Chapter 22: Love vs. Friends

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* Luke’s POV *

And now I’ve lost one thing I love the most, the one that kept me alive in the past few months. I lost the girl I love for protecting a friend. A friend who I thought would protect me with happiness and would be happy for me. I believed everything she said today. Even though I’ve known Connor longer, her story was more credible. But I need a back up…

I need to talk to someone who can back up what Andi said. Kaity was a good choice but she hates me right now. I thought of Julie. She has always supported me. I got my phone out and called her.

“Hey Julie, what’s up?”

“I’m good. I’m hanging out with Sam right now.”

“Would you please help me with something?”

“Is it about Andi?”

“Yeah, but it’s more of what she told you about Connor. Will you tell me everything?” I requested. She hesitated for a bit. She didn’t want to speak up. “Please… I do believe Andi. But I’ve known Connor my whole life. I need to know.” I begged. “Andi needs me right now but I can’t come back to her if this couldn’t be sorted out.” I continued. “Please I can’t lose Andi forever. Help me please.” I cried.

“What happened?”

“You don’t know? She’s confined at the hospital right now.”

“What? When? Why?”

“Jai, Kaity, and Karl brought her early this morning…”

“Jai? Jai was there?”

“Yeah, Kaity called him last night.”

“What do you want to know?” Julie asked.

“Tell me what Andi said about Connor.” I requested. Julie confirmed everything that Andi said was right. I felt like I was stuck in the middle. I felt like being in prison for something I didn’t do, something I wasn’t aware of.

I texted Connor, “What’s up, man?”

“I’m good. Wanna do something today? I’m bored.” he replied.

“I’ll come to your house.” I replied. I took a cab from the hospital to his house. He was home alone so it was easier to talk to him.

“Hey, let’s watch a movie!” He suggested.

“Connor, we need to talk.” I uttered.

“You’re not breaking up with me are you?” He joked around and laughed. “So how was Paige?”

He stopped when he saw that I was serious. “I’m not really here to hang out. You’re my friend but I hope you would tell the truth. Did you tell Andi she wasn’t good enough for us?”

By the looks of the way he acted, Andi was telling the truth. I didn’t even have to hear it. “Why did you do that? Was the Sydney thing planned? I saved you because you’re my friend and I thought I was doing you a favor but instead this is what I get? Andi and I are over thanks to you! You ruined my life and she doesn’t want me back anymore.”

“Luke, I just want the best for you.”

“She was the best for me! I love her so much! She’s my life!” I yelled. “Not every girl is the same. I know you got your heart broken before but not every relationship is the same. What she had with Jai was different and it was already sorted out. You don’t know everything. Just because Jai and Andi didn’t end up together, it doesn’t mean she was playing with me. We love each other and now everything is ruined.” I screamed. I was very upset. “I didn’t expect this from you. You were my friend for so long.”

I cried. I sat on the pavement and my tears were just flowing. “If you really want me to be happy, or Jai, just let us have Andi.” I uttered.

“I’m sorry, bro. I didn’t know.”  

“I can talk to her for you and reason out.”

“It’s too late. Jai got her back.”

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“When Jai told me I can love Andi, he said if I hurt her, he’ll get her back and this was it.” I cried. “He won’t even let me get near Andi now.”

“Is that what happened to your face?” He inquired.

“Yeah, I shouldn’t have hurt her. I can’t forgive myself for what had happened to her now.” I said. “I’m the worst boyfriend ever!”

“What do you mean? What happened?”

“She’s confined in the hospital right now.” I sighed.

* Connor’s POV *

Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what. I hurt two of my brothers today because of a girl they liked. I need to work these things out. I have never seen Luke cried like that for a girl. It’s not just any other girl. It’s Andi.

As soon as Luke left the house, I went inside my room to ponder on what to do. I need to fix this. It wasn’t Luke’s fault, but mine. I don’t know what to say. All I know is that I have to clear out Luke’s name not just with Andi, but to everyone that was involved.

I never felt this before. I was mad at myself for hurting my two friends. I got in the middle of things. I planned all these. Our other friends have been calling me. They must have heard what happened. I didn’t want to talk with anyone. I turned off my phone and headed to the hospital. I wanted to talk to Andi but I'm not sure if she would ever want to see me. I was worried at what Luke would do. I have never seen him that way.

I was scared to see her. Luke mentioned Jai was with her so I was worried that he wouldn't talk to me or let me talk with Andi. But I have to fix this. I don't care if they push me away. I have to do what I gotta do. I went to the nurse station and asked where Andrea Gomez was staying at.

"Room 609." The lady at the reception told me.

I knocked on the door. "It's open. Come in." A guy yelled. I took a deep breath and then opened the door. Everyone looked at me.

"Hi Andrea. Luke told me you were here..." I greeted. I wasn't sure how to start. I need to apologize.

 "Congratulations! You won! You may leave now." Andi said. She clearly didn't want to talk to me.

"I'm sorry, Andi. You don't have to forgive me but please forgive Luke. He loves you!" I explained.

"That's between me and Luke now. I didn't think I had to keep you posted. I'm sorry Luke and I talked. Is that legal?" She was being sarcastic but I didn't mind. I deserve everything.

"Andrea, please let me explain everything." She went to face her other side.

"Just leave." Jai said. "She doesn't wanna talk to you and I don't either."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I was focused on Jai getting hurt when you left him and went out with Luke. But Luke explained everything. He said you didn't have anything to do with it. I'm sorry for messing it up. You guys, I promise you I'll fix everything." I cried out.

"You've done so much. Leave me alone! You're worried? Then go to Luke." Andi yelled. She was still worried of Luke even though they broke up. She must have loved him so much.

I ruined their perfect relationship. 

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