Chapter 12: Realisations

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* Sam’s POV *

I sit there and think of a million reasons of why to get over you, I can think of so many, but the number one reason is because I know we're just friends, and that's all we'll ever be, but I guess a small part of me still holds onto a little bit of hope, that one day, just maybe, we could be more...

Being a part of the popular crowd, you get to be entitled to perks compared to the average students. People think that we all get the perks just because we’re on top of the social ladder. That’s not exactly true. We worked very hard to be “cool” to other people and have the latest gadgets and styles to be considered still in the group. We have to like certain people and pretend that we’re not into those mainstream things. We’re not allowed to like anyone else that doesn’t belong in the group. The subordinates have to follow their leader, or else you’re out.

It was hard for me. I can’t say what I want or do what I want. I was following some guy who thinks he rules the school. If only I could get away from him, I would, but at that time he was my only friend. Robert and I have been friends since we were young. He was like a best friend to me, and I was like a sister to him. I was friend zoned, but it didn’t matter because I wasn’t in love with him. I was in love with someone else who I can’t have. Jai Brooks.

I have been crushing on Jai since 8th grade. He wasn’t doing the Janoskians yet. He was a bit shy, and I have him in some of my classes. I wasn’t really vocal on having crushes in school. I wasn’t vocal about any guy at all. It was just a simple crush and I bet when a new one comes along, I’d forget about him. I did for awhile, until they started the Janoskians, my thing for him had developed.

Tiffany and I were the close ones in the group. She likes the Janoskians as well and she was the only one I talk to and knows about Jai. Tiffany likes Jai’s big brother, Beau though. There was a time when we were watching their videos. Robert and the other guys came in and saw what we were watching. “You two like the Janoskians? They’re faggots!” Robert said.

I remember back then when he said that. “No, actually we were just checking it out why the other people like it.” Tiffany reasoned out, pretending we didn’t really like them.

We didn’t have much friends so it was hard for us to tell them that YES, we do like the Janoskians. We knew that if we talked now, our social lives in school would get messed up. I didn’t have any friends besides them so we kept our mouth shut. Tiffany and I never talked about them again, unless it’s just us two.

Being in the “in” crowd is hard. I haven’t told anyone this but if it were me, I’d start school being an average person who gets more friends. I had to do something. I can’t shut up my whole life. I have to take a step and move forward. I did when I met Andi.

Andi was new in school and she gets to hang out with the “in” crowd on the first day with no hard work. I was the one who introduced her to everyone after I met her in History class. Jai Brooks was her first friend. I saw how Jai communicated with her. I don’t know how she did it but I have been honestly trying to do that with Jai since this crush has started. I failed many times.

Being friends with Andi was amazing. She’s pretty awesome. I can’t believe she was bullied in her old school. She trusted me on her first week. She was there to listen and be heard. To me, she was a fighter. She came to Australia scared that she will get bullied even more, but she fought for it and changed some things in her life. She follows what’s right even if she’d lose some friends. She isn’t afraid to speak up anymore. She slapped Robert in the face with her awesome comeback. She’s one who’s not gonna follow you just because you’re on the top ladder.

When I heard about that, I got scared for her. I knew how Robert treats people and she was my friend. I wouldn’t do anything to her even if Robert asked me to. But I was wrong. He didn’t do anything. He moved on. I think Robert got a thing for her and he was mad because of Jai Brooks being Andi’s friend. It was the first time Robert didn’t do anything to someone who didn’t follow him. It was a miracle.

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