazing feeling. Darcy couldn't be more happy about the kids either. 

We had made Louise and Matt the godparents and Darcy loved the little babies to death. She was nine when they were born and to her they were like little dolls. She came to visit all the time. 

Tanya and Jim even had a few kids of their own and we knew both of our kids were going to be the best of friends. Joe was loving being an Uncle and he even had a serious girlfriend. He had had to stop Youtube a while back because it got in the way with his job, but he still tried to connect with people. 

Marcus and Niomi had gotten married but they hadn't had kids. Personally, I didn't think they ever were going to. But they sure did have a lot of cats. They visited occasionally but since they lived in Brighton we didn't see each other very often anymore. Zoe and I didn't travel a lot together anymore because of the babies. Maybe when they were older. 

In the end we were very happy with our lives. Everything had worked out for the best. To think that I had fallen in love with someone I had absolutely no chance with and then ended up getting married to her was a pretty amazing thought. 

It just goes to show you that anything is possible if you want it to be. 

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