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The next few days in Paris went by in rapid succession. Zoe got the remaining for gifts I had gotten for her. A giftcard to the orignial Sephora. Tickets to see a movie in a really old theatre. A jumper she had wanted for ages, and a new tripod. Little did she know that I had an extra bonus gift for her on our last day. 

She got the tripod in the morning, but there was a speical gift for her in the evening. 

"I don't want to go home," Zoe whined as she started to pack up the hotel room. In the week that we had been there it had become quite cluttered and Zoe's stuff had made itself everywhere. She even found a pair of socks wedged in the far corner under the bed. 

I was helping her to gather up her stuff as well as packing my own stuff. "Don't forget to leave out a dress for tonight. I'm taking you somewhere really special," I said. I had to keep reminding her that we were going out tonight. 

Today had been our lazy day. Zoe had stayed in her pyjamas the whole day and she had uploaded a video for her main channel that she had pre-recorded with Louise. I had really done nothing, but it had been maybe one of my favourite days in Paris. 

Just being with Zoe in the city of love was amazing. Being in this nice hotel with a view of the Eiffel Tower was even better. We just needed each other and we were set. Well at least I was. I put the final pair of trousers in my suitcase before zipping it up. 

I had already pulled out my outfit for dinner that night and I was going to wear the clothes I was currently wearing tomorrow on the plane. Everything was set. I kept glancing at the clock on the wall waiting for it to be 5 o'clock. Waiting for when I could take Zoe out. 

At 4 Zoe stood up from the bed and stretched. "I'm going to get ready," she said with a grin before disappearing into the bathroom. The door clicked shut. I sighed, I guess I might as well get ready too. I pulled on my nicer trousers and shirt before slipping my feet into my shoes. 

I looked in the mirror on the vanity and ran a hand through my hair. This was the nicest I was going to get. It had only taken me five minutes to get ready, but I knew Zoe would be in the bathroom for fourty more. Thank goodness I had the internet to aid me with my boredom. 

I kept checking my wallet to make sure that Zoe's final present was there. This was the one that I had been waiting to give her for ages. I had made sure that everything was planned and I was so excited for her to get it. I knew she was going to be completely surprised. 

Finally after the fourty minutes that I had expected would take Zoe to get ready the door creaked open. "Alfie can you help me with my zipper?" she asked. I hopped off the bed and walked over to her. Her hair was done in a jazzy knot on the nape of her neck. It looked gorgeous. 

Zoe was wearing a beautiful lacy white dress that fit her perfectly. I carefully pulled the zipper up, careful not to get her skin. She then turned around and kissed me without warning. "What was that for?" I asked with a laugh. 

"Just because I love you," she said with a smile. She walked out of the bathroom and slipped her tiny feet into a pair of black flats before grabbing her jacket and her handbag. "I'm ready!" she said. I knew that she was excited about where we were going to dinner. I had told her that it was a surprise. 

I followed her out of the hotel and onto the streets of Paris. The restaurant we were going to was so close to the hotel that we wouldn't need to take a cab. I took Zoe's small hand in my large one and gripped it tightly. We were off to have our final meal in Paris. 

I was sad, but also happy. This trip that I had spent ages on had actually gone right. Everything that I had wanted to happen, had happened. It had gone perfectly. I just hoped that Zoe felt that way too. 

Zoe and I were walking for about ten minutes when I turned us down a dimly-lit street that didn't have any people on it. "Why are we going this way?" Zoe asked turning to look at me. 

"Just wait," I said. I led her down the street until we got to the corner. We turned left and Zoe gasped. We were now facing the Eiffel Tower and it looked amazing. All lit up, it was the perfect view. "Just wait," I said with a large smile. 

I led her to the end of this smaller street which dead-ended in a small restaurant. The lights inside were bright and inviting and there didn't seem to be anyone inside. I opened the door and a bell above us jingled lightly. 

A woman sitting over in the corner stood up and walked over to us. 

"Francais? Ou English?" she asked holding out two menus for us. 

"English," Zoe said pointing to the one we could both read. 

"Right this way," the woman led us to a darker booth in the corner of the restaurant. When we looked out the window we had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. Zoe pulled out her phone and snapped a picture. We had already decided before the trip though that I was going to pretend that I wasn't even here with her. That way it wouldn't be too obvious for all the Zalfie shippers. 


Zoe was curled up in my arms and we were looking out the window at the Eiffel Tower. It was beautiful. We had both finished our meals and even eaten dessert. The woman had taken away our dishes and told us we could stay as long as we wanted. 

Zoe had told me that she wanted to stay forever. I just laughed. 

I kept fingering the envelope in my wallet, itching to give it to Zoe. I wanted to wait until the perfect moment though. I kept glancing at my phone to see the time and decided that I would give it to Zoe when the Eiffel Tower sparkled again. That would only be ten minutes.

Zoe leaned her head on my chest and I started to stroke her hair. We stayed like this for ten minutes before the tower erupted in lights. Zoe squealed in enjoyment and I pulled out the small envelope. 

Zoe removed her head from my chest and turned to look at me. "What's that?" she asked. her eyes torn away from the glittering tower and to my hand. I had spent ages decorating the envelope with polka dots of all different colours and sizes. I really hoped Zoe would like it. 

"It's for you," I said handing it to her. I was so excited for her to open it up. 

"I already got my present for the day though..." she said, her voice trailing off in confusion. 

I repeated my words from the first day we were in Paris. "Just open it." She smiled and carefully slid her finger under the flap lifting it up. She pulled out what was inside and read the papers quickly before dropping them on the table. 

"No, you didn't..." she said slowly, her eyes starting to well up with tears. I just nodded. "You did not Alfred Sidney Deyes," she said again this time the tears falling down her onto her cheeks making her makeup smear. She just reached out and hugged me, and she didn't let go.

We were going to Greece together.


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